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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Well point me somewhere else where we can find the average rating of half a million movie goers for those movies. Like it or not, IMDB is about as good as we have when it comes to general audience opinion.
  2. They're ranked because they're not tied. IMDB just shows a rounded rating. They're not gonna show 8.8563257 for ROTK for example.
  3. Exactly. I hate when you get a certain opinion on a message board and people start projecting that that's the opinion of the general public. ROTK is still by far the favorite in the general public's eyes, irregardless of its reputation here.
  4. ^Still doesn't explain why out of half a million+ votes from people ROTK still ranks 6 spots higher on IMDB a full ten years later when people have had plenty of time for hindsight and to take each movie individually.
  5. I'll let ROTK's legacy compared to the other's speak for itself. I'm obviously in the majority thinking it's the best. Won all the oscars, best box office performance, best reviews, best placement on IMDB's top 250, etc.
  6. ROTK and FOTR are both perfect masterpieces, but ROTK takes the cake if only for the sheer brilliance of how everything is so satisfyingly brought to its climax.
  7. Oh fish, always so fun. Don't even know why I'm defending her anyways. I really neither like nor dislike her.
  8. Fish would grab her by the throat, raise her up, and say "no shitto can kill me, DIE NOW!" Then she'd take her sword and defiantly yell "I AM NO SHIT!" and thrust it through fishnets!
  9. Well that is a pretty funny read, and yeah she does come off pretty ridiculous there. But I can't help but notice that doesn't seem like the most reputable of sources.
  10. OMFG, you've never seen the LOTR movies? Stop what you're doing and find a copy of Fellowship of the Ring immediately!!!
  11. 70m (the whole concept sounds pretty risky, this is really just a guess though)Sherlock 3
  12. Still can't find anything. All I cans seem to find is that the wedding was "secret" and not very publicized (why would it be, no one's denying her Z list status).
  13. Far from it. Although I might ask you the same question if you enjoyed Krispy Stewwarts in any scene in any of the Twatlites.
  14. Lol, well I guess I don't know about any of that. I just basically know about her as an actress in LOTR, and she seemed fine to me.
  15. Lol, I still fail to see what you dislike about her fish. Unlike Krusty Stalwart there's really not much to dislike.
  16. As long as it doesn't outgross KFP2. I will have some serious problems with that.
  17. ^James Cameron is forcing Pixar to not release it online so all their diehard fans will go see Titanic 3D. You didn't really think he was gonna let one of his releases bomb without trying something did you?
  18. THG would have to do like no less than 22m this weekend, then have about only a 25% drop next weekend, and have Think Like a Man and Lucky One both under perform with about $16-17m to get a 5th weekend at #1. So in other words, yeah, it ain't happening. Would be cool though.
  19. I think THG could potentially beat Think Like a Man next weekend, but it won't beat The Lucky One, so it's a moot point.
  20. So relieved that the Stooges won't be dethroning Katniss! Amazing that THG will be the first film since Avatar to score 4 weekends at the top! Obviously the March release is why it was able to, but it's still another impressive accomplishment to add to its list.
  21. Just got back from it. WOW! This movie is the most over the top, genre flipping, tongue-in-cheek, all out mess of a mindfuck "movie" I think I've ever seen. Those last 15 minutes or so were like the minds of a million horror geeks just exploded on screen, and I've never seen anything quite like that put to film! I'm not sure how general audiences will respond to it though. My screening seemed mixed, with people walking out either hating it, loving it, or not knowing what the hell to think. If there's one criticism I have against it, it would be that it wasn't at all scary, so if they were going for any real scares I don't think they delivered, but it was extremely funny and that script was just devilishly clever. Great all around performances from the cast too, I'm really becoming a Hemsworth fan the more I see of him. Gotta give it a solid A. Loved every minute!
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