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Everything posted by thajdikt

  1. Episode 7 second best ep imo. Just fantastic. This show is way more legit and mature then I ever thought. Also a big surprise for me in this episode, don´t know if it was know as I´ve stayed mostly away from promotion. Wow these 3 eps is going to be insane
  2. Should also be noted that the Marvel channel also has 8,5M on the trailer. Just like the first trailer views are being shared between those two main channels. So it´s more like 30M views day 1 EDIT: Seeing this is already pointed out. Apologies.
  3. The more time passes, the more that last ep stays in my mind. So much depth to the writing beyond the big moments in the episode. Really love how this show is much more mature than the original while at the same time staying true to the characters and themes of the original.
  4. Think the reason there was no thread was because people just posted in the MCU thread but very nice to have a own thread. Wow. Agreed @Youngstar, this show is on a complete different level from the original. Have to see the last 5 episodes but it´s so far one of the best shows I´ve seen in a long time
  5. Beau DeMayo just reactivated his Twitter and posted about the show. Doesn´t take about the firing but reading what he posted I easily see why the show is so good with the perspective he has to the characters but also the journey the go on. Won´t post it here as it contains some major spoilers for the show but interesting that he reactivated his twitter to post what he did.
  6. X-Men 97 episode 5.... WOW. Arguably some of the best we have gotten from the MCU this show. Writing is really fantastic. Could easily watch 5-6 seasons of this.
  7. Perfect trailer, easily biggest movie of the year, don´t think DM4 will be bigger than this one
  8. This movie will be MASSIVE. 125M+ OW, and no doubt 1B+ at the box office. Hype is real
  9. Disney didn’t do anything lol. The reason so many movies were made was because it was a demand for it. People liked them, people thought they were good, and people showed up in theaters every time. You don’t make as many movies as they did in the infinity saga without people actually thinking they are good and liking them. Disney didn’t force fed anybody people wanted it. Some of y’all act like Disney put a gun to people’s head and forced them to use hard earned money on their movies. Also the notion that they did irreparable damage to viewers habit when you have movies like Oppenheimer, Dune, Avatar2 Barbie and Top Gun Maverick, all great movies which audiences drove out to see 🤷🏾 stop blaming Disney for other movies flopping or not retaining audiences. There’s plenty of non Disney movies that has been massively successful during their “peak” and now during a downturn for Disney. The rise of streaming, increasing cost of living, and cost of movie tickets is a bigger culprit then Disney and their movies ever will be. The ceiling you talk about may exist, but it isn’t because of Disney’s movies.
  10. Might be completely off on this but maybe they just thought marvel does well it enough that it never was needed. Also with avatar and Star Wars. But like in the current climate a movie like Thunderbolts would have benefited so much by it
  11. They should just delay the Avengers movie until they are really ready to make it and everything is clear with the story. To valuable of franchise to "throw away" with a hot mess, also makes sense if they´re spacing out more projects. A christmas release for an Avengers movie would print insane amounts of money but I think they will have it in May as always just maybe more likely in 2027. 100%. Many fans including me were excited about the constant stream of projects in the beginning but in hindsight it was obvious that it would be too much especially for general audiences. Many of my friends have said it themselves that they just couldn´t keep up. Also didn´t help that the quality on many of the projects have been pretty bad in eyes of most which also was inevitable when they get spread thin. I hope they go forward with two movies a year, and two shows but let someone else focus on the shows and Feige can focus on the movies. If I recall correct Feige has completely handed off the animation division to someone else and I hope he does the same with live action shows.
  12. I don´t know who will win but I never understand how going after Black Panther and Feige by name would go over well? Black Panther is the most successful solo MCU franchise (not counting Spidey since it´s Sony). It dips in to a place other MCU movies can´t and probably never will be. A 2B+ franchise from just two movies. Feige is the man behind the biggest movie franchise ever that has earned Disney 25B+ just at the box office. Sure MCU is struggling atm and who knows where it´s future lies but going with comments like that and the "why do we need a all black cast" just seems like a bad strategy, but hey if he wins who am I to question his strategy. Just felt like he gave a perfect layup for a Disney defense when he went after those.
  13. Haven’t really been updated in all this but what is the general consensus about the vote? Is it 50/50 or is someone favorable?
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