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Everything posted by DavidBrennan

  1. The CNN story about people being "suicidal" after AVTR were clickbait junk. Show the bodies or stop regurgitating BS.
  2. Pair me with Kal. I was huge on AVTR, too. I have it on record in spades.
  3. Yeah, early on Friday when people were talking about it hitting 160 after its Thursday, that was a massive surprise already. Not to me. 180 is the point where I really began to get floored.
  4. If by "my points" you mean your "long-winded and schizophrenic rambling in a frantic attempt to save face by sounding scientifically sophisticated"....then you are correct, I didn't respond to all of your "points". I don't tell the crazy bag ladies roaming through Ann Arbor that they're not actually Joan of Ark, either.
  5. What was your prediction? If you were off by 80 already, does it really make a difference to your self-esteem if the finals show you're off by 85, instead?
  6. The late, great Michael Crichton at 30m40s mark: http://www.c-span.org/video/?195629-1/book-discussion-next
  7. lolol. stop embarrassing yourself. you offered nothing but a bizarre buzzword salad as a definition of science and clearly have no clue what you're babbling about. incidentally, for lurkers, the "peer review!" charade is the biggest tell of a layman poseur in the science community. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/science/scientific-peer-reviews-are-a-sacred-cow-ready-to-be-slaughtered-says-former-editor-of-bmj-10196077.html
  8. The truth has no "middle ground". It might coincidentally be in the middle of two different theories, but that's just a coincidence. Science is the business of creating testable hypotheses. From the hypthoses of anthropogenic global warming to the subsequent hypotheses of how severe it is to the subsequent hypotheses of how it can be reversed. Time is the best experiment for such a wild claim (that mankind's carbon emissions - less in total than many volcanic eruptions - cause Earth to get hotter), and time has been very kind to the skeptics and very critical to the hysterics. But they're too locked into the lie both financially and egotistically, and so they cannot dare say, "I'm sorry. I was a fool and was wrong."
  9. No way, I'm having a blast. This has been the first time I've truly enjoyed watching box office since TA/Ted/TDKR in 2012.
  10. Deadline said 208+, and rth would put it at 212+, right? What is the CBS Morning News track record?
  11. This might surpass Titanic on my list of most astonishing box office tales. Truly, truly astonishing.
  12. That's okay. Hey, I was calling for 'Titanic' to be a huge success in the days of 'Titanic Watch' in Variety, and I still rest on those laurels even after I get humiliated by TA (said sub 400), so you can equally rest on your TA laurels, by my dubious ego practices.
  13. Not for me it isn't. But yeah, all aspiring blockbusters have been for several years.
  14. You have this much to offer Michael Crichton (or me) as to how "science works": 0.000. Please give me your definition of "science".
  15. Are you really BKB? If so, I never got a chance to acknowledge your insane success - against EVERYBODY'S expectations - that TA was going to be as monstrous as it was, and that it would beat TDKR. I was among the people mocking you (and predicting massive disappointment for TA, lolol). Mea culpa, BKB.
  16. What part of "start it and I'm in" is "moving the goal post"? Tell me again, which of these are going to surpass TA or 3D-adjusted TDK? Or, more subjectively, which will match the excitement and genuine mass appeal of SM?
  17. You know what makes the thread even better? Not having seen the movie yet! It just engenders a different kind of excitement than that of a full-on fanboy mob mentality excitement (i.e., CBM midnight showing, Twi-hards, etc.)
  18. lol. "be careful" about reading a novel. "Because we've always been at war with Oceania." What's next, book burning parties? History has been very, very, very kind to Crichton's predictions....and lolololing at the global warming hysterics: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/scott-whitlock/2015/06/12/flashback-abcs-08-prediction-nyc-under-water-climate-change-june So dearly missed:
  19. Start it and I'm in. List the CBMs which will surpass TA. Which ones will surpass TDK (adjusted for 3D)? BvS and CA3 should easily be the two biggest of all time. Easily. They won't even be close.
  20. It's the OW record....AND a pulverizing shocking one. It deserves many, many more. If this doesn't deserve it, then what does?
  21. I thought LW novel was one of Crichton's worst (while JP was one of his best). He really got lazy in his writing for about a decade after JP. That, 'Airframe', and 'Timeline' were easily among his worst, in my opinion. Thankfully, the late great master hit his contrarian, imaginative stride again before his death with 'Next' and 'State of Fear'. Crichton is the only media personality I felt a genuine sense of personal loss when I heard of his passing. He is dearly missed.
  22. The 3D "revolution" was actual a fait accompli before this. IMAX and RealD (which Cameron later became a major shareholder of) had established major market share, and Robert Zemeckis made Polar Express way back in 2004 (then Beowulf in 2007), amongst a good many others. What Cameron did better than anybody else was dupe people into believing 3D made a huge difference, which Cameron admitted his own testing proved it did not. But, again, people wanted to be seen as being on the cutting edge, and so they all wanted to "experience it in 3D". Thus, the #1 movie of all time got that way largely through a sort of corporate-fueled mass hysteria.
  23. Don't know how much the 3D aspect is being mentioned here, but the novelty of 3D was a massive, massive part of AVTRs success. It was promised as revolutionary, and as the smartphone revolution was in full gear, everybody was itching to be on the bleeding edge (or be viewed that way). Unless Cameron & Co. can once again dupe people into thinking there's some revolutionary aspect of the movie (which they might well), this is going to be well below 600m, and likely below 500 DOM.
  24. JP: Origins is the fan film I've most looked forward to in my life: Of course, the last time I awaited an indie movie it was 'Angry Video Game Nerd', which was the biggest PoS (with the creepiest ending) I've seen in years. They're doing such wonderful work on JPO, and there's been such radio silence for the past few months, that I'm wondering if Universal isn't moving in and going to inject it with professional financing.
  25. "We"? I can't believe you "proclaimed the death of CBMs"! What a stupid prediction you made. CBMs have peaked. I predict <500 DOM for all the CBM tentpoles of the next five years. They'll always be huge, but the mania the likes of SM, TDK, and TA is going to be gone for many years to come.
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