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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. I guess that kinda makes sense. But it would have made more sense to open it on Wednesday then and go for a 5 day opening. And people are used to Wednesday openings. Thursday openings are few and far between though.
  2. Does anyone know what the whole point of the release change was anyways? It really never made any sense to me.
  3. Yep. Not making excuses for it, but I do think that's a genuine possibility too. People just didn't know enough about the release change and it could blow up on Friday. We'll see.
  4. It really should have opened May '11. I feel like that's when the general public was expecting it and would have been most hyped for it. This should be Star Trek 3 opening right now.
  5. The problem is I don't see many people talking about this movie. No it won't get "bad" WOM, but I'm not sure it will get much of any WOM at all. Unlike ST09, it won't be a conversation maker. It could be in deep trouble if it really only does 85m for the 4 day.
  6. It wouldn't put it above ST in gross either because they're talking about 85m for the 4 day. The OW would be lower than 75m of ST's OW.
  7. It's bad because if you take out 3d that's like 5m less than Star Trek '09 did on its 3 day OW 4 years ago. And that movie had great reception.
  8. It's kind of a bummer we don't have many die hard trekkies here or the meltdowns to an 85m 4 day for this would be epic.
  9. It's all because they forgot to include the colon in the title. Bad punctuation = bad box office.
  10. See, I didn't know Spock had super strength too. Obviously I knew he was intellectually very advanced, but I don't remember it being explained he had advanced strength too.
  11. still considered a spoiler or can I make a avatar? If people here haven't seen IM3 by now then they're not movie fanatics and need to GTFO this forum.
  12. It's only gonna do 2 billion WW instead of 3 billion! DAMN YOU TO HELL ABRAMS!!!
  13. I really want to know how come Spock could fight Khan so easily at the end and almost kill him when Khan was so superhuman and just swatted everyone else in the film away before that? Kirk had practially tried beating him to death and it had zero effect. What am I missing?
  14. I think the last minute Thursday release was a bad idea. Who even knew it was coming out today besides the die hard fans? Even a lot of places I saw never changed the advertised release date. I think its OW will be fine even if today sucks. Otherwise...yikes for this series.
  15. Yes, it was a totally unnecessary cameo and the midnight audience I was at didn't even get excited when he came on. I remember the massive pop from the audience Nemoy got when he showed up in the first one.
  16. I'm not really sure how to critique this movie. From an entertainment summer blockbuster level it does succeed, but the whole thing wound up feeling rather....pointless. I mean the biggest advancement to the story here seemed to be developing Spock and Kirk's friendship, but I think that was already developed fairly well the first time around. I would have rather some other character's relationships been explored further. For example, it was essentially pointless to have Uhura and Spock become a couple in the first movie if their relationship was only going to be vaguely acknowledged and explored in this film. And aside from maybe Scotty, none of the other characters got further development than they already had either. Khan as the villain was definitely an improvement over the first movie's lackluster villain, but he never became the menacing threat I was anticipating. Cumberbatch did a great job with the character, but I wish he would have had more to work with. Khan's scheme just didn't seem epic and evil enough for his character, and Admiral Marcus ended up being more of the villain than Khan in many ways. Especially since Khan was essentially just trying to seek vengeance for Marcus using him to start a war and holding his crew hostage as initiative. It's like they wanted us to sympathize with Khan until conveniently we were supposed to hate him for killing off Marcus, who was the real villain in the first place. So yeah, they kind of dropped the ball again in the villain department, which they could get away with in an origin story like Star Trek '09, but not so much in the sequel. That's one of the biggest reasons IM2 failed. Also the movie's "twists" and surprises were pretty cliche and not surprising at all. We all knew Cumberbatch was Khan, and Kirk's fake out death wasn't believable for a second to even the most naive viewers. C'mon, as if anyone really thought they were gonna kill him off. Yeah right! If they had actually killed him off, it would have made the scene with Spock on Kirk's deathbed and Spock's subsequent vengeance very powerful. But since we knew Kirk wasn't dead for good it made all of that lose most of the impact they were going for. Speaking of Spock's vengeance on Khan, that whole segment was pretty silly and unbelievable. Why did Khan let Spock chase him for so long in the first place? He's like a superhuman who crushed a guy's head with his bare hands earlier in the film. Why couldn't he just swat Spcok away like a fly like he did everyone else in the movie? And then when he finally does fight Spock, why is Spock so immune to his superhuman strength and able to hold his own? Is there something I'm missing about Spock's own abilities? Cause if not that whole bit made zero sense. And then how they were able to bring Kirk back from being radiation fried through Khan's blood seemed too convenient as well. Basically the important points of this movie could be summed up in one sentence: Kirk and Spock meet Khan for the first time while further developing their friendship in lieu to setting off on their 5 year deep space voyage. That's all the important things that happen here. I've complained a lot, but the movie did deliver on the entertainment for the most part. The spectacle and visuals were top notch and the ensemble is still terrific with a lot of chemistry, even if most of the Enterprise crew took a backseat role. And although I enjoyed the action in this, I didn't enjoy it as much as the first's. Overall this delivers for summer entertainment, but not really in any other way. It's not the satisfying film the first was and does little to advance the series. In many ways it felt like Abrams was still stuck in "reboot mode" for this, when he should have been in "sequel mode." So I was disappointed with this since I thought it would probably be the best blockbuster of the summer, but it's not a bad movie either. Just kind of there, and it does only the bare minimum it needs to. A solid B for now, but unfortunately I'm not expecting this to hold up as well on repeat viewings.
  17. 1) Will Star Trek have more than a 7 mill midnight/sneak? YES 2) Will Star Trek open to more than 30 mill OD? NO 3) Will Star Trek have a drop of more than 10% on Friday? NO 4) Will ST increase by more than 10% on Saturday? YES 5) Will IM3 increase by more than 160% on Friday? NO 6) Will IM3 and Gatsby's weekend gross be more than Star Trek's best two combined days total in its 4 day release? NO 7) Will Gatsby fall less than 50%? NO 8) Will Pain and Gain remain in the top 5? YES 9) Will Star Trek make more than 105 mill for the 4 day? YES 10) Will Star Trek have a world wide weekend gross of more than 200 million? YES 11) Will Star Trek make more than 90 mill in its first three days? NO 12) Will Peeples fall less than 50%? NO 13) Will Erased make more than $100,000? NO 14) Will Star Trek's 4 day make at least 104.9 Mill more than Erased's 3 day? YES 15) Will Star Trek make more than 4 mill opening weekend in Russia? YES 12/15 3000 13/15 4000 14/15 6000 15/15 9000 What finishes in spots: 7 Oblivion 9 Mud 10 The Big Wedding 11 Oz 12 Place Beyond the Pines 15 Scary Movie 2000 each 5 correct bonus of 3000 6 correct bonus of 5000 Bonus 1: What will Star Trek gross for the 4 day 4000 109.280 Bonus 2: What will Star Trek gross for the 3 day 4000 84.075 Bonus 3: What will IM3 gross? 4000 36.845M
  18. I saw that too and about spit out my water when I read it. It didn't seem like he was being sarcastic or tongue in cheek at all either.
  19. Rock is deader than dead these days, and that includes Muse. So a big fat no on that thought.
  20. People realized she had no talent and said "wait a minute, why am I giving her my money?"
  21. I don't know anyone in real life who even knows it exists. Reading too much into facebook or tweets for movies like that can be misleading. I am wishing I hadn't put it at #1 on my list though. Thinking it will be more along the lines of #4-6 lowest grossers.
  22. I agree with this actually. I'm expecting Star Trek, Man of Steel, and Monsters to be the best of the blockbusters, but I don't know if any of them will be better than B+'s. Maybe Monsters if it's Pixar back on their top game.
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