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Posts posted by theultimatebiu

  1. What a hilariously fucked up movie. Pike is the ultimate on screen bitch and needs awards. I liked Affleck but I don't feel his performance was special.


    Best Scenes:

    *Pike dipping her clothes in the red wine and rubbing it between her legs then crawling to the camera screaming as if she was raped.

    *Pike throat slice then calmly getting up and walking off.

    *Montage explaining her plan and how she executed it.

    *Anytime they watched that cable news TV show....it was so close to the truth it was scary.




    Only thing I will complain about was its length. It feels like it could have been 10 minutes shorter.

    • Like 1
  2. I don't really think

    Affleck ended up very sympathetic at all

    . I thought the ending was pure poetic justice:

    they deserved each other.



    Weird. I don't think

    Affleck character came out that bad.

    Now Pike I hated. What a total bitch and that scene where she plays up the 'rape' for the video cameras was chilling.

    • Like 2
  3. I also didn't find anything amusing about GOTG.  I knew from the trailers and the awful music cues that the film wouldn't be for me (but I see everything I can) and that same tone lasted for nearly 120 minutes.  Could not stand Chris Pratt and Zoe Saldana is as bland and wooden as ever.  BTW, why are the villains in the Marvel universe so incredibly weak?  There is never the feeling of any real danger or risk.


    Won't spoil but there was a scene in this that I hated almost as much as the out-of-place dancing in DH1.


    But I was pleasantly surprised by Vin Diesel and Batista.  Not sure if Batista's odd line readings were intentional or not, but they worked. And the film looked great, too.  


    One thing is for certain.  The trailers were not misleading in the least.  


    Wonder if anything Marvel is golden or if people like this kind of film specifically?



    Its the classic Joss-Whedon-ish humour. It only works for me in Buffy. I saw the trailers for GOTG and can tell its not really for me because I am not a big fan of that humour but it does sound like the movie is pretty good. Only thing is someone compared it with Serenity and I really did not enjoy that movie.

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  4. I understand that back in the day, Kal was the only one who truly thought that Avatar would be a blockbuster to end all blockbusters, and people made fun of him and mocked him mercilessly. Then Avatar was released...and Kal had the last laugh. People never learn.



    Er no he wasnt. I was around then and I was in a club on BOM and WOKJ which predicted Avatar to surpass Titanic. Kal was the most irritating member of that club but he was not alone.

  5. People should really stop trying to convince others of why they are mistaken after they've already made their point as to why they didn't like the movie.


    I get it if the person is a troll, hasn't seen the movie, makes illogical conclusions and statements etc. but when you try to argue that they should find this type of humour funny, that's just retarded. Humour is not a one size fits all.


    Very true. People keep telling me Ricky Gervais is funny but I think he is misery personified. 

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