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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. And here is the Scores.... # Player Part A Bonus Part B Part C Total 1 CoolEric258 55000 20000 0 36000 111000 2 24Lost 50000 12000 15000 25000 102000 3 Jake Gittes 58000 32000 1000 10000 101000 4 WrathofHan 52000 16000 2000 25000 95000 5 glassfairy 50000 8000 0 36000 94000 6 Infernus 50000 8000 0 36000 94000 7 MovieMan89 51000 12000 6000 18000 87000 8 MrPink 53000 16000 0 18000 87000 9 Panda 43000 5000 3000 36000 87000 10 captainwondyful 51000 16000 0 18000 85000 11 PanaMovie 46000 12000 7000 18000 83000 12 Empire 46000 8000 2000 25000 81000 13 ZeeSoh 50000 12000 0 18000 80000 14 JJ-8 47000 12000 1000 18000 78000 15 Simionski 47000 12000 0 18000 77000 16 Sheikh 46000 12000 0 18000 76000 17 chasmmi 49000 16000 0 10000 75000 18 Fancyarcher 43000 12000 0 18000 73000 19 NannerManCan 48000 12000 0 10000 70000 20 Wrath 45000 12000 0 10000 67000 21 Mike Hunt 43000 5000 0 18000 66000 22 bcf26 40000 8000 7000 10000 65000 23 kayumanggi 45000 8000 0 10000 63000 24 Kalo 41000 8000 0 0 49000 25 BobDole 36000 0 0 4000 40000
  2. Week 1 Answers Part A: 1. Will Avengers Open to more than $260M? 1000 YES 2. Will Avengers Open to more than $300M? 2000 YES 3. Will Avengers Open to more than $280M? 3000 YES 4. Will Avengers Saturday increase from its true Friday (excluding Thursday previews)? 4000 YES 5. Will Will Avengers' make more than 82.5% of all the box office of every film reported by BOM when actuals are released? 5000 YES 6. Will La Larona drop less than 56%? 1000 NO 7. Will Pet Semetary stay above Us? 2000 YES 8. Will Avengers Endgame overtake Dumbo's Domestic total on its opening day? 3000 YES 9. Will any film in the top 15 drop more than 65%? 4000 YES 10. Will Hellboy's PTA stay above $750? 5000 NO 11. Will Little increase more than 40% on Saturday? 1000 YES 12. Will Shazam drop more than 33% on Sunday? 2000 YES 13. Will the White Crow have a PTA above $12k? 3000 YES 14. Will After stay above PEnguins? 4000 NO 15. Will Captain Marvel decrease less than 20%? 5000 YES 16. Will Shazam's domestic total on Saturday be closer to the domestic total of Dumbo or How to Train Your Dragon? 1000 DUMBO 17. Will Pet Semetary have the worst PTA in the top 10? 2000 NO (PENGUINS GOT THE HONOURS HERE - JUST) 18. Will Breakthrough overtake Hellboy DOmestically by the end of the weekend? 3000 YES 19. How many films will make more than $2.5M this weekend? 4000 7 FILMS 20. Will Thanos ultimately be defeated by the power of friendship? 5000 * Bonus: 12/20 3000 13/20 5000 14/20 8000 15/20 12000 16/20 16,000 17/20 20,000 18/20 26,000 19/20 32,000 20/20 40,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. What will Avengers make for its 3 day OW? $357,115,007 2. What will Dumbo's Sunday gross be? $1,100,333 3. What will Missing Link's PTA be for the 3 day weekend? $671 Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 1. Avengers: Endgame (if anyone gets this wrong they should be lined up and shot!) 3. The Curse of La Llorona 6. Dumbo (2019) 8. Pet Sematary (2019) 9. Us 11. Missing Link Because I realised bonuses are stupid... 1/6 4,000 2/6 10,000 3/6 18,000 4/6 25,000 5/6 36,000 6/6 - 50,000
  3. QOTW is fully scored (including this weekend as it's already answered just with the friday figure).... Week 4 is open for answers already
  4. Question of Week Scores Cashout current streak when Incorrect (50% loss), no answer (20% loss), Cashout (0% loss) No Color = original scoring (20k per correct answer) Orange = 1st Rentry (15k per correct answer) Blue = 2nd Reentry (10k per correct answer) Green = 3rd Reentry (7k per correct answer) Purple = 4th Reentry (5k per correct answer) Red = 5th Reentry (or subsequent) (3k per correct answer) Current Streak # Player Total Score Answer Score #Correct Running Score Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Actuals YES YES NO 1 glassfairy 60,000 20,000 3 60000 YES YES NO 2 Jake Gittes 60,000 20,000 3 60000 YES YES NO 3 Wrath 60,000 20,000 3 60000 YES YES NO 4 captainwondyful 31,000 15,000 1 15000 YES - NO 5 Kalo 31,000 15,000 1 15000 YES - NO 6 24Lost 30,000 15,000 2 30000 NO YES NO 7 Panda (A Panda of Ice and Fire) 30,000 15,000 2 30000 NO YES NO 8 CoolEric258 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 9 Fancyarcher 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 10 Mike Hunt 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 11 MrPink 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 12 Ms Lady Hawk 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 13 Simionski 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 14 WrathofHan 25,000 15,000 1 15000 YES NO NO 15 bcf26 20,000 15,000 0 0 YES YES YES 16 Darth Lehnsherr 16,000 15,000 0 0 YES - - 17 Empire 16,000 15,000 0 0 YES - - 18 BobDole 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 19 chasmmi 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 20 JJ-8 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 21 kayumanggi 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 22 PanaMovie 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 23 Sheikh 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 24 ZeeSoh 10,000 10,000 1 10000 NO NO NO 25 AndyLL 0 10,000 0 0 - - - 26 Cmasterclay 0 10,000 0 0 - - - 27 Infernus 0 10,000 0 0 - - - 28 MovieMan89 0 10,000 0 0 - - - 29 NannerManCan 0 10,000 0 0 NO - - Very tough start to QOTW this game.... 3 weeks in and already we are down to just 3 players who haven't made a mistake. (there are a further 4 who are not submitting answers but i think the game has started on a complete misfire thanks to endgame..... I'm unlocking for the 4th week now since i've already scored week 3 (there is no way Pika can reach Endgames 2nd weekend at this point ~ 20m friday means at best 60m OW... no where near endgames second weekend of nearly 150m.)
  5. well ok i can answer all 3 of these already Week 1 :- YES Week 2 :- YES Week 3 :- NO (Pika Pika isn't touching Endgames 2nd weekend ~ it's not reaching hell Endgames 2nd saturday is likely to bigger than Pika's weekend opening ..... so easy answer here)
  6. Part A: 1. Will Pikachu Make more than $60M? 1000 Yes 2. Will Pikachu make more than $90M? 2000 No 3. Will Pikachu make more than $75M? 3000 Yes 4. Will Pikachu open in 1st place? 4000 Yes 5. Will Endgame overtake Avatar by the end of the weekend? 5000 No 6. Will The Hustle open to more than $14M? 1000 No 7. Will Poms open to more than $10M? 2000 No 8. Will the top 3 New Entries combine to more than $100? 3000 No  9. Will Long Shot drop more than 52%? 4000 No 10. Will Captain Marvel stay above Breakthrough? 5000 No  11. Will La Lorona's PTA stay above $950? 1000 No 12. Will Tolkien have a PTA above $3,250? 2000 Yes 13. Will Shazam increase more than 82% on Saturday? 3000 No 14. Will Endgame overtake Avatar WW by the end of the weekend? 4000 Yes 15. Will Pikachu do more or less Detective Work than the combined 5 Batmans that we have had to date? 5000 More lol Part B: 1.What will Pikachu's OW be? 77.77m 2. What will Intruder's percentage drop be? -48.1% 3. What will Dumbo's PTA be? $535 Part 😄 1. Pokemon: Detective Pikachu 3. The Hustle 5. Long Shot 8. Uglydolls 10. Captain Marvel 12. The Curse of La Llorona
  7. Updated AEG Showdown..... As you can see, AEG's weekdays like IW have dropped off. still the highest at this point in it's run however TFA is catching fast and Avatar is locked to pass sometime around week 7 or 8. There is a still chance AEG makes it to TFA's total over 94m however it appears more likely a total sub 90m is on the cards now. (though if AEG can hang onto screens more than IW did last year (see it's epic drop in Week 8 ), then maybe it can creep past TFA thanks to the June/July School Holidays. Movie Avatar Star Wars: The Force Awakens Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Released 17/12/2009 17/12/2015 25/04/2018 24/04/2019 Week 0 $931,125 $931,125 $8,701,122 $8,701,122 $10,290,526 $10,290,526 Week 1 (OW) $11,962,308 $12,895,497 $27,254,820 $27,254,820 $21,239,893 $29,941,015 $34,116,525 $44,394,082 $7,349,693 $20,245,190 $11,286,747 $38,541,567 $5,418,285 $35,359,300 $7,781,367 $52,175,449 W/E Screens/Ave 588 20,344 941 28,964 871 24,386 1,112 30,680 Opening Day 9,425,000 8,701,122 10,290,526 Single Day 9,425,000 (Thursday) 8,701,122 (Wednesday) 10,290,526 (Wednesday) Week 2 $8,749,099 $28,994,289 $11,800,884 $50,342,451 $10,207,034 $45,566,334 $13,597,138 $65,772,587 $9,772,863 $38,767,152 $10,604,824 $60,947,275 $2,811,097 $48,377,431 $3,094,595 $68,867,182 W/E % Drop -26.9% -56.7% -51.9% -60.1% Week 3 $9,659,700 $48,426,852 $9,001,962 $69,949,237 $5,316,692 $53,694,123 $6,475,778 $54,902,630 $5,017,486 $74,966,723 $1,158,106 $54,852,229 Week 4 $8,338,365 $63,240,995 $4,917,825 $79,884,548 $2,355,356 $57,207,585 $5,032,850 $68,273,845 $2,249,767 $82,134,315 $537,995 $57,745,580 Week 5 $7,002,454 $75,276,299 $2,988,963 $85,123,278 $1,196,976 $58,942,556 Week 6 $5,604,268 $84,804,886 $1,826,202 $88,275,958 $879,776 $60,151,998 Week 7 $4,548,004 $92,706,581 $1,290,271 $90,638,978 $661,898 $61,030,967 Week 8 $3,936,622 $98,374,262 $754,425 $91,783,059 < 200k (not in top 10) TOTAL: $115,623,586 $94,034,011 $61,865,083 $68,867,182 Projected 85m - 95m
  8. So mid 80’s at this point look all but locked (unless it’s ripped from cinemas) IW legs get us to 88m. But looking at that film it had good holds in week 6 & 7. And collapsed. After doing a 660k weekend And a nearly 900k week in week 7 it made a further total of 800k beyond that. It dropped big. I think AEG will find better legs hence a final between 90m-95m is likely. 100m does seem a stretch at this point.
  9. So @RtheEnd how’s the weekend shaping ? Any updates on thurs and fri. ?
  10. 1. Will Endgame Make more than $160M? 1000 YES 2. Will Endgame make more than $200M? 2000 NO 3. Will Endgame make more than $180M? 3000 NO 4. Will The Intruder Open in 2nd Place? 4000 NO 5. Will the top 4 new entries' combined 3 day OWs total more than Endgame's 2nd Friday? 5000 NO 6. Will UglyDolls make more than Long Shot? 1000 NO 7. Will Captain Marvel drop more than 40%? 2000 NO 8. Will La Llorona stay above Breakthrough? 3000 NO 9. Will Little stay above Dumbo? 4000 NO 10. Will Penguins stay in the top 12? 5000 NO 11. Will Pet Semetary's PTA stay above $450? 1000 NO 12. Will Shazam drop less than 55%? 2000 YES 13. Will Missing Link increase more than 90% on Saturday? 3000 YES 14. Will Endgame cross $2B WW by the end of the weekend? 4000 YES 15. Will Disney pull the rest of its summer slate from the release schedules now because really... what's the point, there's no money left in the world? 5000 lol Bonus: 9/15 5000 10/15 8000 11/15 12,000 12/15 16,000 13/15 20,000 14/15 24,000 15/15 30,000 Part B: The top 3 predictions will score points as follows: Closest: Within 1% - 15,000, Within 2,5% - 12000, Within 5% 9,000, Within 10% - 6000 Outside 10% - 3000 points 2nd Closest: Within 1% - 12,000, Within 2,5% - 10000, Within 5% 7,000, Within 10% - 4000 Outside 10% - 2000 points 3rd Closest: Within 1% - 10,000, Within 2,5% - 8000, Within 5% 5,000, Within 10% - 2000 Outside 10% - 1000 points 1. Long Shot? 18.5M 2. What will be the percentage change for Us? -57% 3. What will Endgame's PTA be? $45k Part 😄 There will be 6 films to place and points are expanded because traditionally people haven't scored well here: 2. Long Shot 4. Ugly Dolls 6. Breakthrough 9. Dumbo 11. Pet Semetary 13. Us
  11. 1. Long Shot $50M - Too Low 2. Uglydolls $48M - Too High 3. The Hustle $41M - Too Low 4. A Dog's Journey $41.3M - Too High 5. John Wick 3 $106M - Too High 6. Sun is also a Star $36M - Half 7. Ma $63M - Too High 8. MIB International $107M - Too High 9. Shaft $100M - too high 10. Child's Play 42.5M - Too low 1. Which film will be the lowest grossing? Sun is also a star 2. Which film will be the highest grossing without making more than $100M? John Wick 3 3. Will exactly two films make the Domestic top 15? Yes 4. Will any film double its predicted gross? No 5. Will any film fail to reach half of its predicted gross? Yes 6. Will the actual combined total gross for the films be higher or lower than the predicted total gross? Lower 7. Percentage wise, what will be boxoffice.com's best prediction? A Dog's Journey 8. Percentage wise, what will be boxoffice.com's worst prediction? Sun is also a star 9. Will any of the films open in the number 1 position? Yes 10. Will 3 or more of these films open in 4th or lower? Yes
  12. well if this finishes with more than 100m AUD then 70m+ USD is on the cards i think. not touching the #1 in USD in well frankly i don't think ever bar a major change in the exchange rates
  13. did you just say 18m and being conservative for a 2nd weekend ??????
  14. so over 52m in 8 days so from thurs - 2.5m - 3m ? Fri - 5m Sat - 6.5m Sun - 6m 2nd weekend = 20.5m (sticking with this) and a 72.6m running total in only 12 days Just a reminder only 2 other films have ever made this many $... Avatar took 31 days (I might be a day off not sure) to reach 70m. Star Wars TFA did 70m in 19 days. it appears that AEG will do 70m in 11 or 12 days depending on the hold..... and at the same point in it's run Avatar was a mere 29m and TFA had just passed 50m....
  15. So ok then we could over 70m by Sunday???? Sun - 44.6m mon - 3.2m / 47.8m (current total) tues - 3m? / 50.8m wed - 2m? / 52.8m thurs - 3m / 55.8m fri - 5m / 60.8m sat - 6.5m / 67.3m sun - 6m / 73.3m (2nd weekend - 20.5m) am I too optimistic? That’s just plain crazy talk.... (FYI - IW should be passed on sat (maybe fri if the holds are even crazier))
  16. Ok so 30.8 USD or around 45m 5 day as per @RtheEnd. Just amazing.
  17. Time to dig out the comparisons... and frankly there is only 3 films this can be compared toooo.... At this stage it appears that Infinity War will be done and dusted by the end of the 2nd Sunday. My projection for current EG is 100m AUD (or 60m - 70m USD). I'm not sure if Avatar is in reach but i think Star Wars is in the ballpark at the moment. as I've already mentioned earlier, i think the floor is about 85m unless we see a complete collapse next weekend. IW legs gets EG into the 90's. EDIT - red means estimated. Movie Avatar Star Wars: The Force Awakens Avengers: Infinity War Avengers: Endgame Released 17/12/2009 17/12/2015 25/04/2018 24/04/2019 Week 0 $931,125 $931,125 $8,701,122 $8,701,122 $10,290,526 $10,290,526 Week 1 (OW) $11,962,308 $12,895,497 $27,254,820 $27,254,820 $21,239,893 $29,941,015 $34,300,000 $44,600,000 $7,349,693 $20,245,190 $11,286,747 $38,541,567 $5,418,285 $35,359,300 W/E Screens/Ave 588 20,344 941 28,964 871 24,386 ? ? Opening Day 9,425,000 8,701,122 10,290,526 Single Day 9,425,000 (Thursday) 8,701,122 (Wednesday) 10,290,526 (Wednesday) Week 2 $8,749,099 $28,994,289 $11,800,884 $50,342,451 $10,207,034 $45,566,334 $9,772,863 $38,767,152 $10,604,824 $60,947,275 $2,811,097 $48,377,431 W/E % Drop -26.9% -56.7% -51.9% Week 3 $9,659,700 $48,426,852 $9,001,962 $69,949,237 $5,316,692 $53,694,123 $6,475,778 $54,902,630 $5,017,486 $74,966,723 $1,158,106 $54,852,229 Week 4 $8,338,365 $63,240,995 $4,917,825 $79,884,548 $2,355,356 $57,207,585 $5,032,850 $68,273,845 $2,249,767 $82,134,315 $537,995 $57,745,580 Week 5 $7,002,454 $75,276,299 $2,988,963 $85,123,278 $1,196,976 $58,942,556 Week 6 $5,604,268 $84,804,886 $1,826,202 $88,275,958 $879,776 $60,151,998 Week 7 $4,548,004 $92,706,581 $1,290,271 $90,638,978 $661,898 $61,030,967 TOTAL: $115,623,586 $94,034,011 $61,865,083 $44,600,000 Projected $100,000,000
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