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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I don't think we can rule it out with Bullock and Clooney's combined drawing power. And marketing has been excellent. I'm sure a good chunk of the general public is already aware this is coming out and they still have a few weeks left to promote.
  2. The final episode could be 5 hours and it would probably still only feel like 10 minutes the way these last few eps have been.
  3. Those awful spoilers about the finale actually look like they may be legit. I swear, that will ruin this entire series if some of those things actually pan out.
  4. I never thought I would have to force myself to watch this show, but that's exactly what happened to me about mid way through tonight's ep. I was so mind numbingly bored I literally couldn't focus on the show and wanted to stop watching. I did at least enjoy the conversations with Dex and Deb near the end and Dexter for the first time being able to really walk away from a kill (although how he mentally got to that point feels pretty underdeveloped). At this point though about the only way the series finale will be truly interesting is if Dexter hears about this "Heisenberg" fellow and heads over to New Mexico.
  5. I need a hug. Tonight's episode was one of the most devastating things I've ever watched in a movie or on TV. It's just all so fucked up now, and it's absolutely heartbreaking how things got this way. This is emotionally exhausting. Everyone involved deserves the highest praise possible though for wringing this kind of real life emotion out of a tv show. That fictional characters and events could affect me so much truly means they've reached the pinnacle of their craft with this show.
  6. Somebody has to die from it, even if it's just Gomez. I read a recent interview with Gilligan where he basically said that he thinks this episode "Ozymandias" is the best of the entire series. So I'm expecting some seriously heavy shit to go down on this one.
  7. Ok guys, my obsession with this show has officially reached unhealthy levels. I actually couldn't sleep last night because I was tossing and turning over how this is all gonna end, no joke. I just want Jesse and Walt to come to some kind of resolution with each other so much!!
  8. Eh, 15m OD is just ok for the genre. Might not crack 30 for the weekend. God the box office is boring this time of year. Can we just put this forum into stasis sleep until Gravity hits?
  9. Very true. Despite my disdain for season 6, I agree that they were at least making an effort. A failed one, but an effort nonetheless. Where on earth is the effort in this season? I sure don't see it. I don't even think they had a basic outline for it. Seems like they've literally just made up as they've gone along.
  10. I can see that as maybe a valid point for why Jesse's doing what he's doing, but I still think if he just stopped and used his brain for a moment he could figure out Walt doesn't want to kill him. Jesse has to know Walt's had plenty chances this season where it would have been convenient to kill him if he wanted, but he never even considered it until he realized Jesse was going to kill him. And even still I think he would have called the men off from killing Jesse when it came down to it. I really believe Walt will let Jesse kill him before he kills Jesse or has him killed. If I'm wrong then I'll reconsider what Jesse means to Walt, but I don't think I am wrong about that. It's like Jane's Dad said back in season 2, you can't give up on family, and Walt has considered Jesse family since at least that point. Why has Jesse never really stopped to think of what Walt has done for him over the series? Hank can see it, why can't Jesse? And I'm talking about before the Brock manipulation. Jesse should have realized by season 4 how much Walt had done for him and stuck by him instead of teetering between Walt and Gus, then the Brock situation would have never even happened. Walt has screwed up, but who's the one that put a lot of those actions into play in the first place? It's like Jesse just sets things up for Walt to knock down on this show. Jesse is the catalyst.
  11. I still just feel that Jesse is in the wrong for not seeing all Walt has done for him. Without Walt Jesse would have never found his way out of the gutter he was in at the start of the series. He would have OD'd somewhere or just continued living a nothing junkie life. I know Jesse has a soft spot for kids and to him poisoning one is the worst thing you could do, but Walt deserved a chance to explain himself at the very least. And then if Jesse still couldn't forgive him it would have been one thing, but to just go and team up with Hank against Walt like that? It's just a low blow thing for him to do. And it may end up getting Hank killed too.
  12. Walt knew Jesse was gonna get himself killed at the end of season 3. He had to kill those guys to save Jesse. And I think once Walt realized he could kill someone in cold blood like that things really spiraled out of control for him from there. Yeah it's Walt fault for going down that path, but Jesse played a role in kick starting it no doubt. Right now I think I want to see them both going down in flames, but with each other not against each other.
  13. But it's still a lot of his actions that have led them to where they are. If Hank dies from this shoot out, it's once again a situation that was put into play by Jesse. He deserves consequences for that just as much as Walt. Especially since Jesse has been the catalyst for Walt's moral freefall in many ways. Coming to Jesse's aid eventually caused Walt to do things that opened the path for his moral corruption.
  14. Well, I'm all caught up! You can't imagine what all my free time went to this past week... Whew, what a ride! I don't think I've ever seen a show like this. It just is so captivating and really blurs the line between "good guy" and "bad guy." Watching the whole series at once is amazing to see the transformation of Walt's character. In seasons 1 and 2 I was totally on Walt's side and I think he was doing everything he was doing for genuinely good reasons. Then things started to shift after he lets Jane die and he just keeps drowning out his morality more and more. As bad as Walt has become though, I really can't stand how some people are damning him while viewing Jesse like he's the saint in all this. Nearly every awful situation they get into is in some way because of Jesse and his stupidity or lack of trust. Particularly what sets up all the bad events in seasons 4 and 5 is Jesse not listening to Walt about not killing the guys who had Andrea's little brother kill Combo. Walt saving Jesse's skin on that (like he has a ton of times over the course of the series) is what led to nearly all of the turmoil we currently have. I can't stand that Jesse worked with Hank to help incriminate Walt. Walt has been the one person in the series that has continually cared about Jesse and put himself on the line to help him despite all his screwups. Even letting Jane die was to save Jesse from the same fate. Like Walt said, they would have both OD'd within weeks given all that money and freedom and the hard stuff they were getting into. Granted what Walt did to Brock was despicable, but I do believe Walt when he was telling Jesse that he knew exactly how much to give him to just make him sick and not kill him. Doesn't make it right of course, but I don't believe Walt would have done it if he thought Brock had a good chance of dying. He knew that would have wrecked Jesse and I truly believe Walt would never want to hurt Jesse like that. Not to mention Walt felt completely backed into a corner at that point in the series and was fearful for his family's safety. That kind of helpless fear makes people do crazy things. He needed Jesse on his side, and rightfully so since it was Jesse that got them into the mess with Gus in the first place! Walt just went about it wrong. I just can't stand to see this series end with Jesse not at least realizing how Walt has cared about him and risked A LOT for him over the course of the series. Hell, even freaking Hank can see that that Jesse clearly means something to Walt! At this point though I don't feel either Walt or Jesse "deserve" a happy ending, They both broke bad beyond redemption in my opinion. Yes Jesse has had more of a conscience about the things they've done these past 2 seasons, but he's still done them and his carelessness and stupidity are the biggest culprit for a lot of the sticky situations they've found themselves in over the series. Watching the series all at once, it's amazing to see how many times Jesse really does cause them to end up in bad situations. And to me him ratting Walt out to Hank after everything they've been through was the last straw for me being able to root for him. And of course Walt has done too many horrible things at this point to really root for either. No one can really walk away from this thing as the "good guy." I don't even know how I want this to end, let alone how it will! This show is a helluva ride though. Hats off to Gilligan and company for one of the best TV shows ever.
  15. I think a lot of people just don't wanna comment on this season anymore. I mean it's beyond obvious at this point that this is going to go down as either the worst or 2nd worst season of the series at this point (maybe 2nd only to season 6). For a show that's had such spectacular highs that are unrivaled by virtually any other tv show, that's beyond depressing to me to see it go out like this. But my overall thoughts on Goodbye Miami anyways: Vogel's character was a big fat waste of time and space. All that effort into her character this season and then they just kill her off with virtually no real pay off? What was her true purpose and impact on the series? Aside from introducing her son who may be an even worse foe for Dexter than season 6's Travis. And believe me I'm no fan of season 6. Does anybody really give two craps about this character? He's terribly uniteresting and not to mention the guy who plays him is an awful actor. Are we supposed to buy after all the amazing foes Dexter's taken out, this is the guy that's gonna finally lead to his demise? It's just so unbelievable if that's where they're headed like it looks like it is. None of the stories have had any real payoff this season though, not just Vogel's. They introduce a character we think may be semi important like Zack or Elway, and then they kill them off or just kind of forget about them. And I hate how Hannah has once again taken away from exploring the far moire dynamic Deb/Dexter relationship, just like what happened in the second half of last season. Don't get me wrong, I've never even remotely wanted the Dexter/Deb romantic angle to happen , but their relationship now that Deb knows about Dex is far more interesting than a retread of Dexter's past romantic ones. And that's all Hannah really is, except not executed nearly as well as a Rita, Lila, or Lumen's arcs. Then there's something like Masuka not wanting his daughter to smoke pot introduced this epidose? WTF, this is the final 3 episodes of the whole series and they're gonna try to sell us something like that as a side plot? It's just really frustrating and makes me wonder if the writers just weren't invested in this season. Maybe they wanted season 7 to be the end but Showtime demanded another season so they just decided they would phone it in for this one. I really can't think of how else this season could have ended up this poorly executed except just a genuine lack of interest from the creative staff.
  16. I finally started watching this series a few weeks ago and it's just as addicting as the meth Walt cooks up! I've been plowing through episodes, almost done with season 3. Trying to get caught up ASAP so I can watch the final few eps with everyone else. Haven't been this hooked on a drama show since I first started watching Dexter. Can't believe it took me so long to start watching this!
  17. I'm not ruling out it being some kind of error in the estimates until we have actuals.
  18. So then why don't all Spanish language films open like that? Outside of a pair of Jet Li Chinese films (Hero and Fearless), INI just had by far the biggest foreign OW. I keep a pretty good eye out on indies and even foreign films and I for one never even heard of it until now. What's behind its success? There's gotta be something.
  19. I'm really wondering if that INI opening is a mistake. I mean how could an indie foreign film with practically no marketing visibility and in only 300 theaters pull off that kind of opening? I mean seriously. Did have some kind of viral buzz or something?
  20. Will gag if The Butler gets a nod over something like Blue Jasmine or Before Midnight. I'm really hoping 12 Years a Slave will stop the Academy from nominating The Butler. Also think Fruitvale is much more likely to get forgotten in the shuffle than something like Blue Jasmine.
  21. The way I see it Pixar had more then their fair share of time in the sun as the premier animation studio. Maybe it's just natural that it had to end. Besides I love the fact that WDA seems to be the one stepping up to the plate to fill Pixar's void. If any other animation studio is going to be on top, it's only right that it be them.
  22. Honestly I wasn't sure what to expect from this quality-wise. It's such a risk. But these reviews have me incredibly stoked now. Nice to see when risks payoff. More directors need to take them.
  23. Hence why I said "early" frontrunner. Most of the Oscar movies have been screened somewhere at this point and you start hearing heavy award buzz for certain people at this point. Bullock is definitely one of those.
  24. Yeah I don't think a "happy ending" so to speak would have suited the character or script. It would have felt forced to me and would have detracted from the believability of Jasmine's character that Blanchett spent the whole movie expertly crafting.
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