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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. It won't hit 38m with a 14m Friday. Remember nearly 4m of that is previews/midnights meaning it could go as low as 10m for Sat. Then around 7.5 on Sunday would put it at 31-32m for the weekend.
  2. Shoulda stuck with my 27m ow prediction I had for months instead of lowering to 23. High 20s could be likely if that Friday number drops any.
  3. Because Nikki has zero clue how to extrapolate weekend grosses from Friday numbers. That's been proven time and time again.
  4. So around 14m than for PR. If that number ends up going down about a mil it will be right around the 30 percent midnight share I said. And that also means it will have a big drop tomorrow
  5. At the IMAX PR right now. About 45 mins till show time but there's no one here yet besides me and my friend. This IMAX is usually packed on Friday nights and you have to get here a good hour early for big movies to get a decent seat so this doesn't seem like a good sign.
  6. Avatar always looks oddly fake to me when I watch it in 2D. I think the 3D is what makes the CGI look good in that movie.
  7. Wow. You're the first person I've heard who actually saw it in 3D and thought that. How did the flying scenes in 3D not at least captivate you? They were absolutely exhilarating.
  8. 3D has sucked this year, worse than normal. The only ones I've seen that had even remotely good 3D were Oz and Croods.
  9. Did you ever see Dragon in 3d? Most people haven't. It easily tops Avatar as the best 3d movie ever, imo.
  10. Duh, how did I forget Pi? When I watched that one on Blu Ray at home it just simply wasn't the same w/o the 3D.
  11. I haven't seen it yet but it has always looked like an absolute must in 3D to me.
  12. Stop saying things I never said you annoying little drone. I've been saying 30% for its OD share since last night. I gave the 30-40% range as what most fan rush midnights account for on OD, which is true. I think it will do between 10.5-12.5 OD for the record. I'm also putting you on ignore Noctis so don't expect me to get into anymore pissing contests with you you seem to love to ignite. God, you're the most annoying person I've ever come across on the internet.
  13. Most fan rush movies have between a 30-40% midnight share of their OD. Why would PR be different? It's a total fan rush movie.
  14. So Nikki's just extrapolating off of midnights it sounds, and we all know how "good" she is at that, lol. I still think PR made a huge chunk of its Friday gross from midnights because of the fan rush. We'll see I guess.
  15. Yeah that's my thought too. I think maybe she just took the trauma she knew Dexter had experienced as a kid and ran with it in order to vicariously create something she really wanted to be but maybe just didn't have the guts to actually do, until recently. Maybe Dexter wasn't showing signs of a psychopath but just those of someone who had experienced a terrible childhood trauma when Harry came to her, and she made Harry believe that Dexter was already beyond curing when he could have easily still been helped and turned out "normal." Now that she's finally acting out her own sociopath fantasy as the brain surgeon she wants Dexter to figure out it's her in the hopes they can work together as sort of a mother/son killing team. Only now she's finding out that Dexter really may not have been the sociopath she thought/wanted him to be all this time. Of course all that could be 100% off base too, but it would all make sense to me.
  16. Hell to the mutherfucking yes at that DM2 increase!!! That pretty much locks it to be #1 this weekend.
  17. 1) What film finishes number 1? 5000 DM2 2) What film finishes number 2? 2000 GU2 3) Will DM2 fall less than 45%? YES 4) Will The Lone Ranger fall less than 45%? NO 5) Will any film, without a theater increase of more than 150 theaters, fall less than 35.7%? YES 6) Will WHD increase more than 50% on Friday? YES 7) Will WWZ have a Saturday increase of more than 40%? NO 8) Will GU2 and PR combine to make more than 82.5 mill? NO 9) Will MU fall more than 40%? No 10) Will Pain and Gain fall more than 55%? YES 11) Will Pawn Shop Chronicles make more than $125,000? NO 12) Will GU2 make less than 3 mill from sneaks/early? YES 13) Will PR make more than 2.5 mill from sneaks/early? NO 14) Will GU2's weekend gross be at least 9X the combined gross of what PR and GU2 makes at midnights/early? NO 12/14 3000 13/14 5000 15/15 10,000 Bonus 1: What will the combined gross be of PR, GU2 and DM2? 116.650M Bonus 2: What will DM2's total gross WW be? 457.040 Bonus 3: What will MOS' domestic gross be? 281.520 Bonus 4: What finishes in spots: 1 Despicable Me 2 2 Grown Ups 2 3 Pacific Rim 4 The Heat 12 NYSM 15 STID 2000 each 5000 bonus for all 6 correct
  18. Bateman is so forgettable. It took me seeing him in at least half a dozen movies before I even realized I had seen him before and learned his name.
  19. All except: Saludos Amigos Melody Time Treasure Planet
  20. People underestimated the phenomenon it was with kids/teens at the time, same as they underestimated the phenomenon DM is with kids/teens today. Granted DM isn't quite on Shrek's level of popularity with that group, but I'd say it's the biggest thing to hit the kid market since Shrek. TS3 made what it did in large thanks to adult appeal.
  21. I compared them as the last 3 animated movies both studios have released from lowest gross to highest. Whats unfair about that? Or of your stick on them having to be the same year then just add up the cumulative gross of the 3 and you get the same resul. Illumination wins. And Hop was not animated so it can't be used in an animation comparison
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