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Everything posted by thajdikt

  1. It´s hard with MCU because usually sales are very strong but also the like 5-6 last MCU movies has also had review embargo lifted so late. I think someone in the tracking thread mentioned the The Batman did get a boost from it. As for the jokes none of them have landed at all for me.
  2. Well that is not in line with anything they have done. Interesting. Social Embargo is the latest by far from the Disney post Endgame Movies (expect MoM) but the review embargo is the earliest since Eternals. I still think dropping social that late (presuming its´good) is a mistake but it is what it is.
  3. Avengers movies will probably always do well like a Spider-Man and Batman, but the general genre is in a meh patch right now. I do think personally that the quality is the biggest issue but we have to see how the remaining cbm movies does this year. I´m particular interested to see how Vol 3, Flash and Across The Spide-Verse does. If they are well received and still struggles then its´hard to argue against it. Vol 3 is not looking good at the moment so we will see.
  4. Wonder who Gunn thinks in his respectable opinion is giving career best performances, maybe Pratt and Gillian?
  5. Isn´t China kinda moving on from Hollywood a big reason for that?
  6. Norway Mario - Sunday 22,223 admits/227, 908 total
  7. Norway Mario - Saturday 25,979 admits/205,685 admits Might include some early sunday numbers, but massive Saturday. Should pass Avatar and local movie "Kampen om Narvik" for most admits in 2023.
  8. I think it´s funny how people are acting like that A-list characters are gone is the reason MCU is going to shits atm. Lets ignore the complete downgrade of quality the last couple of two years. Iron Man and Captain America was not A-list characters. They became that after they got popular in the MCU. Marvel have plenty of A-list characters. The problem is their output has been way to much combined with horrendous quality. How to fix it? Make good movie again first and foremost. Guardians going under 100M, maybe someone over their at Disney will actually understand the damage that has been done. The quality of the Guardians movie is more important for the future of MCU than over/under 100M. Under 100M is embarrassing tho. Ant-Man really made some damage that may take years to fix, if even possible.
  9. Norway Mario - Thursday 4,835 admits/169,819 total Mario - Friday 9,887 admits/179,706 total
  10. Yeah the internet is running away with that variety article despite no confirmation.
  11. Thor Love and Thunder is almost rotten... TSS is an incredible movie. This critics glove thing or them being suddenly too harsh as some have alluded to needs to end. Most good movies get positive reviews most shitty movies get shitty reviews. Love and Thunder by no means have good reviews just because it´s barely fresh. 6,4 average rating is horrible. Gunn makes good movies that´s why his movies get good reviews. If Vol 3 is shit then the critics will give him negative reviews.
  12. Gunn track record is so good to be a Ant-Man 3, but let say a 75% really isn´t going to cut it this time for the audience...
  13. Lionsgate was willing to open alongside Dune, don´t think they´re worried about any competition. They know they got a banger on their hands
  14. Audiences being more jaded about could also be a positive thing for the genre. It demands more from the studios to make more high quality and not just dump generic movies time and time again.
  15. Agreed. Vol 3 should have been the end of Phase 4 and Ant-Man should have started Phase 5 in July or November.
  16. Only thing we really know is that there have been some sites mentioned the red carpet on Thursday the 27th, which is when the social embargo usually drops for these movies. But no actual confirmation but it´s looking more and more likely that they will hold the embargo late. If the social embargo lifts the 27th then the review prob lifts Tuesday 2nd May like all of the recents MCU movies
  17. Norway Mario - Wednesday 4,875 admits/164,984 total
  18. People on twitter don´t know shit about box office, but think they are experts. Living in their bubble without a sense of how anything actually works in the world. Some people said yesterday that they think Spider-Verse can make 600M+ domestic...
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