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Everything posted by JJ-8

  1. woah that reveal above was a big one...... but there are 2 more players to reveal. it's now @ZeeSoh's turn to face the beast....... and he is in need of a monster top 15 to top Simionski's impressive score.......
  2. The 4th last reveal of the game belongs to @PanaMovie...... PanaMovie To take the spot from kayu Pana needs a score of nearly 1.5m which would be game best to date. He hit 13 / 15 correct with 1 film in the exact position. he was also closest to 1 film too.... This is certainly in line with score near the 1.5m.... and he hit... Top 15 Score = 1,468,000 It's a new game high for the top 15 by 2k over Kalo's impressive score. His new and improved score is... TOTAL SCORE = 4,542,000
  3. ok so no we are on the business end of town...... 5 to go.... next is @kayumanggi kayumanggi kayu hit 13 / 15 correct but none in exact and only 1 film closest to.... however in the end this produced one of the better scores of the game with.... Top 15 Score = 1,437,000 yet again we have a new number 1... sorry @chasmmi the game just didn't have the will power to end there...... kayu is certainly beginning to make it tricky for our remaining 4 candidates.... with even Sheikh now needing nearly 1m just to be top. TOTAL SCORE = 4,502,500
  4. now o'm taking a break again after this reveal which after this will only leave 5 players to be revealed. Firstly, we have the other game runner in @chasmmi who has been for some time just sitting outside the top 5...... Chasmmi chas did manage to win the multi's chart, so all in all had a good run. now onto his top 15.... 12 / 15 correct, 2 exact and 1 closest tooo.... he did potentially cost himself a lot of points since he put Lego Movie 2 twice in his top 15. still the end result wasn't the end of the world.... Top 15 Score = 1,185,000 and no surprise this moves him onto the top spot.... TOTAL SCORE = 4,241,500 Taking a break before getting into the final 5 reveals......
  5. Next we have @BobDole who in fact had led much of the weekly game, however seems to have lost his way at the business end of the game...... BobDole BobDole is joining the group of players who scored around the average of 1.2m. He also put down 12 / 15 correct with 2 of those exact. Also 1 film was closest. His score : Top 15 Score = 1,237,000 And for what i suspect will be the last time, bobdole has returned to the top. TOTAL SCORE = 4,202,500
  6. now for @WrathOfHan..... WrathofHan Kind of a recurring theme here... WrathofHan also got 12 / 15 correct with 1 film in the exact position. end result... Top 15 Score = 1,200,000 While he got enough to get to the top, it was barely enough. It should be noted that @Sheikh now needs at least 500k in the top 15 to win this...... TOTAL SCORE = 4,078,100
  7. the next reveal is @glassfairy glassfairy as with Wrath, glassfairy also had a decent pre-season. He managed 12 / 15 correct with 1 film in the exact position. he did hit 3 films as closest to including being the only player to pick The Upside in their top 15. so... Top 15 Score = 1,396,000 which like above yet again puts him at the top .... He is also our first player to breach 4 million. TOTAL SCORE = 4,052,500 Updated chart in the spoiler...
  8. right so I am back to reveal some more..... here is @Wrath Wrath Wrath had a decent pre-season but his weeklies were little weak costing him a higher spot, but his top 15 ... he had 12 / 15 correct with 2 in exact positions. no closest to films. end result... Top 15 Score = 1,153,000 which his overall score lands... TOTAL SCORE = 3,790,500 Thats enough to take over top spot for now....
  9. And you guessed it before we entered the top 10 we have another new leader in fancyarcher......... Current After Worldwide Player Top 15 Domestic TOTAL 1 11 Fancyarcher 1,185,000 3,759,000 2 13 bcf26 1,246,000 3,692,500 3 1 Sheikh 0 3,526,000 4 12 JJ-8 978,000 3,474,500 5 2 ZeeSoh 0 3,349,200 6 14 aabattery 1,450,000 3,266,400 7 3 Simionski 0 3,207,500 8 4 PanaMovie 0 3,074,000 9 5 kayumanggi 0 3,065,500 10 6 Chasmmi 0 3,056,500 11 7 BobDole 0 2,965,500 12 8 WrathofHan 0 2,878,100 13 15 Mike Hunt 992,000 2,741,000 14 9 glassfairy 0 2,656,500 15 10 Wrath 0 2,637,500 16 16 PANDA 1,359,000 2,441,400 17 17 Telemachos 1,050,000 2,087,400 18 19 Kalo 1,466,000 1,468,400 19 18 Premium George 0 62,400 I'll be back later to continue the reveals... Next on my target list is Wrath and glassfairy.
  10. now for the final reveal for a bit : @Fancyarcher fancyarcher Fancyarcher before the top 15 was added in had over 2.5m. He hit 12 / 15 right, 2 in exact positions but no closest to. End result : Top 15 Score = 1,185,000 and overall... TOTAL SCORE = 3,759,000
  11. right on.... NEXT ; is me! JJ-8 The less that is said about my game this winter the better, I in my opinion had a shocker for the pre-season. (and weeklies and everything BUT QOTW ) I got 11 / 15 correct, 1 exact and no closest to... yeah not good.. Top 15 Score = 978,000 not the lowest score of the game......... but hmmmmmm TOTAL SCORE = 3,474,500
  12. Now updating the overall positions again.. we now have a new leader..... it should be noted that sheikh needs to score at least 100k to be back on top.... given we are talking about someone who was in 13th spot, should shiekh be worried is the real question....... Current After Worldwide Player Top 15 Domestic TOTAL 1 13 bcf26 1,246,000 3,692,500 2 1 Sheikh 0 3,526,000 3 2 ZeeSoh 0 3,349,200 4 14 aabattery 1,450,000 3,266,400 5 3 Simionski 0 3,207,500 6 4 PanaMovie 0 3,074,000 7 5 kayumanggi 0 3,065,500 8 6 Chasmmi 0 3,056,500 9 7 BobDole 0 2,965,500 10 8 WrathofHan 0 2,878,100 11 15 Mike Hunt 992,000 2,741,000 12 9 glassfairy 0 2,656,500 13 10 Wrath 0 2,637,500 14 11 Fancyarcher 0 2,574,000 15 12 JJ-8 0 2,496,500 16 16 PANDA 1,359,000 2,441,400 17 17 Telemachos 1,050,000 2,087,400 18 19 Kalo 1,466,000 1,468,400 19 18 Premium George 0 62,400
  13. NEXT : @bcf26 bcf26 bcf26 also played all game and had a score before including the top 15 of 2.4m It should be noted, that bcf26 did top the Risk Free Questions. in his top 15, he picked 12 / 15 films with 1 film exact. he also picked 1 film as the closest in gross. in the end he pulled down a respectable.... Top 15 Score = 1,246,000 TOTAL SCORE = 3,692,500
  14. NEXT : @aabattery aabattery aabattery, did start playing the weeklies and SOTM but then became quiet early . meaning he only has 1.8m to his name before the top 15 is factored in. aabattery had one of the stronger top 15's with 13 / 15 correct and 2 exact. no films were closest however. as a result he scored... Top 15 Score = 1,450,000 TOTAL SCORE = 3,266,400
  15. onto the next reveal @Mike Hunt Mike Hunt Mike hunt is our first player who played all season. He was a lot higher but his SOTM answers really let him down with a 352k loss (yes you read that right) He already had 1.7m in the bank, but what will his top 15 tell us. Mike has come in at the lower end with 11 / 15 correct, 2 in exact positions, no closest films. his score.... Top 15 Score = 992,000 TOTAL SCORE = 2,741,000
  16. Righto , time for a chart update....... Factoring those scores pushed the panda into 14th but it wasn't enough to breach the top 10. Sheikh still leads the pack...... Current After Worldwide Player Top 15 Domestic TOTAL 1 1 Sheikh 0 3,526,000 2 2 ZeeSoh 0 3,349,200 3 3 Simionski 0 3,207,500 4 4 PanaMovie 0 3,074,000 5 5 kayumanggi 0 3,065,500 6 6 Chasmmi 0 3,056,500 7 7 BobDole 0 2,965,500 8 8 WrathofHan 0 2,878,100 9 9 glassfairy 0 2,656,500 10 10 Wrath 0 2,637,500 11 11 Fancyarcher 0 2,574,000 12 12 JJ-8 0 2,496,500 13 13 bcf26 0 2,446,500 14 16 PANDA 1,359,000 2,441,400 15 17 Telemachos 1,050,000 2,087,400 16 14 aabattery 0 1,816,400 17 15 Mike Hunt 0 1,749,000 18 19 Kalo 1,466,000 1,468,400 19 18 Premium George 0 62,400
  17. NEXT : @The Panda The Panda The Panda like Tele only entered a pre-season hence why he's apppearing now. The Panda hit 12 / 15 correct with 1 film in the correct position. He also put down 2 films closest to (Fantastic Beasts 2, Bohemian Rhapsody). This resulted in another excellent score of.... Top 15 Score = 1,359,000 TOTAL SCORE = 2,441,000
  18. next @Telemachos Telemachos Here you go old man, is there a 2 million in the wings here for you.... i'm afraid not. Tele was one of our contingent who entered the pre-season but didn't enter any weeklies, QOTW or SOTM answers. Tele already had a score of over 1m thanks to rest of the pre-season scores. In summary, Tele managed 11 / 15 correct with 2 films in exact positions, no closest films. As a result, he got ... Top 15 Score = 1,050,000 TOTAL SCORE = 2,087,400
  19. next @Premium George Premium George Premium played 1 weekly game and submitted no Pre-Season so gets the dubious honour of being last ! Top 15 Score = 0 TOTAL SCORE = 62,400
  20. The first reveal is ... @Kalo Kalo Kalo submitted a pre-seaoson but only put in a top 15. hence his score reflects this. It's a bit disappointing really as his top 15 was quite a strong result and if a full pre-season had been entered and he had taken an active part in the game, a better result could have been given. Kalo managed to pick 12 / 15 films. 1 of those was in the exact position. He also helped himself by b3ing the closest to 3 films (Aquaman, Spiderman, Instant Family) in the top 15 for grosses. He was also 1 of 2 players who picked Instant Family in their top 15. Top 15 Score = 1,466,000 TOTAL SCORE = 1,468,400
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