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Everything posted by ashtonelijah

  1. I support Hillary 100%. I don't care enough about Trump to hate him -- just everything he now stands for. @HookEmHornsCali @realDonaldTrump

  2. RT @DannyCohen: Tweedledumb and Tweedledumber. UKIP's Nigel Farage to speak at Donald Trump rally https://t.co/xR3KV6MXYh

  3. RT @JimKilbane: #SundayMorning #VoteOutGOP https://t.co/mK5BkoaYmA Now go. Here is your link. Let's #registertovote & show up https://t.co…

  4. RT @HillaryClinton: This is so ignorant it’s staggering. https://t.co/t2fZl9sqKs

  5. Wonder if Nader voters were this cocky when they gave us George W, 9/11, Iraq, Katrina, & the Great Recession. @craziforlife @RealTrevinShu

  6. RT @538politics: Hillary Clinton has a lead of at least 9 points in states collectively worth 273 electoral votes: https://t.co/qUdzkZZKjp

  7. .@danpfeiffer He's coming to Mississippi on the 24th!

  8. RT @michaelianblack: Actually an incredible insult: "You mother is voting for Trump." https://t.co/2W1czMmPWR

  9. And along came the slimeball @SeanHannity to smear the grieving father of a fallen American soldier. Shame! https://t.co/vc3Qnigvo5

  10. RT @pollreport: Impression of Donald Trump Favorable 34% Unfavorable 63% (ABC/Washington Post Poll, 8/1-4) Details: https://t.co/g5jnTQ1tJi

  11. RT @pollreport: PRESIDENT Clinton/Kaine (D) 49% Trump/Pence (R) 39% (Fox News Poll, RV, 7/31 - 8/2) Details: https://t.co/v6fZ17B6VJ

  12. Says the Trump support with the mugshot. https://t.co/YzYEZYLYyL

  13. RT @drbekafigo: "Dana Bash is my bitch." -- from the gay on the left @YeahhhBuddy1994

  14. .@nesteggPUB It's legit. See this full shot. You can see Ernst still speaking in the Jumbotron at the time. https://t.co/z3nixIGZZV

  15. .@Aerie925 Folks like you & @DrJillStein would like to boast about how "principled" you were as you watch the world burn from your pedestal.

  16. RT @CNNMoney: TV ratings for Donald Trump's acceptance speech weren't 'huuge' https://t.co/QKWCamAYiM via @brianstelter https://t.co/c5DqUg…

  17. RT @MSignorile: Man is insane, dangerous --> Donald Trump Sets Conditions for Defending NATO Allies Against Attack https://t.co/B78ih4RXRB

  18. RT @realDonaIdTromp: Melania didn't plagiarize her speech from Michelle Obama. It's called sampling. All the kids do it. The blacks know wh…

  19. RT @howardfineman: #Trump circle thought #Newt went too far last night, confirming #Pence choice.

  20. RT @adambonin: Today's Quinnipiac PA poll has 35% D/34% R sample. Absurd. Exits in 2012 had 45/35 split. https://t.co/i6xErHEnHz https://t.…

  21. RT @JournoStephen: Fun fact: Misogyny is totally cool if she's an English Tory. https://t.co/9GGEi2v4GO

  22. RT @LPDonovan: Purple Poll College+ Voters Net Favs Obama +15 HRC -8 Trump -47 H2H HRC 54 Trump 32 Expectation HRC 62 DJT 22 https:/…

  23. Except Reuters, 45-33 Clinton. And Pew, 52-41 Clinton. Nice conspiracy theory though @Always_Trump. https://t.co/8RSOERxGdX

  24. RT @ChrisMurphyCT: I DON'T ACCEPT police gunned down by snipers, kids murdered in school, or black men shot during routine stops. I believe…

  25. RT @JesseLehrich: .@ADL_National slams Trump after quintupling(?) down on his anti-semitic tweet. https://t.co/ww4xukPF7y

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