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Saul Goodman

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Box Office Gold

Box Office Gold (6/10)



  1. The opening sequence is great, classic Indy. But everything after it could have been a lot better. Mangold and the writers seemed to have phoned it in. The movie is literally carried by Ford and Mads.
  2. I do see over enthusiastic Indian DC fans on twitter/social media so thought it would be huge there lol.
  3. Saw a clip and I'm surprised how naive people were when they thought the CGI would be fixed before release lol. WB gonna WB. At least with Aquabro 2 it hopefully won't be a problem with Wan at helm.
  4. Last official promo/clip was uploaded a good two weeks ago. At least the marketing isn't in your face all the time like star war.
  5. Had no idea there would be another screening for these more mainstream bloggers/critics. Disney needs to start their final marketing push in like 2 weeks.
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