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Everything posted by FTF

  1. Rth basically gave us an update already, $28-30m+...though I guess the + is a little vague, ha. So how about $28-32m is the first update?
  2. I know, just having a little fun ;)And I'm seeing it tonight (3D liemax) so hopefully I like it...cause right now of the friends I have that have seen it, two said it was awesome, 2 said it was ok, and one said it stunk...so adding your score that's 2 awesomes, 2 oks and 2 stinks...I don't know what to expect
  3. Now we just need ijack to post his glowing review and the Baumer/ijack reviews written a month ago will be complete
  4. Crazy good for both Ted and mm...going to try and see Ted tonight...if it's not sold out ha.
  5. Yeah, hopefully Spielberg returns to form with Lincoln. TWBB is the perfect example of what a brilliant actor and brillant director can accomplish together...hopefully Spielberg can be that again for Lincoln.
  6. Are you referring to his role in Lincoln? A movie you haven't even seen a trailer for yet but dare to call DDL's role in it boring...for someone with such horrible taste, it's amazing how brazen and forcefully opinionated you are.
  7. Yes, we do have that (and I wasn't referring to you per say, just an overall observation of some of the likes and dislikes of some posters)
  8. I'm so glad I don't have the terrible taste in movies that some on this site do.
  9. I don't think Madea is hitting $30m, but seeing 4 $30m movies in a weekend would be something.
  10. Not to go off topic, but TSN was so much better than TKS and should have won BP (I mean my personal favorite movie that year was Black Swan, but I knew that had no chance to win so I was pulling for TSN). Anyway, Garfield is a good actor, he's very good in both TSN and Never Let Me Go.
  11. Ok, I take that back, reviews are going very well. It's rt score (80%) after 65 reviews is way higher than most (especially the haters) expected- so hopeully that translates over to a solid showing at the box office (cause that's what I more meant when nothing was going well, at the bo).
  12. Damn $18-20m for mm then? Both openers could hit $50m?!? Crazy talk...and sadly it just seems nothing is going well for TASM It really is a nightmare scenario atm.
  13. This is going to be great to read through next week...someone find those Baumer and ijack reviews I wrote and posted weeks ago
  14. Uh, no...$415m is not underperforming at all, I don't know how you see it as such.
  15. I think it's partly that there are just many more 3D movies out atm, as opposed to early in a year, so there are less 3D screens/shows, etc.
  16. Pretty much this...back to back with the original is a truly amazing film experience as both are simply masterpieces. 10/10
  17. I think it's more studios shuffle a little money around where they want when they have a few movies out at the same time (especially when one of them is a big release, etc).
  18. Quick someone start a Legolas vs Katnips battle, or Robin Hood vs Krazynips.
  19. This THG/Brave (or Katnips/Merida) battle is all in your head, let it go. Oh, plus Brave is a way better movie than THG
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