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Everything posted by thajdikt

  1. They did a screening in Paris today it seems, and some reactions are on twitter, but most I can find seems to be of fans and not critics so far, but seems like people are allowed to give their thoughts on it, most of it is positive tho as you would expect with fans watching early.
  2. I would also argue that Marvel willing to screen the movie for free means that they expect the fans to spread good WOM. Which I think we all can agree on this movie needs. So let´s hope that´s the case and that it works!
  3. They did it for Shang-Chi, and I also think they did for Eternals but if I remember correctly Eternals was just like the day before it opened while Shang-Chi was 1 week before release. Happy to see them doing this. Hopefully it will help with WOM.
  4. With that budget it would be really hard for this to be a hit, but not bad in terms of just grosses
  5. Finale was fun, but nothing that will sit with me long. Meh overall but hey here´s hoping for S4 to be stronger
  6. Norway Mario - Friday 4,300 admits/243, 085 total
  7. This is probably MCU first F-bomb? Don´t know if it was in this thread but remember someone talked about how the movie had gotten a stronger description of the language use by the rating board for this movie. Surely they are not actual using that bleep sound in the movie?
  8. Indy 5 will be a big disappointment box office wise. Flash and Across The Spider-Verse will do very well. Oppenheimer will defeat Barbie. MI:7 will do 300M+ domestic. Little Mermaid will do well. I have been on the Transformers hype for a long time but I might have to regret that. Elemental will surprise most expectations. Fast X will be bad domestic but a monster OS
  9. 100%. Their panel is on Wednesday, screening it should have been the nr 1 priority. Especially since the socials lifts the day after. But according to the cinemacon schedule they´re apparently screening The Boogeyman. They showed 20 minutes last year of Doctor Strange, hopefully they do something similar.
  10. Norway Fast X tickets now on sale, movie is releasing on a Thursday here which is quite unusual but I expect that it was probably meant for a Wednesday release but since the 17th is Norway national day it probably got pushed to Thursday. Thursday is also a holiday, and a lot of people will be having Friday off aswell. This doesn´t happen every year so it´s a great release date for the movie. Fast 9 had 67K admits OW, and this was at a time people barely went to theaters. Think this will do well OW. 4-day now vs 3-day. Hoping for 70k+ OW
  11. In terms of catalyst won´t the review embargo being so close to the social reactions give them one less catalyst? Or is it insignificant?
  12. Depends on OS gross. Fast always have skewed higher there, but it´s definitely a possibility.
  13. 450-550M OS 300-350 DOM 750-900 WW is my hope I expect this to be bigger than most prob thinks
  14. Norway Mario - Thursday 2,819 admits/238,793 total
  15. This is why some people here get so annoyed about the "MCU is doomed" talk, because yeah there´s no denying right now the MCU is in bad shape, really bad shape but some of you guys always takes it to far. OMG this movie that´s coming out in over 1 year is "doomed". There is to early to tell how things are going to do for those movies. First of Vol 3 might be good, and thus that may make people be more excited again for the MCU. Secret Invasion might be good. The Marvels might be good, or they all could be garbage. It´s to early to talk about movies coming out next year. We don´t even know where Guardians will land at the end of it´s run. Things are looking bleak but people get way ahead of themselves. Let´s just take on movie at a time, at least in this tread which is a Guardians 3 thread. Just this November a Marvel movie opened up to 180M, things can change quickly.
  16. If you press on the audience score, highlight it, and then press "inspire element" you can see how many have given a score, how many positive and negative.
  17. Alonso will be fine, plenty of money from this and plenty of possible gigs will be there for her in the future
  18. This right here is spot on. NWH had the hype, MoM did, I would argue Thor also did. But given 2 of those 3 didn´t deliver in the eyes of the audience and Ant-Man 3 also arguably being the worst MCU movie the hype seems dead in the fandom aswell. Besides Deadpool 3 I don´t think there´s any real hype right now. Which is why Vol 3 is so important. Marvel will never reach Phase 3 levels consistently again, but if they want to earn good money consistently on every movies this movie needs to deliver big time. This all slowing down from Marvel is good but it might be to late if they don´t deliver on those projects that´s already filmed. It´s Gunn´s movie to save the future of the MCU and the genre in general. Don´t think enough emphasis have been made on the horrible year of 2022 the genre had. We had 6 CBM´s and only 2 of them got good reviews and audience score. Ofc some movies will always have hype, say a Spider-Man etc but this genre desperately needs good movies the audiences really like. We are at the point where more movies are made in the genre but the quality has fallen hard.
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