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Everything posted by MovieMan89

  1. So Nikki actually had it at 24 at some point!?!? Even I wouldn't have bought that. So glad I wasn't here last night to see that. 19m is a bit disappointing, was expecting more 20-21m, but I still expect a big Sat increase so it's all good.
  2. This is what I was thinking as well, and I swear I'm not saying that just out of wishful thinking. No, seriously.
  3. Since I've yet to do so, let me just comment that Wrath's Friday # is just abysmal. Won't even make half of COTT at the domestic box office now. Guess it really just was a sequel no one asked for and WOM from COTT was just too awful.
  4. Ah, admittedly I didn't know that. Glad to see you came around a little at least. Still think that's low though.
  5. It had like a 5% Saturday increase last weekend minus midnights even with a massive Friday OD, there's no way a huge Sat bump isn't in store this weekend. Just look at its Friday increase. Even if it is the $18m figure, that was already like a 125% increase. And didn't you predict like $57 or $58m for the weekend? That ain't happening bud.
  6. Doesn't matter, even with that number no way your lowballed prediction for it is happening.
  7. I'll take Gitesh or Variety thank you very much. And Nikki really is on some dank stuff if she thinks THG will have that weekend even with an $18m Friday. :lol:
  8. 20m Friday would be awesome. Right where I had it pegged. No way it doesn't get a big sat bump this weekend so 70m should be in play.
  9. They're certainly more reliable than most any one of us just tossing a number out since it's their job to analyze the box office. So if they say $72m that's a pretty damn good sign for how THG is likely to hold this weekend.
  10. And yet if THG has Alice's 2nd weekend Friday and Sat increases it would have a 2nd weekend around $72m.
  11. Lol, I can't wait to see what you say when this has a sub 60% drop this weekend. Or will you be one of those who quietly disappears in their wrongful shame?
  12. Nothing shocking here. Moving along nicely. People saying it's chances at $400m are "rapidly decreasing" are more than likely in for a nice little shock this weekend. It's March its weekdays in no way reflect what it can pull in on the weekend. A 100%+ increase on Friday isn't even unlikely.
  13. 100% chance it will pass all except TF2, imo. 80-85% chance for that.
  14. 2nd weekend record is 75m so 71m wouldn't cut it. I think $71m it can manage but $76m is asking for too much.
  15. Even I wasn't expecting any lower drop than this. Its weekday numbers are never gonna be that good in March or April. It will be up to the weekends and it's still up in the air as to how it will hold on those. Anyways the smaller the weekdays the more weekends could be inflated.
  16. Only if you have a time machine and can answer that for yourself. Until then Fake and whoever else can say whatever they want but it doesn't change the fact that there have been movies that have opened huge and held well, and we still don't know if this will be one of them. We do know however that its Saturday hold already suggest its nowhere near as frontloaded as the Twilight or Potter sequels. And unlike the stuff Fake is spewing out, that's a cold hard fact.
  17. It was possible. It went down 3m so it could have went up 3m.
  18. What would they do this year if they hadn't acquired Marvel? They'd be screwed majorly! All they have is Wreck It Ralph! :lol:
  19. If only it could have opened in summer or Holiday so that Sunday drop wouldn't have had to be so severe. Could have broke $160m for sure.
  20. Guess it was good my THG over TDKR club was closed. I don't think I would've even been in now. This changes things enough for it to not be able to get where I thought it would.
  21. Yeah, SM3's WOM was no doubt dismal across the board, not just stateside. It's interesting though to speculate just how big that movie could have been if it hadn't sucked. I mean it really was set up to be absolutely gargantuan if it had been on par with SM1/SM2. Look what it did despite the film it was.
  22. Crazy thing is it's not though. A 2.9x multi is all it will take now, essentially the same as Twilight got. And if its OW is closer to $160m with actuals then it will only need more like a 2.8.
  23. $450m isn't even out of the question for THG now.
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