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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Yeah, that's not the number I wanted to see for DM2 though. Hope big Sat bump happens. GU2 simply must not win the weekend.
  2. Who wants to make fun of my "ridiculous" 10.5-12.5 PR range now? C'mon Noctis hit me with your best shot. I won't see it, but fire away.
  3. On the bright side, animation gets to rule the box office for possibly as long as 5 weeks. Well, bright side if you love animation like me that is.
  4. So probably around 250m then with marketing. Marketing for a big budget film always costs at least 50m these days, even when it's shitty like PR's.
  5. Elysium is the film I'm not worried about at all at the moment. Marketing has been stellar and District 9 was a very well received movie by people. Damon can still be a draw as well, especially in action. I'd be very shocked if it went under D9's gross right now. Really wishing I would have included it in my summer game top 15. Stupid mistake.
  6. Anything over $125m for an original property without anything giving it guaranteed appeal is never "fine." Marketing costs have to be added to the budget too, so it's not just like 180m was all they spent on PR total. That was just its budget.
  7. This! Budgets have gotten so out of control for original films in particular it's a no-win situation for most of said movies from the get go.
  8. Quoted for truth. I would rather be wrong and eat crow than PR gross less than GU2. I just hope for toxic WOM for GU2. 2x multi would be a great gift for an undeservedly high OW.
  9. Didn't you read the RT consensus? It's the "movie going event of the year for fans of deer piss humor." Clearly that's a huge market.
  10. Slow down there bud, we still don't even have official RTH estimates. If it does 15m+ for today it definitely didn't do as bad as some of us have been saying. Still may not be a "bomb." Appreciate you being so eager to accept crow. May still be a bit premature for that though.
  11. I remember arguing in circles over when the marketing was gonna kick in. Several were saying WB had this grand marketing scheme up their sleeve that was gonna blow us away, because they were ultra passionate about PR.
  12. Yeah, the tone wasn't trying to be profound like a TDKR/MOS, but I just don't feel it was trying to be B movie cheese-tastic either. And a lot of the dialogue was for me, so I felt a big clash with the tone.
  13. They were aware of the cheesiness? Aside from Perlman, I didn't get that at all. I'm not a fan of the whole "B movie" tone unless they go for it all the way and all of the actors are completely aware of it. Since it was trying to balance a serious tone most of the time, it didn't work for me and dialogue left me cringing. God those two scientist characters were horrid.
  14. I really want to know how some of you who gave this an A overall were able to sit through that first hour and not be bored? The characters and plot were so archetypal and generic that the bad dialogue and bad acting (excluding Elba) lead to this feeling like a really bad B movie. Not to mention the first hour felt like 2 hours cause it drug so long. Seriously what was interesting at all about that character "development" and exposition? This movie failed miserably in that respect, and they choose to spend the whole first half of the movie on it? Such a stupid mistake. Either give us an interesting story and likable characters, or just let us watch the breathtaking action scenes, which did leave me picking up my jaw off the floor in several instances. That first half does this movie no favors in any way though, and I feel like fanboys and some critics are playing favorites with GDT in that respect. If this were a Bay movie that aspect of it would be getting torn to shreds, and deservedly so. Overall though, this was another summer disappointment for me. This summer has been nothing but that for quality blockbusters. F for characters/story/"acting" (Hunnman needs to be banned forever from all movies sets) A+ for action and visuals Overall: B-
  15. How did you not cringe at most of that dialouge? Especially between the two scientist dudes? And who was remotely likable besides Elba's character? The Transformers characters had 10x more charm and personality in the first movie than these ones.
  16. Yeah I worded that a bit poorly. The story isn't so much a "mess", but the characters/dialouge sure as hell are. Add that onto a generic story and it feels like a mess.
  17. How is there no way it can't end up close to 12.5? The number has been hovering between 14-15m. That could easily decrease 1-2m when Rth chimes in. Or it could go up. We don't know yet.
  18. Franchise flick. And WOM for TF2 was awful so not sure why you would use that as a comparison.
  19. Nope, that would be Noctis that brought that 9m number to the table. I said between 10.5-12.5, which may not be far off. We'll see when Rth chimes in.
  20. No WOM will be mixed because that mess of a story/ characters is not gonna fly well with some people. This isn't a franchise film that can afford that and still do well.
  21. Just got out of PR. What an absolute mess of a film. I've rarely seen a film fail so miserably while simultaneously succeeding so exhilaratingly. The story and characters are some of the absolute worst I've ever seen in a blockbuster, while the action sequences are some of the absolute best. But good lord that first hour. I don't know if I've ever been as mind numbingly bored as I was that first hour. F for the story/characters, A for the visuals/art direction/ action. The GA is not going to go big for this though. WOM will be very mixed among GA.
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