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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Sounds like a great Luchador wrestler name.
  2. Agree except Sunday. 32% seems a bit harsh.
  3. The X-Men series hasn't gone above a 2.6x multi since the first, despite X2 and FC's great reception, so a 2.6x multi should be the max for Wolverine.
  4. I think a 65m OW would put it at a 160-170m finish based on the WOM it should get, Could end up finishing within 10m of Origins.
  5. I actually think trailers were much worse. Origins had good trailers despite its shittiness.
  6. Not bad at all. Like I said, Jackman as Wolvie is definitely still a draw, no matter how bad his last outing was.
  7. All questions worth 1000 UOS All questions pertain to top 12 UOS Due regular time 1) Will The Wolverine open to at least 50 mill? YES 2) Will The Wolverine open to at least 60 mill? YES 3) Will RIPD fall less than 62.5% YES 4) Will Turbo fall more than 37.5%? YES 5) Will The Way Way Back gross with more than RIPD? NO 6) Will Grown Ups 2 have a Saturday increase of more than 39.5%? NO 7) Will The Conjuring fall more than 53.5%? NO 8) Will DM2 gross within 2 mill of Conjuring? YES 9) Will Conjuring's Saturday drop from it's opening Saturday be less than 50%? YES 10) Will Conjuring+DM2 add up to at least half of what Wolverine opens too? YES 11) Will Wolverine do at least 3.5 mill at midnight/sneak? YES 12) What film will have best drop in the top 15 (not including DM2 or Turbo or MU or TWWB)? THE HEAT 10/12 3000 11/12 4000 12/12 10,000 What finishes in spots: 4 Turbo 7 PR 11 MU 13 TLR 15 WHD 2000 each, 10,000 for all 5 spots right Bonus 1: What will the total weekend cume be for Conjuring, Wolverine and WWZ? 89.995 Bonus 2: What will Pacific Rim gross on Saturday? 3.295 Bonus 3: Oops I did it again: Same rules as last week, if you don't know what they are, read the question from last week. And no I will not be doing this every week. But two weeks in a row is fun. A) Will Wolverine score at least an A cinemascore? NO Will Wolverine increase on Saturday (taking away Thurs gross) NO C) Will at least 6 out of 10 films have a Thursday increase? NO D) Will RED2 have a Saturday increase of more than 43.5%? YES Worth 25,000 or -8000. Abstain and it's a dead question. (yes I made it worth more)
  8. Funny, and yet when I brought up the fact that summer movies rarely get good multis these days I got nonstop arguing from you Rimmers that PR would be the exception. Mmm hmm.
  9. PR looks well on its way to a 60 percent drop with that Friday. Breakout WOM of the summer indeed.
  10. Bingo. Bullock had zero draw power back when that movie opened. Her career was in the gutter of gutters. It's like saying IM1 opened huge because of RDJ's draw. He had no draw back then, that's what gave him his draw power.
  11. Yeah Turbo bombing was painfully obvious. Especially when you add the fact that the movie just looks like an unappealing and odd concept.
  12. Do you not realize its weekday numbers? It's in line for at least a 55 percent drop this weekend with that Thursday number, and it could be worse than that. So how is that indicating a leggy run?
  13. They're in the Bermuda Triangle along with any hopes for a sequel.
  14. Agreed. I think legs like the first will be in store as well.
  15. I hate all the PA movies except 3. That's the only one that didn't bore me to tears and had some good scares.
  16. Sinister is one of the scariest demon movies I've seen in some time. Stuck with me for a few weeks after.
  17. I agree that they may be in trouble of losing their status in the market. Especially with Illumination blowing up these past few years and WDA back on their A game.
  18. Maybe that whole marketing it to family audiences tactic actually paid off.
  19. Great start for conjuring. Looks like PR is doomed to the typical 2.5-2.6x GDT multi. Doesn't surprise me.
  20. 1) What film finishes first? DM2 2) Will DM2 finish with more than Turbo? Yes 3) Will Turbo fall more than 25% on Thurs? Yes 4) Will RIPD open to more than 15 mill? No 5) Will Ryan Reynolds films gross more than 45 mill? No 6) Will Conjuring make more than 3 mill for sneaks/midnt? No 7) Will Red have an OD of more than 9 mill? Yes 8) Will RED's OD and Turbo's OD combine to make more than RIPD's OW? No 9) Will Turbo make more than 1 mill from sneak/mid? No 10) Will GU2 fall less than 50%? No 11) Will PR fall less than 45%? No 12) Will TLR fall more than 45%? Yes 13) Will WWZ 's Globl Total be more than 455 mill (currently it is at 423)? Yes 14) Will Conjuring's OW be at least double it's Friday gross (incl sneaks/mid)? Yes 11/14 3000 12/14 4000 13/14 6000 14/14 8000 What finishes in spots: 3 Turb 7 PR 8 The Heat 10 The Lone Ranger 12 White House Down 2000 each 3000 bonus if all correct Bonus 1: What will Conjuring make OW(3 decimals please) 5000 29.005 Bonus 2: What will the openers (the 4 wides) gross for the 3 day weekend? 5000 89.880 Bonus 3: Four parter: 20,000 A) Will at least 2 of the new films have a cinemascore of A or better? No Will WWZ and MOS anWHD combine to make at least 10.5 mill? Yes C) Will Conjuring open to at least 40 mill? No D) Will Conjuring fall less than 25% on Sunday? Nol
  21. It can totally win the weekend again with that number unless Conjuring breaks out as big as The Purge.
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