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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Looks the same for me. Unless B changes his mind about the not a record question.
  2. That opening was such a nostalgia rush! Bet that song starts shooting up itunes real soon.
  3. I honestly don't think I would have grown up expecting as much out of movies or TV shows if I hadn't been raised on stuff like Gargoyles, Batman: The Animated Series, X-Men, etc. They showed us kids what good developed plots and memorable characters with payoff were supposed to be like from a young age.
  4. I think the same can be said for Batman the Animated Series and Gargoyles as well. *Sigh* They simply don't make em like those anymore. *waxes nostalgic*
  5. Gargoyles!!!! Gargoyles ruled my 10-11 year old life.
  6. Excellent point. Burton's Gotham is more fantastical and interesting, but Nolan's Gotham helps the characters stand out. And that is more important for me.
  7. Intro for TA was indeed boring. Only flaw in an otherwise perfect summer popcorn flick.
  8. Not as much wrong as playing yourself in every single movie and getting hailed as one of the best actors ever,
  9. I'm proud to say I found Nicholson overrated as an actor from the first movie I saw him in.
  10. Maybe that's true too. But even a totally obscure and hard to market character like Hellboy managed a $25m OW. The point is comic book movies are almost always guaranteed 20m+ on OW because they have at least a small built in audience that will show up on OW. I think $40m is the lowest IM1 would have gone, regardless of marketing.
  11. To be totally fair to the Green Lantern movie though, I do think it was far harder to adapt that character for domestic audiences than it was Iron Man. Tony Stark has built in American appeal. That being said however, WB should have at least been able to make Green Lantern appeal more to the OS market than IM did, and they couldn't even do that.
  12. Thank you, that's exactly the cartoons I was thinking of! So yeah I'm sticking with GL being a bit more known among my gen at least. But I still think the GL movie is a good comparison for what IM1 would have done with bad marketing. They weren't that far apart in relevance among the GA.
  13. Probably through one of the old DC animated shows. I used to watch those as a kid and I think Green Lantern was involved as part of the Justice League on one of em.
  14. Yeah no denying that. Pretty damn amazing too when you still got Spidey, Batman, and Supes movies out there.
  15. You're probably right. I don't know how the heck I knew about Green Lantern then though.
  16. I don't think $50m would have been unreasonable if IM1 hadn't appealed well to the general public. Green Lantern is the perfect example. Horrid marketing, but it still has a devoted comic base that lead it to a $50m+ OW. And I think Iron Man was pretty much on the same playing field as Green Lantern as far as familiarity with audiences, so I think that's a good comparison of what its OW would have been if marketing hadn't clicked with the GA. Most of these comic movies have dedicated audiences that will lead to a decent OW. I don't think that means IM was "iconic" though outside of his core base before the movie.
  17. From personal experience I never knew any non-comic fans familiar with Iron Man and I myself was only very vaguely familiar with him before the movie (I was never into comics). I actually knew more about Green Lantern than IM.I honestly though don't know how well known he was in general, but I think it's safe to rule out "iconic" like Superman/Batman/Spidey, etc.
  18. Excellent OW. Ended up exactly where I wanted/expected. I'll wait until RTH says something before I trust the Sun number though. If it had such a great Sat it may be underestimated on Sunday too. And lol at all the other movie's drops. Excluding Oz and Croods that is, which I'm guessing was from IM3 family spillover on sold out shows. Pain and Gain likely won't even hit 50m.
  19. Yeah that brings me back down to earth a bit. Still crazy good number either way, just not as unbelievable if Thursday is the key factor.
  20. Its internal multiplier for the weekend could be as high as 2.7x with a near $70M OD. :circles:
  21. Shit, 20%?!? It's acting more like some mid ranged animated hit then a big summer blockbuster.
  22. Dammit all to hell, I honestly almost went up to 440m for it in my summer game too but thought surely 415 was high enough!
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