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Everything posted by Kalo

  1. I wanted to congratulate everyone who joined my Captain America over BvS club.(that I made a year ago) that unfortunately was locked because of the fan wars or whatever ever, had it not been. it would now be a resounding success. Captain America has already outgrossed it WW by nearly $100m. and will soon top it domestically as well, and end with a wide lead.
  2. Part 1 ~ answer yes/no unless otherwise stated (UOS) and are worth 1000 points each UOS. They also only refer to the top 12 UOS. 1) Will Angry Birds make more than $40m this weekend? Yes 2) Will Neighbours 2 make more than $40m this weekend? No 3) Will any film make above $50m this weekend? No 4) Will at least two new entries open above Civil War? No 5) Will The Nice Guys make more than $15m this weekend? Yes 6) Will Civil War become the number 1 film of 2016 by the end of Saturday? No 7) Will The Jungle Book overtake BvS's domestic total by the end of the weekend? Yes 8) Will Zootopia remain in the top 8? Yes 9) Will Huntsman increase more than 72% on Saturday? No 10) Will Mother's Day drop down to 10th place or lower? Yes 11) Will Money Monster drop more than 53%? No 12) Will The Darkness drop more than Ratchett and Clank? Yes 13) Will Barbershop have a better Friday increase than Keanu? Yes 14) Will the three main new entries combine to more than $100m? Yes 15) Will Greek Wedding 2 drop less than 37% on Sunday? No 16) Will Jungle Book's weekend gross be within $24m of Civil War's? no 17) Will Sing Street remain in the top 12? Yes 18) Will The Boss have a PTA above $650? No 19) Will Deadpool stay above Kung Fu Panda 3 this weekend? Yes 20) Will all three films involve scenes that show the unwitting imbibing of urine? sure. Bonuses 15/20 - 2000 16/20 - 4000 17/20 - 6000 18/20 - 9000 19/20 - 12000 20/20 - 15000 Part 2 ~ The closest predictor for each question scores 5000 UOS 1. What will be the gross of the number 1 film of the weekend? $43.7m 2. What will the top three new entries combined Saturday gross be? $39m 3. How far away from $1B Worldwide will Zootopia be by the end of the weekend? $11.111m Part 3 ~ predict which film finishes in the places given. (2000 per film) 1. Angry Birds 3. The Nice Guys 6. Money Monster 9. Huntsman 2 11. Keanu 15. Sing Street
  3. Yeah, I'm not sure why they included that Hulk scene either, considering there's only like two lines in it.
  4. So far only 8 in my top 100 made it. haven't seen 9 of them. haven't hated any that have shown up so far though. Doctor Strange Love is probably my least favorite out of them and I'd give it like a B. super overrated, but not awful.
  5. GOTG has one of the best opening title scenes ever, I don't know how they can top it in Vol 2. Also this should be higher than Avengers and Iron Man, but it's placement is acceptable(ish) at least.
  6. I find TDKR really funny actually. but most of the humor I find in it is not intentional. kind of why you find humor, if it's not there audience will find it in something that it wasn't in and not take it seriously not in everything, but Superhero films, even though they don't all have to be super funny need some. Civil War is a great example, overall it's a pretty serious movie and possibly Marvel's darkest film yet. but it had just the right amount of humor to keep us entertained. and not only that is was woven into the story, so it didn't interrupt the flow. kind of where AoU failed. that movie would actually be pretty awesome if they removed a lot of the forced humor.
  7. Actually I think they will after JL releases. but it will probably be too late by then.
  8. That's not really true, as a bigger DC fan as far as comics go, they have humor, or at least or not as dry and dull as the movies, have you seen the animated WW or JL tV show? there is tons of humor in them! heck even batman is humorous at points and it works out great. and Flash is basically DC's version of Spider-Man. the original Superman movies had tons of humor and it worked great, in fact Humor is an integral part of who superman is, becuase he knows he has to make fun of himself a bit to have his clark kent persona, that was not limited to the movies either, he does the same in All Star Superman and many other comics. Maybe if you weren't such a marvel fanboy you could pick up a DC comic and realize it is WB's post Nolan DC universe that wants to nuke the humor out of their characters. Their characters have a lot of diversity the problem is WB (and Definitely Synder), acts like they are ashamed of half of them. how can they expect the general public to embrace their characters if they don't? I'm not sure what you mean by not try and compete with Marvel. they are rival studios so of course they should. but your right they can't expect to get from A to Z without out going from B and C first. that's a huge mistake they made. they need to fire Synder. that man is poison. he does not have any respect for the characters, I just watched an interview where he said he couldn't have Superman and Batman talk while they were in the suites because he couldn't take anything they said seriously, that was honestly the biggest mistake DC/WB has ever made and until they get ride of him their DCEU will suffer. The fact they are making JL with him makes we worry they are already too late.
  9. I hate Pokemon, so I don't care. and becuase Animated feels to close to the video games, not that they couldn't be good. I just have had an awesome Idea in my head for a live action Super Mario Bros film for a long time.
  10. I would rather see live action movies made from Nintendo to be honest.
  11. Don't worry guys WB knows exactly what they are doing DC is in good hands.
  12. have two. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt4669986/?ref_=nv_sr_2 http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=loving.htm
  13. I mean, you can make a good movie from anything, but I just can't seem to fit the pieces together for this one.
  14. Also this comes out Nov 4th. Shouldn't it be moved to the main forum?
  15. I still haven't seen memento, in fact there is already quite a few on here I haven't seen.
  16. btw took my nehpews to see Civil War last night, the younger one who is nine is like "it's my second favorite movie" and I'm like, what's your number one? "and he says "Empire Strikes Back" I have trained him well.
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