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Everything posted by MightyDargon

  1. Mario was beloved by the audience that actually played the games, even if film critics acted snobby about it. It never gave off "Ric Flair's Last Match" vibes like this does.
  2. I stand corrected. Flash is absolutely going to blast this out of existence even with the burden of being a DCU movie. Still think Beetle and Aqua2 should have been punted though. What a dismal end to the Indy series. They should have just said "Last Crusade was the end". He literally rides off into the sunset at the end!!!
  3. Good luck with the stock quickly rising for that to happen. (although WB is now pretty obviously hobbled by debt load and can't market its stuff properly.
  4. Comcast wouldn't want to buy at this rate because it would mean taking on the debt load. Now piecemeal properties from WB/Disco might be tempting, but not the whole thing.
  5. Mario should easily best the Lion King remake domestically at this rate though.
  6. Jurassic Park movies (although "PG-13") can basically be watched by 10 and up with few problems.
  7. Grace Randolph likes to sniff her own farts so that opinion checks out.
  8. Yes it is, I played my first Mario game when I was 7. It took me forever to get into Zelda by comparison. Much more complicated worlds and play style.
  9. The whole "only Marvel characters can support a franchise" thing is really getting old at this point. Other than Hulk the MCU phase 1 characters were generally not considered "draws" by most people until the MCU actually began. Certainly less of a draw than Link/Zelda has been in game terms for decades now. DC fans are less guilty of this generally because Batman is still viewed as the flagship.
  10. The "provincialism" of the board's MCU fans is really starting to smell up the threads now. Even worse than the "no cultural impact" period for Avatar stuff.
  11. Link easily could but the movie would have to be made/targeted right.
  12. Should be ages 10 and up, as opposed to Mario, which you can take very young children to. Zelda was always a harder game to finish anyway.
  13. I mean, there already are other video games being successfully adapted right now. I just don't see the Mario approach being a good choice for non Mario properties. It IS a good approach for Mario and friends though (e.g. Donkey Kong, Wario, etc.)
  14. Which would not be a total bomb but would likely underperform, given that Nintendo's pushed Zelda in a more adult direction for a while now (really since Twilight Princess)
  15. Absolutely. Makes MUCH more sense than trying to do Metroid or Zelda next.
  16. I still think Pokemon is the more valuable IP overall. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest-grossing_media_franchises
  17. Pokemon is technically more valuable to Nintendo because of all the merchandise rights though.
  18. Would they even be "samurai" if they were all played by white people outside Japan? I know Samurai Cop is the most glorious achievement in film history but this idea doesn't sound great...
  19. I know this is gonna sound cliche for me at this point but Oppenheimer really should've been moved from this slot by now. This ain't gonna end well for it, even if Barbie somewhat underperforms. It will have a difficult time breaking through the Barbie marketing screen.
  20. I have no idea why people seem to be under the delusion that Metroid is somehow Nintendo's most profitable franchise or that doing a film that would need PG-13 to do it justice is somehow comparable to what Mario just did.
  21. Mario will absolutely clobber I2 over time since it does NOT have summer level competition. Week 1/2 is the appetizer, the total run is the main course.
  22. The Flash isn't really a "kids movie". I'd be more worried that Spiderverse would eat up all/most kids admissions this summer more than Flash.
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