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Everything posted by Starphanluke

  1. Dune 2 has such fascinating patterns. Soft Tuesday and Friday bumps, but massive Saturday bumps and muted Thursday drops. I imagine it’s all just impacted by spillover PLF demand and runtime.
  2. You are so hung up on this, but there is like… no billion talk here. I remember maybe one post like last Saturday. Some people who don’t follow BO on Twitter have mentioned it, but there’s like… no harm in that. And $300m IS a real possibility. That’s why people bring it up. That’s the whole point of discussion. Not sure why you’re so insistent on trying to shoot down discussion on a literal forum.
  3. Time for the “it’s so over” crowd to swoop back in. (12.3 is good. I’m interested to see Saturday jump. That’s where things got interesting last week).
  4. Sorry if this is a dumb question: by ratios, do you mean presales to total sales ratio?
  5. Nutty Thursday number for Dune. Sure looks like we are looking at two $50m+ movies this weekend. Finally a jolt of life at theaters.
  6. Alright I’m as excited about Dune as anyone else, but let’s cool it with the billion talk lmao.
  7. Obviously want to keep expectations in check, but a $50m second weekend would be so cool to see. That would be legit “breakout” territory. I’m especially interested to see what this week’s Saturday jump looks like.
  8. Damn. Strong Wednesday. Let’s see how Thursday holds—this weekend could get interesting.
  9. I think we’re finally looking at a very interesting race for #1 this weekend
  10. Yeah I’m feeling kinda bullish on Dune’s 2nd weekend. PLF demand, strong presales already, lots of people in exit polls saying they want to see it a second time, and—I say this unironically—the power of internet memes. I think $45m could easily be in the cards.
  11. Saw a notification about a new post and got excited thinking there was news :’) But also, Peter deserves better omg.
  12. China is tracking to do maybe $50m ish total as well. With WOM and general lack of competition, it should get to $600m.
  13. I’m seeing the narrative pop up online that since this debuted similar to Oppenheimer, it will also gross $900m+. Whole lotta people are going to be disappointed. I still see it ending in the $600-700m range, which is a great result. Of course it would be great to see Dune go higher, but you have to keep those expectations in check. Also, Deadline is sticking with the $50m prediction for KFP4 which feels… optimistic.
  14. We see earlier in the movie that he knows the only way he’ll defeat Feyd (“a narrow way through” + the shot of his Crysknife in Feyd’s chest). So that whole duel, he is setting up for that scenario. He allows Feyd to stab him in the side and shoulder so he can do the “sneak attack.”
  15. I don’t think it’s quite that simple. Though it seems like a good target. The big factors we just can’t measure yet are how China will perform and what effect the pretty insane WOM will have.
  16. Will be interested to see where this ends up WW. Does it have the juice to get to $600m? I hope so. Guess we’ll find out.
  17. By the way, underestimated or not, that’s still a big win for Dune.
  18. Feels like a lowball. I could see it inching closer to 84-85ish in the end.
  19. They don’t have to give a date that’s soon, or even date it at all. I think they’ll just confirm it’s happening.
  20. If this thing has an 8 in front of it’s number for the weekend, WB and Legendary will do what they did last time and announce Messiah this week.
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