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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. I'd argue people are pretty demanding but not in a "good" way. A lot of the later MCU movies did not exactly have great CGI for the money put into them. In terms of cinematography, music, etc. many were vastly inferior to Villeneuve's Dune. What the MCU audience was "demanding" of was continuity porn and rabbit hole/mystery box stuff. Guardians 3 was vastly superior to most late MCU movies because it WASN'T trying to put in a bunch of continuity porn to shill for future movies since it was the last Gunn MCU movie and it felt like "real" movie as a result.
  2. 8.5 mil is considerably higher than the earlier 7.5 mil Deadline gave anyway, which I'm sure will screw around with the projection attempts at this point.
  3. This actually looks like a decent score for this movie. Meaning it'll probably do well on streaming once WOM gets out.
  4. Not ANOTHER Ghostbusters remake! ...I'm sure certain people on here will say it's better than the 1984 film just to piss me off.
  5. The Avengers films have most likely been extensively rewritten due to Kang getting put on a bus.
  6. X-Men 97 seems more anticipated and better received than most of the actual MCU stuff was.
  7. Hopefully Keanu and Carrie Ann show up again in Matrix 5 but we REALLY need the LISAN AL GHAIB
  8. Why would they? Dune was nearly 3 hours and that went over better than virtually anything else this year!
  9. I'm convinced the poo-poohing of this was other studios' paid hacks deliberately giving it bad "advance" notices. The trailer goes over GREAT in theaters.
  10. Not necessarily. Keanu wasn't exactly "young" at the point he made John Wick. The problem with Indy was: he wasn't just old but ANCIENT and he acted ANCIENT too. Weird because Connery seemed pretty spry as his dad back in Last Crusade. But most people don't want to see the "Indy is old and depressed and has PTSD over his dead son" movie.
  11. Interstellar actually made money. If this film has an "Interstellar run" in the 2020s it would be viewed as a massive success.
  12. They are all paid industry shills trying to sabotage the opposing studio's movies anyway. Only way THAT ends is if we're somehow left with only one studio making wide releases. Ever notice that nobody's talking up Paramount this year?
  13. They are NOT the "OG" cast and most actual Transformers fans don't particularly like them. I DO find it amusing that the Monsterverse fanbase realized people watch these things for the MONSTERS yet the Transformers "fanbase" seems unable to grasp that people watch Transformers movies for the TRANSFORMERS, not for a bunch of hacky shit involving dogs fucking and Romeo and Juliet laws.
  14. The chance of Perlmutter being the thing to end Iger was always remote. This doesn't change the fact that Disney sucks at governing MCU CGI/budgets though, even if they've had plenty of other successes.
  15. Haven't you got to prep for the 1 year anniversary celebration of Blue Beetle instead?
  16. Stop trying to gaslight people into thinking Ghostbusters 2016 was actually liked.
  17. Part of the well known and serious Godzilla/Kong franchise. The scene at the end where Kong delivers a lecture on the dangers of nuclear weapons using sign language rivals Oppenheimer.
  18. I didn't think the writing was on the wall. Had they actually planned out a non-suicide release date I think the movie would have still likely underperformed but not done THAT badly. Splitting the team between the old and new members and having too many characters pleased no one. This is all on Sony's tactics.
  19. The real mystery is why Ghostbusters got THAT many screens. Seriously. Some theaters would feel tempted to dump for Godzilla or Dune right about now...
  20. There's substantial crossover between Dune/Godzilla audience. Between both of them Ghostbusters was doomed.
  21. Studio execs are notoriously bad at predicting what is "commercial" and what isn't. I doubt this will be a super high grosser but it COULD be a valuable asset to the catalogue or A24 or Neon, provided they can get the rights in a reasonable price.
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