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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Well obviously. Point is those first 10 minutes alone trump the entirety of Cars, Cars 2, Brave, or A Bugs Life so therefore it automatically can't be the weakest. Then when you take into account the rest of the movie, it really can't be the weakest.
  2. Lol, I think it maybe just caught me off guard a little that first time, wasn't expecting a TS movie to make me cry. And it was really sad for me because it felt like my childhood was officially over too, along with Andy's. I don't feel like people who didn't grow up on the first two could understand how sad that part is for those of us that did.
  3. The first 10 minutes alone make any argument for it being the weakest immediately invalid. Your own personal opinion can suck it. Up is NOT the weakest Pixar movie. FACT.
  4. Up and TS3 are the only 2 I cried in, more just misty eyed in Up. TS3 was freakin embarrassing for me though the first time. I'm not ashamed to cry in a movie, but sobbing is a different story...I was praying the lights wouldn't come up lol.
  5. I don't ever want to live in a world where A Bug's Life is considered better than Wall-E, TS3, Up, Nemo, Incredibles, Ratatouille. The horror!
  6. A) Before Midnight: 5 mill Yes B] Now You See Me: 102 mill Yes C) After Earth: 62 milll No D) IM3: 403.5 mill Yes E) The Purge: 61 mill Yes F) Pain and Gain: 49.4 mill No
  7. I literally threw WWZ in my top 15 at the last minute. Still didn't go nearly high enough though. I think I put 120m.
  8. My sister has 4 kids and she's never seen a 3d movie when taking all 4. It's just ridiculously expensive for 6 people to see 3d.
  9. I've seen Gatsby 3 times now. First time I didn't like it so much but for some reason wanted to see it again. Second time I realized I did actually like it quite a bit. Third time I totally loved it. Easily my fav movie of the summer so far, but I would have never guessed that on a first viewing.
  10. Yeah the blockbusters have been the definition of good but nothing special for me this year. IM3: B+ MOS: B Fast 6: B STID: B
  11. Phenomenal OW for WWZ. I expected 55 as the absolute best case scenario. It even stayed flat on Sat without midnights. Looks like WOM will be good, 200 may be in play. Great for MU also, but I really wanted at least 85m cause that would have made 300 pretty safe. Now it's gonna have to really have great WOM with DM2 coming to make it there. It will probably finish at like 290-295 with that OW. MOS huge drop doesn't surprise me. With how massive that OW was I figured it had to be playing pretty frontloaded. Will probably even out better now and finish around 315m.
  12. Y'all are crazy if you think MOS will have a Sat increase. Clearly it will decrease.
  13. Pixar movies usually drop by a small amount on their first Sat. Typically less than 5%.
  14. That's an awesome CS for MU. Good WOM should ensure it doesn't crumble too much when DM2 hits.
  15. I hope MU can hit 85m for the weekend. That's what I think it needs to open with to make 300.
  16. So how bad were the MOS meltdowns last night when that 12m number came in? I knew 18m wasn't happening.
  17. Don't be shocked. I'm telling ya, she messed up the daily number but gave the right weekend extrapolation.
  18. Since it's Nikki we're dealing with, my guess is maybe she got the weekend number right ($50m), but gave us the wrong Friday number for MOS. So more like $15m Friday.
  19. I agree. That number seems very sketchy to me. If it is accurate though, then holy hell MOS must have crazy WOM.
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