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Everything posted by laguy03

  1. Current Top 10 Films of Summer [Worldwide] (6.16.13): 1. Iron Man 3 – $1,203,459,094 2. Fast & Furious 6 – $637,023,955 3. Star Trek Into Darkness – $412,786,948 4. The Hangover Part III – $309,832,701 5. The Great Gatsby – $300,277,874 6. Epic – $213,013,528 7. Man of Steel - $201,981,486 8. Now You See Me – $108,405,956 9. After Earth – $103,116,057 10. The Purge – $58,662,845 Current Top 10 Total: $3,548,560,444
  2. Worldwide Top 5 Standings As of June 16th, 2013: If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $50 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $75 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $100 MILLION and get 2,500 points! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $100 MILLION and lose 10,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (47/47) CURRENT TOTAL - $1.20B Schumacher FTW - $1.115B Newbie - $1.105B Vanilla - $1.1B gizmo - $1.1B Neo - $1.056B Tower - $1.05B grim22 - $1.05B cmasterclay - $1.05B kitik - $1.05B c00k13 - $1.03B Filmovie - $1.02B IronMan89 - $1.02B Glassfairy - $1.02B druv10 - $1.01B Simionski - $1.005B Dexter of Suburbia - $1.0B Mattrek - $1.0B DAR - $1.0B Chasmmi - $1.0B Fake - $1.0B ChFloppit - $985M Iceroll - $976M Jake Gittes - $972M iTz ED - $969M RichWS - $960M CEDAR - $955M Iron Olive - $955M Sam - $950M Punishment - $950M narniadis - $950M The Stingray - $950M ShawnMR - $950M CJohn - $945M Blankments Into Darkness - $940M Jay Salahi - $936M junkshop38 - $935M kayumanggi - $920M Goffe - $920M acsc1312 - $910M TylerDurden365 - $910M Michael G Scott - $900M Telemachos - $879M baumer - $875M TLK - $855M JackO - $850M 24Lost - $830M laguy03 - $827M The Great Gatsby (1/47) glassfairy - $400M CURRENT TOTAL - $300.3M Star Trek Into Darkness (47/47) Neo - $815M iTz ED - $752M JackO - $750M TylerDurden365 - $730M druv10 - $720M Jake Gittes - $713M 24Lost - $711M c00k13 - $700M Simionski - $700M acsc1312 - $680M DAR - $675M Schumacher FTW - $670M Filmovie - $664M iceroll - $650M Punishment - $650M Iron Olive - $650M Fake - $650M Gizmo - $650M Sam - $630M Cmasterclay - $630M Glassfairy - $630M Michael G Scott - $625M The Stingray - $625M Blankments Into Darkness - $625M RichWS - $615M Newbie - $613M CEDAR - $605M IronMan89 - $605M Kayumanggi - $600M Vanilla - $600M Chasmmi - $600M Kitik - $600M ShawnMR - $600M grim22 - $585M baumer - $584M Telemachos - $582M narniadis - $575M Jay Salahi - $571M Dexter of Suburbia - $570M TLK - $570M CJohn - $560M Mattrek - $550M Goffe - $548M Tower - $521M junkshop38 - $515M ChFloppit - $485M laguy03 - $485M CURRENT TOTAL - $412.8M Fast & Furious 6 (46/47) druv10 - $900M Vanilla - $890M Tower - $875M Gizmo - $845M Glassfairy - $838M TLK - $835M Cmasterclay - $825M Neo - $801M Dexter of Suburbia - $790M Schumacher FTW - $783M iTz ED - $780M JackO - $780M Filmovie - $780M Blankments Into Darkness - $780M Kitik - $780M Jay Salahi - $770M 24Lost - $764M Michael G Scott - $750M Punishment - $750M c00k13 - $750M DAR - $750M The Stingray - $750M Telemachos - $736M RichWS - $735M Sam - $730M Mattrek - $725M Iceroll - $725M IronMan89 - $720M Iron Olive - $720M Jake Gittes - $718M kayumanggi - $715M Simionski - $710M junkshop38 - $705M grim22 - $700M baumer - $700M Fake - $700M ShawnMR - $695M Newbie - $693M CJohn - $690M Goffe - $680M ChFloppit - $680M Narniadis - $675M TylerDurden365 - $665M laguy03 - $660M Chasmmi - $650M CEDAR - $640M CURRENT TOTAL - $637.0M The Hangover Part III (44/47) iTz ED - $635M baumer - $615M Mattrek - $600M Punishment - $600M Vanilla - $600M Newbie - $581M Filmovie - $580M Cmasterclay - $580M Simionski - $578M laguy03 - $575M ShawnMR - $565M Neo - $560M IronMan89 - $560M acsc1312 - $550M junkshop38 - $546M Sam - $545M Dexter of Suburbia - $530M Narniadis - $530M TLK - $530M druv10 - $525M kayumanggi - $525M The Stingray - $515M Tower - $510M Jay Salahi - $505M Michael G Scott - $500M CEDAR - $500M grim22 - $500M c00k13 - $500M Blankments Into Darkness - $500M Fake - $500M Gizmo - $495M 24Lost - $486M JackO - $485M Goffe - $485M ChFloppit - $480M Telemachos - $475M Schumacher FTW - $470M Iron Olive - $465M Iceroll - $450M CJohn - $445M Jake Gittes - $441M Chasmmi - $425M RichWS - $425M Glassfairy - $416M CURRENT TOTAL - $309.8M Epic (13/47) Schumacher FTW - $430M Fake - $425M Simionski - $411M CJohn - $395M Iron Olive - $385M Tower - $350M CURRENT TOTAL - $213.0M After Earth (13/47) cmasterclay - $525M chasmmi - $525M druv10 - $500M kayumanggi - $500M Dexter of Suburbia - $475M Neo - $470M JackO - $450M Sam - $420M ShawnMR - $400M ChFloppit - $395M Tower - $375M narniadis - $375M Goffe - $365M CURRENT TOTAL - $103.1M Man of Steel (47/47) Filmovie - $805M Neo - $801M 24Lost - $790M junkshop38 - $785M kayumanggi - $780M glassfairy - $771M CEDAR - $752M Mattrek - $750M c00k13 - $735M Jay Salahi - $734M druv10 - $725M JackO - $725M Telemachos - $722M grim22 - $720M iTz ED - $705M Schumacher FTW - $700M Vanilla - $700M kitik - $700M Sam - $690M iceroll - $685M TylerDurden365 - $675M Goffe - $675M Jake Gittes - $670M Punishment - $670M Tower - $650M RichWS - $650M baumer - $640M Simionski - $630M Newbie - $615M cmasterclay - $610M Iron Olive - $605M ShawnMR - $601M acsc1312 - $600M chasmmi - $595M gizmo - $595M DAR - $575M IronMan89 - $570M ChFloppit - $555M Blankments Into Darkness - $545m Michael G Scott - $525M The Stingray - $525M Fake - $525M CJohn - $505M Dexter of Suburbia - $500M narniadis - $450M TLK - $440M laguy03 - $435M CURRENT TOTAL - $202.0M
  3. Current Top 15 Films of Summer (As of 6.16.13): 1. Iron Man 3 - $399,659,094 2. Fast & Furious 6 - $219,723,955 3. Star Trek Into Darkness - $211,086,948 4. The Great Gatsby - $139,977,874 5. Man of Steel - $128,681,486 6. The Hangover Part III - $108,032,701 7. Epic - $95,713,528 8. Now You See Me - $80,705,956 9. After Earth - $54,516,057 10. The Purge - $51,962,845 11. Pain and Gain - $49,290,870 12. This Is The End - $33,027,297 13. The Internship - $31,099,912 14. The Big Wedding - $21,477,281 15. Mud - $19,563,103 Current Top 15 Total: $1,644,518,907
  4. Current Domestic Top 15 Standings As of June 16th, 2013: If your prediction is in GOLD, then you are within $2 MILLION and get 25,000 points! If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $5 MILLION and get 20,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $20 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $30 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in BLACK then you are SAFE! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $40 MILLION and lose 5,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (48/48) Jessie - $450M Glassfairy - $450M Newbie - $436.1M Neo - $433M Vanilla - $425M Chasmmi - $425M Druv10 - $415M Dexter of Suburbia - $415M IronMan89 - $415M CJohn - $415M Cmasterclay - $410M Narniadis - $410M RichWS - $410M gizmo - $410M Schumacher FTW - $406M C00k13 - $405M DAR - $405M The Stingray - $405M Simionski - $405M iTz ED - $401M Jake Gittes - $400.8M Tower – $400M grim22 - $400M Blankments Into Darkness - $400M CURRENT TOTAL - $399.66M GoffeSteel - $398M Kitik - $395M ChFloppit - $390M acsc1312 - $389M Iceroll - $388M Jay Salahi - $386M Sam - $385M Iron Olive - $381M junkshop38 - $381M Punishment - $375M ShawnMR - $375M CEDAR - $370M Telemachos - $369M Filmovie - $365M Fake - $365M laguy03 - $362M Michael G Scott - $360M Mattrek - $360M TylerDurden365 - $360M 24Lost - $360M JackO - $350M Baumer - $349.5M Kayumanggi - $348M TLK - $335M The Great Gatsby (11/48) glassfairy - $150M CURRENT TOTAL - $139.98M Mattrek - $135M Newbie - $134M Neo - $131M TylerDurden365 - $120M cmasterclay - $120M IronMan89 - $118M acsc1312 - $110M CJohn - $106M Filmovie - $102M Iron Olive - $88M Star Trek Into Darkness (48/48) Jessie - $405M gizmo - $382M Simionski - $380M Neo - $375M Chasmmi - $365M JackO - $360M Jake Gittes - $354M 24Lost - $350M Blankments Into Darkness - $345M Newbie - $339M The Stingray - $335M iTz ED - $332M Schumacher FTW - $332M Michael G Scott - $330M Druv10 - $330M Kayumanggi - $330M Punishment - $330M Sam - $328M Cmasterclay - $325M C00k13 - $325M GoffeSteel - $323M Mattrek - $320M Iron Olive - $320M Fake - $320M RichWS - $320M IronMan89 - $317M CJohn - $315M Filmovie - $310M ShawnMR - $310M junkshop38 - $308M Narniadis - $305M Telemachos - $302M Iceroll - $300M DAR - $300M Vanilla - $300M laguy03 - $297M CEDAR - $295M Dexter of Suburbia - $290M acsc1312 - $290M ChFloppit - $285M kitik - $285M TylerDurden365 - $280M grim22 - $280M glassfairy - $280M Jay Salahi - $260M Tower - $255M TLK - $250M baumer - $235.5M CURRENT TOTAL - $211.09M Fast & Furious 6 (47/48) cmasterclay - $300M TLK - $285M Neo - $276M Glassfairy - $276M Telemachos - $270M Schumacher FTW - $265M RichWS - $255M Vanilla - $252M Tower - $250M Druv10 - $250M C00k13 - $250M Newbie - $246M Dexter of Suburbia - $245M grim22 - $245M kitik - $245M Jay Salahi - $243M Sam - $242M Jake Gittes - $240.5M 24Lost - $240M Iceroll - $239M Gizmo - $238M junkshop38 - $233M Michael G Scott - $230M GoffeSteel - $230M DAR - $230M ChFloppit - $230M The Stingray - $230M Kayumanggi - $228M ShawnMR - $226M CJohn - $225M chasmmi - $225M Iron Olive - $225M CEDAR - $222M iTz ED - $221M Mattrek - $220M Narniadis - $220M Blankments Into Darkness - $220M Simionski - $220M baumer - $220M Fake - $220M CURRENT TOTAL - $219.72M TylerDurden365 - $215M JackO - $210M Filmovie - $210M Jessie - $210M acsc1312 - $205M Punishment - $200M IronMan89 - $200M laguy03 - $185M The Hangover Part III (48/48) Newbie - $268M acsc1312 - $225M Simionski - $218M Narniadis - $215M baumer - $215M junkshop38 - $213M Cmasterclay - $210M Neo - $205M chasmmi - $205M laguy03 - $203M Vanilla - $202M Filmovie - $201M Gizmo - $201M Michael G Scott - $200M Druv10 - $200M Kayumanggi - $200M grim22 - $200M The Stingray - $200M Blankments Into Darkness - $200M Schumacher FTW - $196M Sam - $195M RichWS - $195M Jay Salahi - $194M CJohn - $191M iTz ED - $186M Tower - $185M ChFloppit - $185M Iron Olive - $185M Fake - $185M Telemachos - $185M ShawnMR - $182M Mattrek - $180M TylerDurden365 - $180M DAR - $180M TLK - $180M Jake Gittes - $175.6M iceroll - $175M CEDAR - $175M IronMan89 - $175M 24Lost - $175M Punishment - $170M C00k13 - $170M Jessie - $170M JackO - $165M Kitik - $165M GoffeSteel - $153M Dexter of Suburbia - $150M Glassfairy - $130M CURRENT TOTAL - $108.03M Epic (15/48) The Stingray - $165M Neo - $158M TLK - $145M Jake Gittes - $138M C00k13 - $130M Schumacher FTW - $128M Tower - $121M Kayumanggi - $120M Fake - $120M Baumer - $115.5M Iron Olive - $115M 24Lost - $115M Glassfairy - $113M CJohn - $110M Gizmo - $106M CURRENT TOTAL - $95.71M After Earth (23/48) glassfairy - $164M JackO - $160M Chasmmi - $155M Neo - $145M Kitik - $145M Jake Gittes - $141.5M Druv10 - $135M cmasterclay - $135M narniadis - $135M 24Lost - $135M TLK - $130M Tower - $125M Mattrek - $125M Sam - $120M Iron Olive - $120M Simionski - $120M Jessie - $120M GoffeSteel - $118M Fake - $115M laguy03 - $115M CJohn - $114M Filmovie - $104M ChFloppit - $100M CURRENT TOTAL - $54.52M The Internship (2/48) Neo - $135M Druv10 - $125M CURRENT TOTAL - $31.09M Man of Steel (48/48) 24Lost - $361M Filmovie - $355M Vanilla - $350M Mattrek - $340M kayumanggi - $332M Druv10 - $325M junkshop38 - $325M Jay Salahi - $324M JackO - $320M Jessie - $320M Neo - $312M CEDAR - $312M acsc1312 - $310M Newbie - $309M grim22 - $305M chasmmi - $305M RichWS - $305M iTz ED - $302M Tower - $300M Blankments Into Darkness - $300M glassfairy - $300M kitik - $295M ShawnMR - $290M iceroll - $289M Sam - $287M IronMan89 - $285M Iron Olive - $281M Punishment - $280M narniadis - $280M DAR - $280M Simionski - $280M GoffeSteel - $278M Jake Gittes - $277.1M Dexter of Suburbia - $275M TylerDurden365 - $275M Schumacher FTW - $275M baumer - $275M Michael G Scott - $270M The Stingray - $270M ChFloppit - $265M gizmo - $261M cmasterclay - $260M TLK - $260M Telemachos - $259M C00k13 - $255M Fake - $240M CJohn - $231M laguy03 - $171M CURRENT TOTAL - $128.68M This Is The End (8/48) Vanilla - $165M Blankments Into Darkness - $140M gizmo - $139M Dexter of Suburbia - $120M Kayumanggi - $118M acsc1312 - $100M ShawnMR - $95M Iron Olive - $86M CURRENT TOTAL - $33.03M
  5. I've said it before and I will say it again. We need to have regular/standardized due dates/times. I don't check the boards for weekly questions until Thursday, unless a movie opens on a Wednesday, in which case I will check on Wednesday afternoon. Having answers due at 3 AM on a Tuesday night just doesn't make any sense. I think I'm just going to drop out of the game.
  6. Did the deadline pass for this week's questions? You've got to be kidding me...
  7. Current Top 10 Films of Summer [Worldwide] (6.09.13): 1. Iron Man 3 – $1,196,583,326 2. Fast & Furious 6 – $584,512,580 3. Star Trek Into Darkness – $376,266,194 4. The Great Gatsby – $278,767,527 5. The Hangover Part III – $272,837,370 6. Epic – $189,330,559 7. After Earth – $94,703,809 8. Now You See Me – $64,114,914 9. Pain and Gain – $49,215,839 10. The Purge – $37,558,360 Current Top 10 Total: $3,143,890,478
  8. Worldwide Top 5 Standings As of June 9th, 2013: If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $50 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $75 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $100 MILLION and get 2,500 points! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $100 MILLION and lose 10,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (47/47) CURRENT TOTAL - $1.19B Schumacher FTW - $1.115B Newbie - $1.105B Vanilla - $1.1B gizmo - $1.1B Neo - $1.056B Tower - $1.05B grim22 - $1.05B cmasterclay - $1.05B kitik - $1.05B c00k13 - $1.03B Filmovie - $1.02B IronMan89 - $1.02B Glassfairy - $1.02B druv10 - $1.01B Simionski - $1.005B Dexter of Suburbia - $1.0B Mattrek - $1.0B DAR - $1.0B Chasmmi - $1.0B Fake - $1.0B ChFloppit - $985M Iceroll - $976M Jake Gittes - $972M iTz ED - $969M RichWS - $960M CEDAR - $955M Iron Olive - $955M Sam - $950M Punishment - $950M narniadis - $950M The Stingray - $950M ShawnMR - $950M CJohn - $945M Blankments Into Darkness - $940M Jay Salahi - $936M junkshop38 - $935M kayumanggi - $920M Goffe - $920M acsc1312 - $910M TylerDurden365 - $910M Michael G Scott - $900M Telemachos - $879M baumer - $875M TLK - $855M JackO - $850M 24Lost - $830M laguy03 - $827M The Great Gatsby (1/47) glassfairy - $400M CURRENT TOTAL - $278.8M Star Trek Into Darkness (47/47) Neo - $815M iTz ED - $752M JackO - $750M TylerDurden365 - $730M druv10 - $720M Jake Gittes - $713M 24Lost - $711M c00k13 - $700M Simionski - $700M acsc1312 - $680M DAR - $675M Schumacher FTW - $670M Filmovie - $664M iceroll - $650M Punishment - $650M Iron Olive - $650M Fake - $650M Gizmo - $650M Sam - $630M Cmasterclay - $630M Glassfairy - $630M Michael G Scott - $625M The Stingray - $625M Blankments Into Darkness - $625M RichWS - $615M Newbie - $613M CEDAR - $605M IronMan89 - $605M Kayumanggi - $600M Vanilla - $600M Chasmmi - $600M Kitik - $600M ShawnMR - $600M grim22 - $585M baumer - $584M Telemachos - $582M narniadis - $575M Jay Salahi - $571M Dexter of Suburbia - $570M TLK - $570M CJohn - $560M Mattrek - $550M Goffe - $548M Tower - $521M junkshop38 - $515M ChFloppit - $485M laguy03 - $485M CURRENT TOTAL - $376.3M Fast & Furious 6 (46/47) druv10 - $900M Vanilla - $890M Tower - $875M Gizmo - $845M Glassfairy - $838M TLK - $835M Cmasterclay - $825M Neo - $801M Dexter of Suburbia - $790M Schumacher FTW - $783M iTz ED - $780M JackO - $780M Filmovie - $780M Blankments Into Darkness - $780M Kitik - $780M Jay Salahi - $770M 24Lost - $764M Michael G Scott - $750M Punishment - $750M c00k13 - $750M DAR - $750M The Stingray - $750M Telemachos - $736M RichWS - $735M Sam - $730M Mattrek - $725M Iceroll - $725M IronMan89 - $720M Iron Olive - $720M Jake Gittes - $718M kayumanggi - $715M Simionski - $710M junkshop38 - $705M grim22 - $700M baumer - $700M Fake - $700M ShawnMR - $695M Newbie - $693M CJohn - $690M Goffe - $680M ChFloppit - $680M Narniadis - $675M TylerDurden365 - $665M laguy03 - $660M Chasmmi - $650M CEDAR - $640M CURRENT TOTAL - $584.5M The Hangover Part III (44/47) iTz ED - $635M baumer - $615M Mattrek - $600M Punishment - $600M Vanilla - $600M Newbie - $581M Filmovie - $580M Cmasterclay - $580M Simionski - $578M laguy03 - $575M ShawnMR - $565M Neo - $560M IronMan89 - $560M acsc1312 - $550M junkshop38 - $546M Sam - $545M Dexter of Suburbia - $530M Narniadis - $530M TLK - $530M druv10 - $525M kayumanggi - $525M The Stingray - $515M Tower - $510M Jay Salahi - $505M Michael G Scott - $500M CEDAR - $500M grim22 - $500M c00k13 - $500M Blankments Into Darkness - $500M Fake - $500M Gizmo - $495M 24Lost - $486M JackO - $485M Goffe - $485M ChFloppit - $480M Telemachos - $475M Schumacher FTW - $470M Iron Olive - $465M Iceroll - $450M CJohn - $445M Jake Gittes - $441M Chasmmi - $425M RichWS - $425M Glassfairy - $416M CURRENT TOTAL - $272.8M Epic (13/47) Schumacher FTW - $430M Fake - $425M Simionski - $411M CJohn - $395M Iron Olive - $385M Tower - $350M CURRENT TOTAL - $189.3M After Earth (13/47) cmasterclay - $525M chasmmi - $525M druv10 - $500M kayumanggi - $500M Dexter of Suburbia - $475M Neo - $470M JackO - $450M Sam - $420M ShawnMR - $400M ChFloppit - $395M Tower - $375M narniadis - $375M Goffe - $365M CURRENT TOTAL - $94.7M
  9. Current Top 15 Films of Summer (As of 6.09.13): 1. Iron Man 3 - $394,283,326 2. Fast & Furious 6 - $202,812,580 3. Star Trek Into Darkness - $199,866,194 4. The Great Gatsby - $136,167,527 5. The Hangover Part III - $102,337,370 6. Epic - $83,930,559 7. Now You See Me - $60,914,914 8. Pain and Gain - $49,215,839 9. After Earth - $46,103,809 10. The Purge - $34,058,360 11. The Big Wedding - $21,373,953 12. Mud - $18,538,320 13. The Internship - $17,325,307 14. Tyler Perry Presents Peeples - $9,123,834 15. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani - $2,855,631 Current Top 15 Total: $1,378,907,523
  10. oCurrent Domestic Top 15 Standings As of June 9th, 2013: If your prediction is in GOLD, then you are within $2 MILLION and get 25,000 points! If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $5 MILLION and get 20,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $20 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $30 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in BLACK then you are SAFE! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $40 MILLION and lose 5,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (48/48) Jessie - $450M Glassfairy - $450M Newbie - $436.1M Neo - $433M Vanilla - $425M Chasmmi - $425M Druv10 - $415M Dexter of Suburbia - $415M IronMan89 - $415M CJohn - $415M Cmasterclay - $410M Narniadis - $410M RichWS - $410M gizmo - $410M Schumacher FTW - $406M C00k13 - $405M DAR - $405M The Stingray - $405M Simionski - $405M iTz ED - $401M Jake Gittes - $400.8M Tower – $400M grim22 - $400M Blankments Into Darkness - $400M GoffeSteel - $398M Kitik - $395M CURRENT TOTAL - $394.28M ChFloppit - $390M acsc1312 - $389M Iceroll - $388M Jay Salahi - $386M Sam - $385M Iron Olive - $381M junkshop38 - $381M Punishment - $375M ShawnMR - $375M CEDAR - $370M Telemachos - $369M Filmovie - $365M Fake - $365M laguy03 - $362M Michael G Scott - $360M Mattrek - $360M TylerDurden365 - $360M 24Lost - $360M JackO - $350M Baumer - $349.5M Kayumanggi - $348M TLK - $335M The Great Gatsby (11/48) glassfairy - $150M CURRENT TOTAL - $136.17M Mattrek - $135M Newbie - $134M Neo - $131M TylerDurden365 - $120M cmasterclay - $120M IronMan89 - $118M acsc1312 - $110M CJohn - $106M Filmovie - $102M Iron Olive - $88M Star Trek Into Darkness (48/48) Jessie - $405M gizmo - $382M Simionski - $380M Neo - $375M Chasmmi - $365M JackO - $360M Jake Gittes - $354M 24Lost - $350M Blankments Into Darkness - $345M Newbie - $339M The Stingray - $335M iTz ED - $332M Schumacher FTW - $332M Michael G Scott - $330M Druv10 - $330M Kayumanggi - $330M Punishment - $330M Sam - $328M Cmasterclay - $325M C00k13 - $325M GoffeSteel - $323M Mattrek - $320M Iron Olive - $320M Fake - $320M RichWS - $320M IronMan89 - $317M CJohn - $315M Filmovie - $310M ShawnMR - $310M junkshop38 - $308M Narniadis - $305M Telemachos - $302M Iceroll - $300M DAR - $300M Vanilla - $300M laguy03 - $297M CEDAR - $295M Dexter of Suburbia - $290M acsc1312 - $290M ChFloppit - $285M kitik - $285M TylerDurden365 - $280M grim22 - $280M glassfairy - $280M Jay Salahi - $260M Tower - $255M TLK - $250M baumer - $235.5M CURRENT TOTAL - $199.87M Fast & Furious 6 (47/48) cmasterclay - $300M TLK - $285M Neo - $276M Glassfairy - $276M Telemachos - $270M Schumacher FTW - $265M RichWS - $255M Vanilla - $252M Tower - $250M Druv10 - $250M C00k13 - $250M Newbie - $246M Dexter of Suburbia - $245M grim22 - $245M kitik - $245M Jay Salahi - $243M Sam - $242M Jake Gittes - $240.5M 24Lost - $240M Iceroll - $239M Gizmo - $238M junkshop38 - $233M Michael G Scott - $230M GoffeSteel - $230M DAR - $230M ChFloppit - $230M The Stingray - $230M Kayumanggi - $228M ShawnMR - $226M CJohn - $225M chasmmi - $225M Iron Olive - $225M CEDAR - $222M iTz ED - $221M Mattrek - $220M Narniadis - $220M Blankments Into Darkness - $220M Simionski - $220M baumer - $220M Fake - $220M TylerDurden365 - $215M JackO - $210M Filmovie - $210M Jessie - $210M acsc1312 - $205M CURRENT TOTAL - $202.81M Punishment - $200M IronMan89 - $200M laguy03 - $185M The Hangover Part III (48/48) Newbie - $268M acsc1312 - $225M Simionski - $218M Narniadis - $215M baumer - $215M junkshop38 - $213M Cmasterclay - $210M Neo - $205M chasmmi - $205M laguy03 - $203M Vanilla - $202M Filmovie - $201M Gizmo - $201M Michael G Scott - $200M Druv10 - $200M Kayumanggi - $200M grim22 - $200M The Stingray - $200M Blankments Into Darkness - $200M Schumacher FTW - $196M Sam - $195M RichWS - $195M Jay Salahi - $194M CJohn - $191M iTz ED - $186M Tower - $185M ChFloppit - $185M Iron Olive - $185M Fake - $185M Telemachos - $185M ShawnMR - $182M Mattrek - $180M TylerDurden365 - $180M DAR - $180M TLK - $180M Jake Gittes - $175.6M iceroll - $175M CEDAR - $175M IronMan89 - $175M 24Lost - $175M Punishment - $170M C00k13 - $170M Jessie - $170M JackO - $165M Kitik - $165M GoffeSteel - $153M Dexter of Suburbia - $150M Glassfairy - $130M CURRENT TOTAL - $102.34M Epic (15/48) The Stingray - $165M Neo - $158M TLK - $145M Jake Gittes - $138M C00k13 - $130M Schumacher FTW - $128M Tower - $121M Kayumanggi - $120M Fake - $120M Baumer - $115.5M Iron Olive - $115M 24Lost - $115M Glassfairy - $113M CJohn - $110M Gizmo - $106M CURRENT TOTAL - $83.93M After Earth (23/48) glassfairy - $164M JackO - $160M Chasmmi - $155M Neo - $145M Kitik - $145M Jake Gittes - $141.5M Druv10 - $135M cmasterclay - $135M narniadis - $135M 24Lost - $135M TLK - $130M Tower - $125M Mattrek - $125M Sam - $120M Iron Olive - $120M Simionski - $120M Jessie - $120M GoffeSteel - $118M Fake - $115M laguy03 - $115M CJohn - $114M Filmovie - $104M ChFloppit - $100M CURRENT TOTAL - $46.10M The Internship (2/48) Neo - $135M Druv10 - $125M CURRENT TOTAL - $17.33M
  11. Wow. I am just going through all MOS predictions. Most people have predictions in the $275M-$325M range. I have the lowest prediction by $60M!!! I predicted $171M. What was I thinking? This movie is probably going to be huge and now I'm kicking myself for not looking at everyone's predictions. If I had, maybe it would've swayed me to make a prediction of at least $200M.
  12. I didn't include it in my lowest 5 films of summer but I did include "This Is the End". I just had a feeling that it would be a movie that relies on its stars rather than the material, but early indications point to the film being pretty solid. I'm sure it will be at least a modest hit.
  13. All questions worth 1000 UOS 1) What film finishes number 1? The Purge 2) Will FF6 finish in one of the top 3 spots? NO 3) Will After Earth fall less than The Happening did in it's second weekend? YES 4) Will any film in the top 12 have a Friday increase of more than 83.5%? NO 5) Will any film in the top 12 have a Saturday increase of more 51.6%? YES 6) Will The Purge open to more than 20 mill? YES 7) Will The Internship open to more than 20 mill? YES 8) Will NYSM fall less 39.4%? NO 9) Will The East increase more than 200%? NO 10) Will FF6 have a Saturday increase of more than 43.2%? NO 11) Will IM3 drop less than 40%? NO 12) Will STID increase more than 65% on Friday NO 13) Will The Hangover 3 make more than 50 mill internationally? NO 14) Will The Internship have a better Sunday decrease than The Purge? YES 15) Will TGG stay in the top 10? NO 12/15 3000 13/15 4000 14/15 5000 15/15 8000 What finishes in spots: 1 The Purge 2 The Internship 3 Now You See Me 12 Mud 15 The East 2000 each spot correct 5000 bonus if all 5 correct Bonus 2: What will the cume be for the top three films? 4000 $65.215M Bonus 3: What will Epic, The Croods and Oz gross combined for the weekend? 4000 $10.398M
  14. Current Top 10 Films of Summer [Worldwide] (6.02.13): 1. Iron Man 3 – $1,180,387,736 2. Fast & Furious 6 – $481,203,965 3. Star Trek Into Darkness – $328,937,381 4. The Great Gatsby – $248,508,209 5. The Hangover Part III – $199,240,908 6. Epic – $150,177,491 7. Pain and Gain – $49,055,628 8. After Earth - $30,220,040 9. The Big Wedding – $21,285,980 10. Kon-Tiki – $21,123,753 Current Top 10 Total: $2,710,141,091
  15. Worldwide Top 5 Standings As of June 2nd, 2013: If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $50 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $75 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $100 MILLION and get 2,500 points! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $100 MILLION and lose 10,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (47/47) CURRENT TOTAL - $1.18B Schumacher FTW - $1.115B Newbie - $1.105B Vanilla - $1.1B gizmo - $1.1B Neo - $1.056B Tower - $1.05B grim22 - $1.05B cmasterclay - $1.05B kitik - $1.05B c00k13 - $1.03B Filmovie - $1.02B IronMan89 - $1.02B Glassfairy - $1.02B druv10 - $1.01B Simionski - $1.005B Dexter of Suburbia - $1.0B Mattrek - $1.0B DAR - $1.0B Chasmmi - $1.0B Fake - $1.0B ChFloppit - $985M Iceroll - $976M Jake Gittes - $972M iTz ED - $969M RichWS - $960M CEDAR - $955M Iron Olive - $955M Sam - $950M Punishment - $950M narniadis - $950M The Stingray - $950M ShawnMR - $950M CJohn - $945M Blankments Into Darkness - $940M Jay Salahi - $936M junkshop38 - $935M kayumanggi - $920M Goffe - $920M acsc1312 - $910M TylerDurden365 - $910M Michael G Scott - $900M Telemachos - $879M baumer - $875M TLK - $855M JackO - $850M 24Lost - $830M laguy03 - $827M The Great Gatsby (1/47) glassfairy - $400M CURRENT TOTAL - $248.5M Star Trek Into Darkness (47/47) Neo - $815M iTz ED - $752M JackO - $750M TylerDurden365 - $730M druv10 - $720M Jake Gittes - $713M 24Lost - $711M c00k13 - $700M Simionski - $700M acsc1312 - $680M DAR - $675M Schumacher FTW - $670M Filmovie - $664M iceroll - $650M Punishment - $650M Iron Olive - $650M Fake - $650M Gizmo - $650M Sam - $630M Cmasterclay - $630M Glassfairy - $630M Michael G Scott - $625M The Stingray - $625M Blankments Into Darkness - $625M RichWS - $615M Newbie - $613M CEDAR - $605M IronMan89 - $605M Kayumanggi - $600M Vanilla - $600M Chasmmi - $600M Kitik - $600M ShawnMR - $600M grim22 - $585M baumer - $584M Telemachos - $582M narniadis - $575M Jay Salahi - $571M Dexter of Suburbia - $570M TLK - $570M CJohn - $560M Mattrek - $550M Goffe - $548M Tower - $521M junkshop38 - $515M ChFloppit - $485M laguy03 - $485M CURRENT TOTAL - $328.9M Fast & Furious 6 (46/47) druv10 - $900M Vanilla - $890M Tower - $875M Gizmo - $845M Glassfairy - $838M TLK - $835M Cmasterclay - $825M Neo - $801M Dexter of Suburbia - $790M Schumacher FTW - $783M iTz ED - $780M JackO - $780M Filmovie - $780M Blankments Into Darkness - $780M Kitik - $780M Jay Salahi - $770M 24Lost - $764M Michael G Scott - $750M Punishment - $750M c00k13 - $750M DAR - $750M The Stingray - $750M Telemachos - $736M RichWS - $735M Sam - $730M Mattrek - $725M Iceroll - $725M IronMan89 - $720M Iron Olive - $720M Jake Gittes - $718M kayumanggi - $715M Simionski - $710M junkshop38 - $705M grim22 - $700M baumer - $700M Fake - $700M ShawnMR - $695M Newbie - $693M CJohn - $690M Goffe - $680M ChFloppit - $680M Narniadis - $675M TylerDurden365 - $665M laguy03 - $660M Chasmmi - $650M CEDAR - $640M CURRENT TOTAL - $481.2M The Hangover Part III (44/47) iTz ED - $635M baumer - $615M Mattrek - $600M Punishment - $600M Vanilla - $600M Newbie - $581M Filmovie - $580M Cmasterclay - $580M Simionski - $578M laguy03 - $575M ShawnMR - $565M Neo - $560M IronMan89 - $560M acsc1312 - $550M junkshop38 - $546M Sam - $545M Dexter of Suburbia - $530M Narniadis - $530M TLK - $530M druv10 - $525M kayumanggi - $525M The Stingray - $515M Tower - $510M Jay Salahi - $505M Michael G Scott - $500M CEDAR - $500M grim22 - $500M c00k13 - $500M Blankments Into Darkness - $500M Fake - $500M Gizmo - $495M 24Lost - $486M JackO - $485M Goffe - $485M ChFloppit - $480M Telemachos - $475M Schumacher FTW - $470M Iron Olive - $465M Iceroll - $450M CJohn - $445M Jake Gittes - $441M Chasmmi - $425M RichWS - $425M Glassfairy - $416M CURRENT TOTAL - $199.2M After Earth (13/47) cmasterclay - $525M chasmmi - $525M druv10 - $500M kayumanggi - $500M Dexter of Suburbia - $475M Neo - $470M JackO - $450M Sam - $420M ShawnMR - $400M ChFloppit - $395M Tower - $375M narniadis - $375M Goffe - $365M CURRENT TOTAL - $30.2M
  16. Current Top 15 Films of Summer (As of 6.02.13): 1. Iron Man 3 - $385,187,736 2. Star Trek Into Darkness - $181,537,381 3. Fast & Furious 6 - $171,003,965 4. The Great Gatsby - $128,508,209 5. The Hangover Part III - $88,540,908 6. Epic - $65,377,491 7. Pain and Gain - $49,055,628 8. Now You See Me - $29,254,674 9. After Earth - $27,520,040 10. The Big Wedding - $21,285,980 11. Mud – $16,849,451 12. Tyler Perry Presents Peeples - $9,040,663 13. The Iceman - $1,716,661 14. Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani - $1,568,677 15. Frances Ha - $1,556,325 Current Top 15 Total: $1,178,003,789
  17. Current Domestic Top 15 Standings As of June 2nd, 2013: If your prediction is in GOLD, then you are within $2 MILLION and get 25,000 points! If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $5 MILLION and get 20,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $20 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $30 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in BLACK then you are SAFE! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $40 MILLION and lose 5,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (48/48) Jessie - $450M Glassfairy - $450M Newbie - $436.1M Neo - $433M Vanilla - $425M Chasmmi - $425M Druv10 - $415M Dexter of Suburbia - $415M IronMan89 - $415M CJohn - $415M Cmasterclay - $410M Narniadis - $410M RichWS - $410M gizmo - $410M Schumacher FTW - $406M C00k13 - $405M DAR - $405M The Stingray - $405M Simionski - $405M iTz ED - $401M Jake Gittes - $400.8M Tower – $400M grim22 - $400M Blankments Into Darkness - $400M GoffeSteel - $398M Kitik - $395M ChFloppit - $390M acsc1312 - $389M Iceroll - $388M Jay Salahi - $386M CURRENT TOTAL - $385.19M Sam - $385M Iron Olive - $381M junkshop38 - $381M Punishment - $375M ShawnMR - $375M CEDAR - $370M Telemachos - $369M Filmovie - $365M Fake - $365M laguy03 - $362M Michael G Scott - $360M Mattrek - $360M TylerDurden365 - $360M 24Lost - $360M JackO - $350M Baumer - $349.5M Kayumanggi - $348M TLK - $335M The Great Gatsby (11/48) glassfairy - $150M Mattrek - $135M Newbie - $134M Neo - $131M CURRENT TOTAL - $128.51M TylerDurden365 - $120M cmasterclay - $120M IronMan89 - $118M acsc1312 - $110M CJohn - $106M Filmovie - $102M Iron Olive - $88M Star Trek Into Darkness (48/48) Jessie - $405M gizmo - $382M Simionski - $380M Neo - $375M Chasmmi - $365M JackO - $360M Jake Gittes - $354M 24Lost - $350M Blankments Into Darkness - $345M Newbie - $339M The Stingray - $335M iTz ED - $332M Schumacher FTW - $332M Michael G Scott - $330M Druv10 - $330M Kayumanggi - $330M Punishment - $330M Sam - $328M Cmasterclay - $325M C00k13 - $325M GoffeSteel - $323M Mattrek - $320M Iron Olive - $320M Fake - $320M RichWS - $320M IronMan89 - $317M CJohn - $315M Filmovie - $310M ShawnMR - $310M junkshop38 - $308M Narniadis - $305M Telemachos - $302M Iceroll - $300M DAR - $300M Vanilla - $300M laguy03 - $297M CEDAR - $295M Dexter of Suburbia - $290M acsc1312 - $290M ChFloppit - $285M kitik - $285M TylerDurden365 - $280M grim22 - $280M glassfairy - $280M Jay Salahi - $260M Tower - $255M TLK - $250M baumer - $235.5M CURRENT TOTAL - $181.54M Fast & Furious 6 (47/48) cmasterclay - $300M TLK - $285M Neo - $276M Glassfairy - $276M Telemachos - $270M Schumacher FTW - $265M RichWS - $255M Vanilla - $252M Tower - $250M Druv10 - $250M C00k13 - $250M Newbie - $246M Dexter of Suburbia - $245M grim22 - $245M kitik - $245M Jay Salahi - $243M Sam - $242M Jake Gittes - $240.5M 24Lost - $240M Iceroll - $239M Gizmo - $238M junkshop38 - $233M Michael G Scott - $230M GoffeSteel - $230M DAR - $230M ChFloppit - $230M The Stingray - $230M Kayumanggi - $228M ShawnMR - $226M CJohn - $225M chasmmi - $225M Iron Olive - $225M Fake - $220M CEDAR - $222M iTz ED - $221M Mattrek - $220M Narniadis - $220M Blankments Into Darkness - $220M Simionski - $220M baumer - $220M TylerDurden365 - $215M JackO - $210M Filmovie - $210M Jessie - $210M acsc1312 - $205M Punishment - $200M IronMan89 - $200M laguy03 - $185M CURRENT TOTAL - $171.00M The Hangover Part III (48/48) Newbie - $268M acsc1312 - $225M Simionski - $218M Narniadis - $215M baumer - $215M junkshop38 - $213M Cmasterclay - $210M Neo - $205M chasmmi - $205M laguy03 - $203M Vanilla - $202M Filmovie - $201M Gizmo - $201M Michael G Scott - $200M Druv10 - $200M Kayumanggi - $200M grim22 - $200M The Stingray - $200M Blankments Into Darkness - $200M Schumacher FTW - $196M Sam - $195M RichWS - $195M Jay Salahi - $194M CJohn - $191M iTz ED - $186M Tower - $185M ChFloppit - $185M Iron Olive - $185M Fake - $185M Telemachos - $185M ShawnMR - $182M Mattrek - $180M TylerDurden365 - $180M DAR - $180M TLK - $180M Jake Gittes - $175.6M iceroll - $175M CEDAR - $175M IronMan89 - $175M 24Lost - $175M Punishment - $170M C00k13 - $170M Jessie - $170M JackO - $165M Kitik - $165M GoffeSteel - $153M Dexter of Suburbia - $150M Glassfairy - $130M CURRENT TOTAL - $88.54M Epic (15/48) The Stingray - $165M Neo - $158M TLK - $145M Jake Gittes - $138M C00k13 - $130M Schumacher FTW - $128M Tower - $121M Kayumanggi - $120M Fake - $120M Baumer - $115.5M Iron Olive - $115M 24Lost - $115M Glassfairy - $113M CJohn - $110M Gizmo - $106M CURRENT TOTAL - $65.38M After Earth (23/48) glassfairy - $164M JackO - $160M Chasmmi - $155M Neo - $145M Kitik - $145M Jake Gittes - $141.5M Druv10 - $135M cmasterclay - $135M narniadis - $135M 24Lost - $135M TLK - $130M Tower - $125M Mattrek - $125M Sam - $120M Iron Olive - $120M Simionski - $120M Jessie - $120M GoffeSteel - $118M Fake - $115M laguy03 - $115M CJohn - $114M Filmovie - $104M ChFloppit - $100M CURRENT TOTAL - $27.52M
  18. All questions worth 1000 All questions are based on the drops regarding the 3 DAY WEEKEND FROM MEMORIAL WEEKEND. 1) What film will finish #1? Fast & Furious 6 2) Will After Earth finish with at least 10 mill more than NYSM? NO 3) Will TH3 drop more than 50%? YES 4) Will Epic increase more than 50% on Saturday? YES 5) Will ST finish higher than TH3? YES 6) Will NYSM make more than 10 mill OD? NO 7) Will TGG drop more than 45%? NO 8) Will The East have a theater average of more than $5000? YES 9) Will F6 drop less than 50%? NO 10) Will F6 increase more than 25% on Saturday? NO 11) Will After Earth have an increase on Saturday of more than 10%? YES 12) Will Fast 6 make more that ST, TH and Epic combined? NO 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 5000 Bonus 1: What will Fast 6 gross on Friday? 4000 $13.75M Bonus 2: What will the top 3 films gross? 4000 $93.12M Bonus 3: What will finish in positions: 2 - After Earth 5 - Epic 9 - Mud 13 - Frances Ha 2000 each and a bonus of 3000 if all correct.
  19. Sorry about that. I missed it because you have it right next to your #6 instead of under it. It has been fixed.
  20. Current Top 10 Films of Summer [Worldwide] (5.27.13): 1. Iron Man 3 – $1,147,575,931 2. Fast & Furious 6 - $314,036,995 3. Star Trek Into Darkness – $258,113,879 4. The Great Gatsby – $203,354,209 5. Epic - $85,720,971 6. The Hangover Part III - $81,251,829 7. Pain and Gain – $48,701,805 8. The Big Wedding – $21,139,318 9. Kon-Tiki – $20,840,081 10. Mud – $15,115,957 Current Top 10 Total: $2,195,850,975
  21. Worldwide Top 5 Standings As of May 27th, 2013: If your prediction is in PURPLE, then you are within $50 MILLION and get 10,000 points! If your prediction is in BLUE then you are within $75 MILLION and get 5,000 points! If your prediction is in GREEN then you are within $100 MILLION and get 2,500 points! If your prediction is in RED then you are over the film's current total by at least $100 MILLION and lose 10,000 points! MAY Iron Man 3 (47/47) CURRENT TOTAL - $1.15B Schumacher FTW - $1.115B Newbie - $1.105B Vanilla - $1.1B gizmo - $1.1B Neo - $1.056B Tower - $1.05B grim22 - $1.05B cmasterclay - $1.05B kitik - $1.05B c00k13 - $1.03B Filmovie - $1.02B IronMan89 - $1.02B Glassfairy - $1.02B druv10 - $1.01B Simionski - $1.005B Dexter of Suburbia - $1.0B Mattrek - $1.0B DAR - $1.0B Chasmmi - $1.0B Fake - $1.0B ChFloppit - $985M Iceroll - $976M Jake Gittes - $972M iTz ED - $969M RichWS - $960M CEDAR - $955M Iron Olive - $955M Sam - $950M Punishment - $950M narniadis - $950M The Stingray - $950M ShawnMR - $950M CJohn - $945M Blankments Into Darkness - $940M Jay Salahi - $936M junkshop38 - $935M kayumanggi - $920M Goffe - $920M acsc1312 - $910M TylerDurden365 - $910M Michael G Scott - $900M Telemachos - $879M baumer - $875M TLK - $855M JackO - $850M 24Lost - $830M laguy03 - $827M The Great Gatsby (1/47) glassfairy - $400M CURRENT TOTAL - $203.4M Star Trek Into Darkness (47/47) Neo - $815M iTz ED - $752M JackO - $750M TylerDurden365 - $730M druv10 - $720M Jake Gittes - $713M 24Lost - $711M c00k13 - $700M Simionski - $700M acsc1312 - $680M DAR - $675M Schumacher FTW - $670M Filmovie - $664M iceroll - $650M Punishment - $650M Iron Olive - $650M Fake - $650M Gizmo - $650M Sam - $630M Cmasterclay - $630M Glassfairy - $630M Michael G Scott - $625M The Stingray - $625M Blankments Into Darkness - $625M RichWS - $615M Newbie - $613M CEDAR - $605M IronMan89 - $605M Kayumanggi - $600M Vanilla - $600M Chasmmi - $600M Kitik - $600M ShawnMR - $600M grim22 - $585M baumer - $584M Telemachos - $582M narniadis - $575M Jay Salahi - $571M Dexter of Suburbia - $570M TLK - $570M CJohn - $560M Mattrek - $550M Goffe - $548M Tower - $521M junkshop38 - $515M ChFloppit - $485M laguy03 - $485M CURRENT TOTAL - $258.1M Fast & Furious 6 (46/47) druv10 - $900M Vanilla - $890M Tower - $875M Gizmo - $845M Glassfairy - $838M TLK - $835M Cmasterclay - $825M Neo - $801M Dexter of Suburbia - $790M Schumacher FTW - $783M iTz ED - $780M JackO - $780M Filmovie - $780M Blankments Into Darkness - $780M Kitik - $780M Jay Salahi - $770M 24Lost - $764M Michael G Scott - $750M Punishment - $750M c00k13 - $750M DAR - $750M The Stingray - $750M Telemachos - $736M RichWS - $735M Sam - $730M Mattrek - $725M Iceroll - $725M IronMan89 - $720M Iron Olive - $720M Jake Gittes - $718M kayumanggi - $715M Simionski - $710M junkshop38 - $705M grim22 - $700M baumer - $700M Fake - $700M ShawnMR - $695M Newbie - $693M CJohn - $690M Goffe - $680M ChFloppit - $680M Narniadis - $675M TylerDurden365 - $665M laguy03 - $660M Chasmmi - $650M CEDAR - $640M CURRENT TOTAL - $314.0M The Hangover Part III (44/47) iTz ED - $635M baumer - $615M Mattrek - $600M Punishment - $600M Vanilla - $600M Newbie - $581M Filmovie - $580M Cmasterclay - $580M Simionski - $578M laguy03 - $575M ShawnMR - $565M Neo - $560M IronMan89 - $560M acsc1312 - $550M junkshop38 - $546M Sam - $545M Dexter of Suburbia - $530M Narniadis - $530M TLK - $530M druv10 - $525M kayumanggi - $525M The Stingray - $515M Tower - $510M Jay Salahi - $505M Michael G Scott - $500M CEDAR - $500M grim22 - $500M c00k13 - $500M Blankments Into Darkness - $500M Fake - $500M Gizmo - $495M 24Lost - $486M JackO - $485M Goffe - $485M ChFloppit - $480M Telemachos - $475M Schumacher FTW - $470M Iron Olive - $465M Iceroll - $450M CJohn - $445M Jake Gittes - $441M Chasmmi - $425M RichWS - $425M Glassfairy - $416M CURRENT TOTAL - $81.3M
  22. Current Top 15 Films of Summer (As of 5.27.13): 1. Iron Man 3 - $372,775,931 2. Star Trek Into Darkness - $156,013,879 3. The Great Gatsby - $117,754,209 4. Fast & Furious 6 - $117,036,995 5. The Hangover Part III - $62,051,829 6. Pain and Gain - $48,701,805 7. Epic - $42,820,971 8. The Big Wedding - $21,139,318 9. Mud – $15,115,957 10. Tyler Perry Presents Peeples - $8,896,276 11. The Iceman - $1,463,903 12. Frances Ha - $888,912 13. Kon-Tiki - $708,668 14. Love is All You Need - $477,134 15. The Reluctant Fundamentalist - $456,157 Current Top 15 Total: $966,301,944
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