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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I'd like if Jesse would end up killing Lydia, given Todd did the same thing to him. I just don't know how Jesse would find out Todd likes Lydia...
  2. You know that brings me to the point that this show had some god awfully useless supporting characters. I know a lot of people had been speculating for several seasons that the only reason for the likes of Masuka/Quinn/Batista still being around was just for the reactions when Dexter finally got caught. So much for that! In the long run they really were just pointless characters after all!
  3. Oh lord. I actually wasn't minding this finale until that goddamn lumberjack final scene. You mean he didn't kill himself? What the literal fuck?!? He deserved to die and it felt right that he had finally accepted that the only way to protect the people he cared about was to end his life. But no, he just has to go and survive. UGH!!! Not to mention how in the hell did he survive driving straight into a hurricane? I guess Dexter is literally superhuman now? Deb dying was absolutely devastating. Even when I haven't enjoyed this show the past 4 seasons I've almost always enjoyed Deb. She grew into one of my most liked TV characters ever. I'm not ashamed to admit I shed tears for her this episode. That's why I'm so angry Dexter still chose not to kill himself. How could he possibly live with himself after being responsible for her death? Rita's death was bad enough, but then to not learn anything from it and get the one person who was always there for him killed too? He should have either killed himself or turned himself in and gotten the death penalty. I simply can't accept the fact that he's still alive after all this. What an overall awful season and way to end the show. I can't hep but wonder what would have happened if most of the original creative team hadn't left after season 4. This could have gone down as one of the best series of all time, but the writers post season 4 just didn't step up to the show's caliber on a consistent basis. There were good things post season 4, but overall it's been nothing but inconsistency since then. I think I will choose to just remember this show as seasons 1-4, maybe 1-5. It's so much better that way.
  4. Andrea's death definitely was a plot device to push Jesse and Walt (begrudgingly) together again. Now they have the same common goal: kill Uncle Jack and Co.
  5. I have never seen The Newsroom but I simply can't accept Cranston not automatically winning any award he's nominated for BB.
  6. Just saw someone post this awesome comment on IGN about tonight's ep and thought I'd share it here: "Black and White might make grey, but next week White and Pink are gonna turn Albuquerque red."
  7. Gretchen and Elliott have always come off as phonies to me, and after this episode I can say with certainty I was right. I hope Walt drags their sorry spoiled asses down with him next week.
  8. Screw the Emmys, they better cancel those and just hold a 3 hour ceremony of worship and devotion to Breaking Bad TV.
  9. That telephone scene, holy fuck! Cranston has reached otherworldly proportions of acting. I got chills watching that build up to the finale.
  10. In trying to tear Walt's world down Jesse's now destroyed his too. Damn this is depressing.
  11. Of course they would have to give all the Breaking Bad awards at the Emmys when Breaking Bad is on. Came in at the end of Anna Gunn's speech. Congrats to her though!
  12. I actually may not watch till tomorrow. Can't believe I'd rather see Breaking Bad sweep at the Emmys then watch the Dexter series finale but there it is.
  13. Bracing myself for the worst tonight. At least my expectations will be easy to meet since they're so low...
  14. I loved it, saw it 3 times. And the first time I was practically dragged to it and went in thinking it would suck.
  15. I was saying it was a bomb right up to release.
  16. Millers has become like a mini Hangover 1. Legs for it have just been crazy good.
  17. I felt the same the first time watching season 5, but rewatching it I realized her death does come into play more than it seems on the surface. For example, Dexter's whole crusade to help get vengeance for Lumen is driven by his guilt for Rita's death. He can't get vengeance for Rita directly since Trinity is already gone, so he sees getting it for someone else who's been through a horrible ordeal as the next best thing. He has to help her to have any kind of peace about the Rita situation. Also that bathroom kill of that random dude in the first episode is still probably the most genuinely angry moment we've ever seen from Dexter in the whole entire series. The fact that he even expresses that emotion like that when he almost never does otherwise is meant to show the effect Rita's death had on him.
  18. I've suspected HTTYD2 would pull an upset to win next summer all along, but now I'd say it's actually the frontrunner. No heavy competition should do wonders for it.
  19. How time consuming exactly is co-hosting? I may be interested depending on how much time I have to devote since I do have school and work on my plate.
  20. That is a great article and basically highlights what I said about how this show's characters really blur the lines between good and bad. Now they need to do one on Jesse's character. I don't deny that Walt has a mean vindictive drive inside of him ("Heisenberg" so to speak) that is simultaneously at war with Walter's White's good intentions. I'm not a Walt apologist, but my problem lies in people at this point wanting to put all the blame on him for everything bad that's happened in the series and thinking he alone should reap all the consequences. Jesse has always blurred the lines between good and bad as well, having a good heart but often making foolish and selfish decisions that have also caused a lot, if not most, of the series' turmoil. Skylar is a culprit as well, especially as she has "broken bad" more and more since season 4. These are complex characters that aren't wholly good or bad, and I cast the blame for the shitstorm currently going down on all 3 of those characters in particular, not just Walt. Skylar and Jesse have their own "Heisenberg" as well, just manifested in different ways than Walt's.
  21. Seasons 5 and 7 are worthwhile to watch, but could I have lived without them? Definitely. Rita's death really did seem to be the "jump the shark" moment for the show. Although I think her death was a good idea, they just didn't follow it up as well as they could have. I like season 5 more now though than I did at the time it was on. Hannah still brings season 7 down quite a bit for me.
  22. So true. Whenever I have friends tell me "you should watch such and such" when I do I usually can't get invested. That's why it took me so long to finally check this show out. I figured people were just overhyping it like they do most shows on today.
  23. That ending where Walt goes full Heisenberg on Skylar to clear her name to the police...ugh total knife to the heart man. I'm still thinking about it.
  24. Wow, can't believe GDT almlost directed that masterpiece of an episode last night. I think TV's all over the country may have internally combusted if "Ozymandias" had gotten any better.
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