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Everything posted by FTF

  1. Awesome review B-man! I plan on picking up the blu-ray and watching this again soon. Haven't seen it in years and excited to watch it again.
  2. I just meant much better. Like for me T2 is an A/A+ and T1 is like a B. Though perhaps I need to watch the first again as I haven't seen it in a long time.
  3. Am I the only one that thinks this is way better than the first movie? To me it's not even close.
  4. 1. TDKR2. TH3. Prometheus4. TA5. Django Unchained6. TASM7. Lincoln8. The Master9. Brave10. Skyfall
  5. Oh hell yeah!! This finally came to theaters by me and I saw it Friday night with a few friends and holy shit was it awesome! I'm always skeptical when I read reviews like best (action) movie in years and some of the best choreographed fight scenes you'll ever see, etc. but by god they were right! The main fights in the hallways, the meth lab brawl, the flyin backwards neck into broken door move (I loved that!) and the 3-way finale fight...I just can't say enough awesome things about that 3-way battle with mad dog at the end...it's simply one of the best fight scenes I've ever seen. And I even have to give props to the story, acting and directing. Normally I could give two shits about the story in some of my recent favorite action/martial arts movies (what's that Tony Jaa, someone took your elephant? I don't give a shit just go break some more bones, kick some more people's asses and put some more stunt doubles in the hospital please!), but with this it actually builds a decent story up in the beginning and the initial raid of the building with the suspense of the spotters and lights out shotgun blast was done well and was suspenseful...as was the scene when they were hiding in the wall.Anyway, I definitely plan on catching it again in theaters (probably with another group of friends as I spread the word) but for anyone who likes action movies go see this right now!A-, 9/10
  6. Yup, a few theaters by me have it now and I saw it on Friday and it was awesome! One of the best action movies I've seen in a while...some of the fight scenes were flat out amazing!
  7. You should at least take some solace in knowing THG's success as a movie is almost entirely from its perfect timing at the books height of popularity...it's not a success because of the movie itself, but from its fans and the book (same as twilight though).
  8. Haha, na AR was really good. Hopefully it has some decent legs.
  9. Wow, only $2m for AR? Did way worse than I thought it would.
  10. This can't be a real post...it just can't. And if you're talking about SW OT, well then you should be suspended from watching movies for like a year or something.
  11. Potter movies (outside of one or two of them) are way better than the first HG movie, but yeah he may have unfortunately. THG for Baumer is the twilight series for the rest of us.
  12. I agree with this, the book was so much more engaging and better than the movie, which was ok, but could have been so much better. THG is a success because of the book/its fans, not the quality of the movie. Which twilight is most guilty of (success from fans, not quality).
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