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Everything posted by fishstick

  1. I may be wrong but I didn`t like it. And I didn`t like the stupid "She`s a WOMAN!" crpa either especially in the motherfucker scene. Totlaly unnecessary.
  2. Considering that thanks to 3D more and more movies crack $1 billion, it`s a good number for a 3D tentpole. Spectacular is TDKR and Skyfall cracking it w/o 3D and even more spectacular is that, as of now, Batman is the only franchise whose 2 movies cracked it w/o 3D. POTC has one non-3D and one 3D and so does LOTR/TH.
  3. I think it`s a desperate attempt on WB part to make TH seem relevant. Like, look, we joke about TH as if it matters and don`t about TA as if everyone forgot what TA is. Lame and transparent.
  4. That`s why the ending was so bad . They were pumping the whole "she`s a WOMAN! A WOMAN does what men can`t! A WOMAN is the motherfucker who found Bin Laden!" and then pull the rug from under their strong woman`s feet and show that
  5. YES! Die Elijah and Sobrieski! What a horrid horrid ending with those two 12 years olds married and shit.
  6. Please don`t spin. I wasn`t bored which doesn`t equal enjoyment and Riddles + Stone Giants hardly amount to "good chunks".
  7. Thank you. Also, word "outclassed" should never , ever be applied to TH in anything especially in relation to FOTR gross. FOTR is a class act movie. TH is a classless snot/shit/burp schlock.
  8. I have to do some groceries and I don`t want to miss Best Actress. WE know DDL takes Actor. In other news, Crone has gone totally insane and ADF is trashing her for inapproproate comments about Adapted Script winner.
  9. How long until Actor, Actress, Director and Picture? I don`t know when TV crap stars.
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