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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. except I'm not complaining, so unless you mean yourself, that doesn't make any sense
  2. Complaining about whatever Twitter issues, yep first world problems. 😛
  3. well there have been plenty of faux finales in this series but yeah hopefully for at least these characters it's the actual finale. I have zero issue with more Halloween movies, just the Strode storyline needs to have a good ending. Nothing fake or a cop out. Of course, Michael can keep going somehow with different people or another reboot
  4. So will they show the hole Michael crawled through to get out of the basement, or will they go with the H4 version where he got burned and they decided to keep him alive and he breaks out again?
  5. finally finished watching Russian Doll. Not a bad show, not a comedy so not sure why it's up for an award in that category but wouldn't be the first time shows/movies were put in other categories to get them credit. Anyway, kind of interested how they will pull off a second season.
  6. Ah, sorry i read that wrong somehow lol Yeah I love IMAX, just hate when 3d is the only option there
  7. I agreed 3d sucks and adds nothing so even if it was free, I would always pick 2d But I disagree about IMAX 3d, while still bad, it is better than regular 3D. But that's just my experience and I still would pick 2d every time if I have the choice even for Avatar 2
  8. Totally agree with all of this. I saw Titanic 13 times in theaters and loved it every time.
  9. I dont have any likes left so this will have to do. Oh I have no doubt he is still here even if it's one of the main ones that I'm now suspicious of, but yeah that new user is probably him too
  10. yep, just look at the replies, even posters that aren't alts we know of are pretty much hinting they are going to rig the poll. oh well, hopefully things will start to calm down a bit now from certain people and we can enjoy stuff again even this thread
  11. knowing nothing about this movie or what it's based on, that trailer is, well a trailer
  12. totally agree. It's what my post on the previous page was all about. By continually defending or giving bad reactions to posts, it just comes off as if they aren't real either. now I am not accusing anyone of being fake, but it makes no sense for certain people to not just move away from the fake people
  13. I liked the trailer but yeah I'm sure it helps I grew up with the show and know the story. I will probably like Won't you Be My Neighbor more, but I will definitely give this movie a try
  14. yeah it's kind of hard to take people seriously when they are defending a known offender. That's the only thing "de-legitimizing" any people in here. If actual fans are upset that people can't be sure who's real in here or not, then those fans need to be mad at JCS, his fake accounts and all the other people that did the fake accounts, not defend him. He and other fake people caused the actual fakeness in here. So instead of embracing him and his lies, you would think the actual fans would be saying what he did was wrong and distancing themselves from him. Otherwise, it does make it look like his defenders are fake too. JCS and the others that made up fake accounts are at fault here, no one else, and definitely not the people that point out what he did was wrong. so that's all I say about the fake people and back to the movie and this cool tribute that the official Avatar account did for Marvel
  15. I saw this trailer in front of Crawl and it has me curious now. Yeah I think it will not be hardcore and for a younger crowd but I think I may catch it
  16. I know you aren't either but I'm not ragging on the guy just thought it was funny seeing that with all that is going on with him and those threads 😛
  17. Hydrogen/Grand Moff - (22/7/19) Suspended for being duplicate accounts of the user JamesCameronScholar lol
  18. Don't ask me. You quoted the wrong person. I responded to someone that said PG13. Even the qoute you did from me says I didn't see it anywhere which is why I responded to that person. 😛 maybe I got into the middle of their conversation that I missed the beginnings and it was just a possibility of being PG13
  19. yeah I didn't read that Blade as going to be PG-13. It was the only Marvel thing announced that i care about, the rest I will skip. But now that Blade is PG13, I'm afraid they won't get that right now
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