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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. 10. How To Train Your Dragon9. Cloud Atlas8. The King's Speech7. Black Swan6. True Grit (my favorite Western and Coen Bros movie ever, and yes I know I'm certainly in the minority there)5. Inception4. The Avengers (possibly the most sheer fun I've ever had at the movies, and that makes it pretty special in my book)3. Lincoln2. The Perks of Being a Wallflower1. Toy Story 32011 can suck it.
  2. I have to agree. It seems like everyone I know is interested in seeing it. Never thought a Bigelow movie would be such a draw....
  3. Count me in the middling camp alongside numbers. I liked it overall, but I was hardly enthusiastic about it. I thought it was incredibly unique and I loved Wallis, but it never fully clicked for me and I'm still not even entirely sure what they were trying to do with it. I really need to see it a second time.
  4. Looks like Amour won't be coming anywhere in Colorado until the 25th, according to the movie's website, so I guess I'll be waiting till then.
  5. I've been wanting to see it for weeks now but it's still nowhere near me. Disadvantage of living in a state like CO, we always have to wait a long time for the indies.
  6. That's a fantastic OD for ZDT. They marketed the hell out of it and it obviously paid off. Of course all the CIA controversy and whatnot hasn't hurt either.
  7. My point exactly. It's a total Academy move. She can't be counted out.
  8. I'm gravitating back to Lawrence for the win now. ZDT obviously doesn't have the huge Oscar support we once thought, and all the controversy around Chastain's character even being based on a real person could hurt her. But I'm still prepared for a "shocker" Riva win.
  9. Gotta be Ben. He was up almost everywhere else, and he's never even been nominated so it's not like they snubbed him cause he's already won or something. Very strange and genuinely shocking snub.
  10. I don't like Field normally, but I definitely do in Lincoln, and she gave the stronger performance over Anne, imo.
  11. Except even Life of Pi and Beasts have a better shot than it. ;)Anyways these are hilarious. Call of Duty: Alqaeda, "this is not The Hurt Locker."
  12. Aside from that heinous Jacki Weaver nom (seriously WTF?) I agree. I love this year's noms more and more the more I think about it.
  13. Yeah it really is. I know several of my friends and family that are movie buffs thrilled that she got snubbed, cause everyone I know hated THL. And it seems like lot of people just don't like her personally either (I sure don't).
  14. Yeah, I checked the Wings director wasn't nominated that year. So yeah, that was the very first Academy Awards. Really Driving Miss Daisy is the only one that counts. The other two were too long ago, the Academy was just kind of getting set up back then.
  15. Thanks. Grand Hotel is from such a bygone era, there's pretty much no remnants of that Academy left. I'm guessing the third happened early on in the Academy's history too. Driving Miss Daisy really is an anomaly then.
  16. Has there ever been a BP winner that didn't get a BD nom? I'm too lazy to research it, anyone know?
  17. Essays could and I'm sure will be written on all the brilliant subtleties in Lincoln. It transcends film in a way and becomes something else entirely. What that is, I can't say for sure, but it's unlike anything I've seen. It is a masterpiece I think, and I do agree it seems like Spielberg's career has been culminating to it.As for the race, there is no race anymore. ZDT and Argo can't win without even a director nom, so Lincoln has won. It's just a formality of officially handing out the awards now.
  18. Lol, Lincoln as "cute?" Suuuuuure. SLP is as cute and fluffy as all rom-coms at its core. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with liking that sort of thing, but don't try to deny what it is.
  19. I like SLP, HOWEVER it's just a cute rom-com without the great performances by Cooper and Lawrence (and the mental illness theme really is abandoned by the last act). No better than something like Midnight in Paris. There's no chance a movie like it will win. Put it out of your head baumer.
  20. Jacki Weaver has to be the most undeserving nom this year for me. I mean all she did was stand there with a dumbstruck look on her face in every scene she was in, mouth agape. She was actually the only thing about the movie I flat out disliked. I'm a little enraged they passed up Dench in Skyfall for her. Seriously?? And if it was a really unusual choice they were after, why not Watson for Wallflower?
  21. All I'm saying is since Lincoln is such an oscar baiting movie it makes no sense why they wouldn't take the bait. They already did as far as noms go. It's like arguing back in early '98 that Titanic wasn't gonna win cause it was so obvious. To me Lincoln falls in the same category as that and ROTK. We knew they were gonna win everything long before it happened.
  22. And Bigelow and Affleck were never as locked in or obvious for a director nom as Spielberg was.
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