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Everything posted by Flamengo81

  1. Also they said is on the conservative side. I imagine that Deadline normally just goes extremely safe so that it does not backfire on them if a movie collapses and underperforms for some reason. I mean... I think Mario is going to be awesome and debut to 120M+ 5day, but there is stilla a chance the movie is terrible and reviews just kills a lot of the momentum for it, we just never know.
  2. To be fair, is only an insult for the very few of us who are inside this particular forum with the best trackers in the world. I don't think people who follow this thread should be the parameter...
  3. I don't think Shazam 2 will hurt DC as a brand unless the movie is utter garbage. The DCEU is dead already and it's all going to depend on how Gunn develops the new universe. If The Flash is a banger and sets up the new DC universe in a very positive way than nobody will care about a Shazam movie that was ok and bombed.
  4. I don't think most people here are exactly happy about it, it's just that it's so unbelievably bad that is kinda funny. I speak for myself that I would prefer to Shazam 2 to be a smash hit because it's good for the box office in general and because I am a DC fan, but I think it's almost hilarious that it's doing so bad.
  5. This seems like a gratuitous attack, as it's clear that this is not his intention at all. Well... I don't think any Avatar is touching the Force Awakens domestic, but there is no Star Wars movie that will ever come close to Avatar movies worldwide.
  6. I am to this day a home media guy. I like streaming, but I really love the old fashioned way of owning something and being able to touch with my hands.
  7. I don't see how The Flash can collapse opening weekend. Underperfom relative to the bullish predictions? Sure. But collapsing just does not seem possible considering the reception and numbers from the trailer. Maybe if the movie is terrible it can collapse in the long run, but opening weekend I find really unlikely.
  8. What are you talking about? Zelda is not more acclaimed than Mario by any means. You just have to look at sales which is the biggest indicator of general public acclaim. Also even metacritic and other scores don't agree with your statement, as Mario has several games among the best reviewed of all time. Zelda is a lot more niche than Mario, so that could be the reason for the perception that it has a more hardcore fandom, but it would not have a bigger fan rush for a wide release movie, I guarantee you that.
  9. Yeah, this movie is going to die very soon. If this had grossed at this point like 10M less, I would say that 200M was not certain.
  10. I would not go that far. I think the first one is a pretty good movie, the 2nd is ok and this one is pretty bad. I would say Thor is worse...
  11. I think a movie that would EASILY break the billion dollar mark and be a contender for highest grossing WB movie ever, would be a "TDK 4" with Nolan and Bale returning as an old Batman similar to The Dark Knight Returns.
  12. I still think Guardians is the safest pick and will probably gross more. But I really think Flash has a higher ceilling and is a 1B grosser candidate IF everything goes right and the movie is as good as everyone is saying. The Cinemacon reactions will be very telling...
  13. Dear Lord... Generation Z never heard of anything lol
  14. TikTok is the biggest plataform now? Had no idea it was THAT big, this is insane... But I am not the kind of guy who uses a lot of social media apart from football and box office sub-Reddits, so I guess that is why...
  15. I agree with the NWH/Top Gun Maverick part, but I would not be so certain that GOT3 is going to outgross it by a decent amount. Too many variables to say right now...
  16. I heard the exact same thing about Top Gun Maverick. Not saying that it will do nearly the same, it most likely won't, but we will have to see...
  17. Russia (which Avatar did not have) and domestic mostly. Mexico to a lesser extent too...
  18. Hm... Afterall Ant-Man did grossed below estimates. Cinemascore can't be subestimated, especially for the MCU...
  19. When I said Ant-Man 2 numbers, I did not mean to say it would do exactly the same, but in the same ballpark. Also, you said you don't see it going under 250M domestic and my prediction was 270M so within the range you believe is possible to do domestic. I am not saying it doing in the 600M range is the "right" scenario or anything, It's just my prediction given the worse state of the MCU now compared to 2019, no Endgame hype to boost it considerably, China contributing with probably around 100M less, overall decline in overseas markets and (this is a very important part of my prediction) the fact that I personally think the movie will not have a good reception.
  20. I don't think Domestic will drop too hard, but overseas on the other hand... I see something like 270M domestic and 380M overseas.
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