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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I think people feel this movie faded away sinply because there hasn't been sequels. Reality is it's just old without any spinoffs to keep it relevant. Star Wars too would have felt like it faded away in 1977 had they not made a sequel for 13 years. Avatar became the cool movie to shit on over the past few years. Some feel if they announce their dislike for really popular movies, others will see them as more interesting people but tends to have an opposite effect. Reality is people love Avatar, they just don't feel the need to talk about it constantly
  2. She is so hot. Beautiful eyes, perfect body, great actress, best bond girl ever
  3. I like the first movie for its entertainment value. I like how it was one of the only superhero movie to have an attract lead look like shit the whole film. No topless shots or bulging muscles, just Tom Hardy looking like he's on crack all movie.
  4. I swear Trump lives in all your heads rent free 😂
  5. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.sky.com/story/amp/china-bans-under-18s-from-playing-online-games-for-more-than-an-hour-a-day-12395135 Banning children from playing video games when they want? China is a scary place
  6. So all critics should like the same things? Critics can't always be trusted, eapecially with comedies. So many hilarious movies are panned by critics, always makes me laugh because I've met critics and they're not funny so having their opinion on humour is something none of us want
  7. Well if it beat out them then obviously not very noteworthy at all
  8. I remember the trailers for Iron Man 3, telling all my mates how badass he would be as a villain (after watching Sexy Beast) and he ended up being just a drunk Brit. Brilliant
  9. As someone who always found Kristen Stewart to be a poor actor, kudos for taking this role on. As a Brit though, seriously why the fascination with our royal family?
  10. That's the thing, gaming is what I would use it for most. Then again a monitor would be cheaper. If I had a spare room big enough I'd love a projector for films
  11. I still don't even have a 4k TV. Spent £2200 on a 3D TV back in 2012 and couldn't justify buying another so soon. I know as soon as I get a 4k screen, 8k will start becoming cheaper. I sometimes just go to my local Currys and stare at all the ridiculously priced TV's I can't afford, those 8k's look amazing
  12. I never knew that. I guess I've become accustomed to high resolution that it was a shock
  13. I remember Jurassic World's trailer having massive views yet no article ever predicted it to be the hit it was. I won't make the same mistake with this. Spider-Man has smashed the OW record twice already, I wouldn't be surprised to see it top IW's opening. Endgame though seems too out of reach for anything in the foreseable future
  14. I haven't seen the 2nd since the cinema yet I remember really enjoying it. I just hate fast zombies, too stressful
  15. 28 days later is a hard watch today. It looks like it was made on a cam corder. One of the earlier scene with him in the church was frightening
  16. I used to love that movie as a kid. The Decent was good too
  17. Been trying to keep updated on the news in Afghan but I'm struggling to find anything on any station. I'm guessing it's the Teleban
  18. Solo looked shit but ended up being the 2nd best recent Star wars movie
  19. Spike Lee is a racist, he should be shamed for it like anyone else, instead he gets away with it
  20. This is awesome, I didn't want my Mrs to have to take a pay cut
  21. And endgame made 2.8 billion because it had little boys watching it 10 times in a weekend. Avatar probably has 2b OS locked. It's china gross could approach 1b as it is. Avatar also came out when most theatres were yet to adopt 3D so it could have been much bigger. I don't get why people still underestimate A2, the guy knows how to get bums in seats, if anything, not being a superhero movie might help Avatar alot
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