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Everything posted by FTF

  1. Wait, now the Sat estimate is $32m and ow at $73!?! This is getting crazy!
  2. Haha, yeah that's just a little too crazy. They meant $69m (I assume), but quite the funny typo.
  3. 1. TDKR2. TH3. Prometheus4. TA5. Django Unchained6. TASM7. The Raid8. Lincoln9. The Master10. Brave
  4. Yeah it's amazing how the 2012 box office train just keeps on rolling (though I do expect JC to disappoint and slow it down a little next weekend). Also, did you mean I've never been more confident?
  5. What, what thread am I in?? What the hell is going on here?
  6. Just picked up Hugo on Blu-Ray...first time I wished I had a 3D tv, but expect the movie to look amazing in 1080p HD regardless.
  7. http://www.highdefdigest.com/news/show/The_Complete_Indiana_Jones_Blu-ray_Collection_Announced_for_Fall_2012_/8890It's about damn time and I can't wait!
  8. I don't think he means The Artist is better than TKS, just that it was a better choice based in its competition. Many, including myself, felt there were much better choices last year for bp (Black Swan, TSN, Inception, etc) than TKS...TSN (and Fincher) especially.
  9. While I do think Apes should have won, in defense of Hugo the category is visual effects, not special effects, so it does encompass everything you see on screen, not just the special effects- and Hugo was visually amazing.
  10. Baumer, in all fairness, you basically went into the oscars with your mind already made up, before watching it, that you hated it (similar it seems to before seeing The Artist too). You also told us you weren't going to watch this year and your review states you only briefly saw any of it, so it's not really fair to negatively judge the show itself just because you didn't like the movies that were nominated/won.
  11. It's funny, I didn't think I was going to watch at all this year but a friend called me up to hang out and we wound up watching the whole damn thing! I actually (surprisingly) enjoyed most of it as well. There were a couple of pleasant surprises (TGWTDT for editing and MIP for screenplay) but for the most part it played out like most thought. They did tease us early with all the Hugo wins and I started to believe it could upset BD and BP, but unfortunately it was just a tease...The Artist is an excellent movie though and well deserved, but I'm glad Hugo (arguably my favorite movie of the year) tied it in wins (though the only award I don't think it should have won was sfx, Apes should have won that). But all in all I enjoyed the show and I'm glad I watched.Oh, also SBC as the dictator on the red carpet and spilling those ashes on seacrest was hilarious! "Now when people ask who you're wearing you can say Kim Jong-il" :lol:
  12. Hahaha some of those are great. Bucky Larson should win every award it's nominated for, I snuck in when it was at one of my local theaters and could only last like 15 minutes, it was offensive how bad it was. Also, just checked mojo and does Bucky have the record for shortest theatrical release for a wide release? Only 14 days?!?
  13. Honestly, are there going to be any surprises tonight/reason to watch? At this point I expect The Artist to basically clean up, with my only hope being Scorsese gets best Director. Also, I think The Artist is an excellent movie, but I can't remember the last time I cared less about the oscars, well maybe the 2009 awards as that was an equally bad year for movies (Hurt Locker has to be one of the most forgettable bp winners and one I find quite overrated).
  14. You really need to expand on that. Also, what's your thought on KB2, and both viewed as a whole? Personally, I love both KB's and as a whole it's an amazing movie.
  15. That's the craziest thing I've read in a while, are you her agent? Her acting isn't even remotely close to being as good as Streep. Also, I'm not sure how much studios are going to let her headline movies anymore now.
  16. That extended clip/trailer was great, really looking forward to this.
  17. How often do I need to post my list? It hasn't changed (well actually now looking at it again I've changed the order a bit) but in case it needs to be posted again to count:1. TDKR2. TH3. Prometheus4. Django Unchained5. TASM6. TA7. The Raid8. Lincoln9. The Master10. Brave
  18. I really don't like these noon numbers (*cough* guesses *cough*), they're never right and will get adjusted 5 times by early tomorrow (ala a couple weekends ago with TV, SH and TPM).
  19. But seriously, I envy you cause if the worst movies I've ever seen were ROTS and Step Brothers, I'd have saved myself unmeasurable time over the years seeing actual shitty movies.
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