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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. Damn Nikki! Overestimated THG again last night! 26m Saturday my ass! 61m is definitely disappointing for where I thought it would end up. Guess I have to eat some light crow on that one. On the plus side though it's still nowhere even close to a Twilight 2nd weekend drop.
  2. Who knows, maybe the opposite will happen tonight. Nikki's saying 26m for Saturday so maybe it will end up really being 31-32m when we wake up tomorrow! Hey I can dream! And it's Nikki so who the hell knows.
  3. I'm glad I was sleeping. I can't even begin to tell you how pissed I would have been if I had seen that and gotten that excited, then woken up to see that 18.8 figure. At least for me it's kinda like the 24m thing never really happened. It's just something I heard about.
  4. Guaranteed. It would essentially have to be pulled from theaters to miss it.
  5. 65 is good I agree, but I can't lie that I was hoping it could really hold awesome and hit 70 this weekend. Even most of the analysts were predicting around that so I'm not the only one who thought it could go that high.
  6. Riiiiiiight, because obviously she's lurking on this very message board, constantly conscious of the few people disagreeing with her prediction, meaning she needs to raise it 6 MILLION or heaven forbid she lose her web hits. :rolleyes:
  7. Dammit, hate when that happens! Had to make it all small to get it to work. The internet sucks!
  8. Especially since 80m would have been totally realistic off of a 24m Friday. Its no one's fault here that Nikki is apparently off her meds and is suffering severe schizophrenic withdrawals.
  9. Don't go! That was a stupid heat of the moment thing that no one even took seriously! Besides there's still hope for 400 which would still be a massively awesome achievement for it.
  10. Wow, your theater ended up being exactly right on for the country average rallax!
  11. So about 62-64m for the weekend then? Bummer can't say I wasn't expecting more. Thought it would hit 65 for sure. Guess it still could if Sat is a bit higher.
  12. I never understood why they couldn't wait with Pirates 3. It's not like people were just falling over themselves to see it, it had been a whole 10 months! At the very least they could've pushed it to July. Even better would've been November of '07, Enchanted's $127m was the highest grossing November release that year. Maybe it wouldn't have helped the multiplier, but I bet the OW would've been bigger.
  13. 2007 did the 3 event movie thing with SM3, Shrek 3, and Pirates 3. Of course Shrek 3 was going after the family/kid audience though so that kind of lessened the crowding a bit. They all also under-performed, so obviously it's not the best strategy (that they all got crappy WOM didn't help though).
  14. I've said all along if THG hits the 400 mark I have a hard time believing it won't be the highest grossing of the franchise. It's just too big of a benchmark that's been set then. And it won't be like Potter where there will be 10 years of inflation + 3D to help outgross the first one with the final film.
  15. Are you sure? His last one I remember seeing was $53m also. Must have changed it last minute then.
  16. Yeah he will be a solid $10m off at least. Good enough for crow.
  17. Well I'm sure it will inspire him to make more creative and dynamic imagery. Dunno about story though...
  18. Using your theater as the nation average (obviously I know it's not just doing it for the heck of it) that would mean THG did about $26m today.
  19. May have done worse actually. I think part of the reason DH2 opened so huge was because it was THE event movie of last year. This year has so many of those that almost certainly would not have been the case. It would have had to share that title with TDKR, Avengers, The Hobbit, etc.
  20. Katniss and Danny Devito have firmly answered that question once and for all (or at least for the time being).
  21. Has anyone discussed John Carter's Friday number in here? What's a stronger word than abysmal?
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