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Jim Shorts

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Everything posted by Jim Shorts

  1. Thank goodness we have True Blood to pass the time with, damn the previews look great!
  2. Wildlings captured Jon and have brought him to their camp. It appears that everyone who dies above the wall turns into a wraith so the wildlings burn the dead so they don't come back as "zombies".
  3. Now that everyone we've met from Qarth is either dead or locked away, The Greatest City that ever was or will be is ripe for the conquering... Hint Hint Daenerys!
  4. I agree, the scenes with Tywin and Arya have been full of suspense and laughs. While Stannis has been great, this season belongs to Tyrion. He's played the "game" exceptionally well ever since coming back as The Hand.
  5. I was predicting in the low to mid 30s for the last month or so and the tracking pretty much convinced me to lower my original prediction. I'm still surprised it opened so well Friday.
  6. Bed and 24lost will battle it out for gold this week. Nicely played guys!
  7. ^^ LOL! On the BOM True Blood thread we all couldn't wait for Tara to die! That bitch has to go!
  8. LOL! CJohn and my predictions combined still don't add up to Neo's!
  9. Colleges are out, but elementary, middle and high schools don't start getting out for another 2 weeks or so, so yeah, we're not seeing the full advantage of summer weekdays.
  10. That and the 4 chilli dogs and a slimfast he had for his mid morning snack.
  11. ^ Don't forget MiB Silver since you know who won Gold.
  12. So the deadline has only been extended to bed and neo to predict CD? At this point, we already have Fri estimates from Rth.
  13. This thread is funny, we want instant scoring updates yet we wait until the very last minute on Friday to post predictions.
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