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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I would never have thought one of the kids in The Matrix would go on to become what appears to be an interesting director. I forgot his name but he did 'The Invisible man' and 'Upgrade'
  2. Funny considering that was the one that was going to disappoint now we look back
  3. I think what he's trying to say is with thousands of people dying daily from a pandemic, its hard to care about a bunch of hillbillies walking into a building.
  4. MERRY CHRISTMAS https://mobile.twitter.com/drchrisgrocott/status/1340440896370819073
  5. Quite honestly there aren't as many anti maskers as you'd expect. It may be ancedotal evidence but in 9 months I'm yet to witness any person refuse to wear one inside public areas, anti-maskers are just a small but loud crowd here. From what I read in the article people on their computers had been breaking the 2 metre distance rules which I could honestly imagine being difficult to adhere to 24/7 when you are trying to show imagery on your screen to your workers. If the crew are all isolating on a yacht, why the need for social distancing?
  6. Maybe we were wrong and Tom was being unreasonable. We don't even have 2 sides to the story, just a rant to go on. If 5 people quit then maybe Tom was just letting the power get to his head and people were sick of it. I wonder how old the crew members were?
  7. Warner will feel rather silly if Disney's BW get a release and makes a billie
  8. No she's not. She gave a fair opinion and the media jumped on it for some clicks. Trans people aren't even the one's grabbing their pitchforks, it's mainly just SJW's arguing on behalf of Trans people.
  9. I agree and disagree with certain aspects. There are those that work extremely hard to produce the performances and marketing/interviews that goes with it but there is also a considerable amount of luck to take into consideration. When these actors land these comic book characters which become successful, they are turned into superstars and this is mainly down to the source material and people behind the scenes all collaborating to make a great product yet its the actors who take the largest share. I understand why, they can now negotiate larger sums as people have become familiarised with the character. With athletes they don't have the sort of luck, its just 15-20 good years of competition to be the best or being left behind. The dedication it must take to get to a superstar earning level must be impressive and you don't get there by luck. Then when these people hit 40 they usually have to retire (depending on the sport) which is a limitation many overlook. Actors can work till any age.
  10. Athletes have to be competitive, being the best at anything in this world must be difficult and they will have to physically work hard every day to be the best. Not really comparable to an actor who shoots a few scenes then gets a massive paycheck, usually bigger than the Athlete's pay too. Im sure Ronaldo has worked harder his life than someone like Leo to get to where he is.
  11. Yeah it seems the glory days of Marvel won't reach the insane hype it's used to. I dont think Captain Marvel will lead the next batch of heroes as she's just not made much of an impression.
  12. If anything this crisis should be the end of 5m+ paychecks. It's difficult to sympathise with hollywood's financial troubles when actors are easily the most overpaid profession in talent the world has seen.
  13. Yeah i feel like the transphobia controversy may only be a thing in the states and doesnt actually travel worldwide. The last movie got bad reviews and the box office suffered as a result. Its really that simple
  14. JK Rowlings tweets are only controversial to a limited few. It wont effect the Potter Brand in any way.
  15. People love a blast from the past. I feel a great trailer from Matrix will generate a lot of hype.
  16. It is Warners Money, what they decide to do with their movies have nothing to do with the actors, i don't understand why they would need notice.
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