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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. Well, it`s Bruce so it`s forgivable I guess.
  2. Is Bale turning into Sean Connery? Isn`t Jlaw too young to play his wife, even a trophy wife?
  3. So you contributed to $80 mio OS and sequel. Bow your head in shame.
  4. YES! YES! Hey Richard Armitage ,you`ll never be Cooper, you stupid emo sulky dwarf! Never! You can wipe your snot with those paltry $300 mio dom! Cooper FTW!
  5. Can it peter out before reaching Skyfall please? DC FTW!
  6. Melissa can still fit her ass on one seat so she`s OK. It`s people who take up 2 or more seats and deprive tired people from sitting that should drop it. They affect the environment in a negative way. No such problem with Melissa.
  7. Can`t wait for SLP to cross $100 mio. Jlaw and Cooper power!
  8. I prefer term healthy size since skinny isn`t healthy.
  9. Er, what movie`s that? Am I not supposed to instantly recognize it from just one shot if it`s a "true classic"?
  10. I know that his tough sell flick needs financing but taking a bribe from Shitto is not classy.
  11. Well, he`s right. Media won`t allow it. How many magazine covers had Melissa on it? Media won`t promote ordinary looking stars as It. Unfair but true.
  12. Well, we Melissa fanboys want her to have longevity instead of burning out quickly due to series of shitfests.
  13. That still doesn`t warrant Oscar snub. Guy can`t act for shit which is why his career died first. And those "true classics" are never regarded as highly as Bruce/Arnie/Sly classics so I`d say they are more cult/fanboy classics than real classics. I can`t name any of Segal characters for example so not that iconic,eh?
  14. Since no one else has a shot at taking down the Shittarded Traitor, count me in for support.
  15. When he`s working = JC When he isn`t = QT
  16. This is not a razzie thread where Steven was snubbed too many times.
  17. Hey! "Nice coat" is a classic line. Bum`s too good to be put in the same box with Tom`s slave wife.
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