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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. Man, that would be such a bummer. Of course it's still an OUTSTADING result, but after a 59M prediction by Deadline it would be a shame...
  2. I could really see a run like this, something like 400-500M worldwide with good WOM which is a REALLY good run. I just think that those predictions that I am seing of winning summer or making 1B are a big reach. I could be wrong though....
  3. Yeah, I definitely think this will heavily skew female and will have a more limited demographic compared to something like Mario.
  4. You have to leave your personal opinion on how good the movie is aside. This thing has a 96% RT and A CS which was the same CS Shrek 2 had. The audience don't care if it is a "masterpiece" or not, if they really like it and has rewatch factor then it's all that matters at the box office.
  5. The thing about GTA is how they would make a movie that appears distinct than your regular crime or action movie. You could say the same for Red Dead about differiating itself from a "regular" western movie, but Red Dead is much more plot-focused and has a much better story, so just "copying" the story would be enough to make an epic movie or movies. GTA is a big satire on american culture much more focused on the fun and humour, which I find more difficult to adapt and set itself apart from other comedy-action movies.
  6. I think both have an influence in Wednesday numbers. I expect the weekend to be insanely strong in response to that. I am going Saturday with my girlfriend. Will see how busy it will be.
  7. Yeah, but Nintendo is even more protective and yet here we are. I think it's possible, but I see your point. About Warner, aside from MK I don't know other game properties they have right now.
  8. Since everyone is talking about potential adaptations of franchises, my dream come true for a videogame adaptation would be a Red Dead Redemption movie. In an ideal world it would be a masterpiece like the games, explode at the box office and revitalize the Western genre once again. *As a bonus it could also have a soundtrack with real Country&Western Music and introduce it to the mainstream of today that only knows the trash Nashville puts out. But that is dreaming WAY too much 😔
  9. Why this would need a Latino character exactly? I swear to God I can't understand some of those appeals for "diversity". Some indeed make sense, but others seems just an effort to creat a controversy and generate buzz.
  10. Not based on any data, but I expect this to blow up starting from today.
  11. I completely agree and Mario IMO is not even stopping at the 1B, I think it has a legitimate chance at Frozen numbers. The ones I think have the most chance to join the billion dollar club are Little Mermaid and MI7, but I would not put money on it.
  12. Despicable Me 2 opened to 35M on a Wednesday, but that was a holiday and during summer.
  13. He just enjoys the chaos, I am getting convinced of that.
  14. Sheesh. It must be pretty bad then... China might save it, but I have no idea how this will perform there this time around.
  15. I don't think that is bad at all, at least IMO. Of course there is a lot of backlash and misinsformation, but there are a lot of people that discovers this forum and learns to respect the tracking that is made here this way.
  16. lmao I saw the meltdown on Box Office, but Marvel subreddit must be one hell of a slaugher 🤣
  17. Hell yeah. The audience reception just needs to be good and history will be made.
  18. It most definitely is. With the big exception that it has a bigger appeal with adults. But this is a kids movie and that is pretty obvious.
  19. Like I always say, Batman will always do business for DC regardless, it's the same for Spider-Man in Marvel. The others though? I think the situation is very different. With a string of great movies the genre can rebound I think and some movies can still achieve gangbusters numbers, but the era of anything superhero making a lot of money is over.
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