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The Creator

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  1. 4.8 Challenge 2 Now for The Challenge as decreed by "The Equation Sensation". In this Challenge, Legends Acsc and DoctorWho faced off, and the loser will be eliminated. The winner will still participate in the same Challenge in the Legend Challenge, against four other Legends. Here are the results! Acsc1312: DoctorWho:
  2. OMG...every single one of you Legends predicted the Question 2 without thinking about Superman, which totally fucks your scores up. ...but to be fair, BOM specifies its release as June 14, not June 13, so I'll not count that 12 million figure as Superman's gross, as that would literally count toward midnight/previews, and I guess its unfair since you guys didn't know it would have some Thursday figures (hell I didn't know either!).
  3. Time to bite the dust! 4.8 "Legendary" (cont.) The first Challenge results are coming in. This was a three way Challenge between three highly esteemed Legends. The objective was to break down Goffe's shield, and thus to be able to attack "The Equation Sensation." Goffe, whose Shield Power Chip protects "Equation Sensation" from outside harm, had to fight to keep the shield active. Two other Legends attempted to penetrate the shield, and should they break through, they could activate their Power Chips on the number one team of the season. It is a bold move, and Goffe had a lot riding on this. Let's look at the results. Goffe: DoctorWho: CEDAR:
  4. Oh dear, this is a big one. The Challenge - Week 8 Immunities were 5 points a piece. CEDAR purchased an immunity that cost 5 points, as did Spaghetti. So our first two contestants entering this Challenge are... Because of the magnitude of this Challenge, and because a Legend will very likely be slain in the Legend Challenge this week (resulting in 2 eliminations), those two will be the only members entering this Challenge. Quite frankly, with there being three Challenges this week, I couldn't detract from this moment by having a multiple elimination Challenge here in the end of things. If only one player does wind up eliminated this week afterall, then next week will have bigger ramifications. So here is The Challenge: Answer the same questions for the Legend Challenge! Because you are both Legends, not only will your answers be submitted into that Challenge, but also they'll be submitted here. It's still a separate Challenge, as that consists of all 6 Legends and has different consequences, and this consists only of you two. So while you may win here, you may lose there and still face elimination or some similarly bad fate. And just to make this easier on all parties involved (you two and me for scoring reasons), I'll make your Challenge the same as your Legend Challenge.
  5. While a Legend gets more benefits, he also has more setbacks, as he has to contend in both the Legend Challenge and, possibly, the regular Challenges.
  6. Its Friday through Sunday gross...don't include stuff before Friday.
  7. At least one Legend will be broken here. ...but he will not be the only one. Season 4, Game 9 DEADLINE: FRIDAY, JUNE 15 AT 8:00 P.M. EASTERN (7:00 P.M. CENTRAL) - new deadline! 1. Predict Man of Steel's opening weekend gross as a percent share of the top 12 overall gross this weekend 2. Predict Man of Steel's Sunday percent drop (from Saturday) 3. Predict the difference between Man of Steel's opening weekend gross and Superman Return's (2006) original 6 day start of 84.59 million 4. Predict the difference in percent drops between The Purge and Now You See Me (take the higher percent drop and subtract the lower percent drop from it) 5. Predict This is the End's opening weekend gross
  8. Allllllllllllright, you got me. I throw my name into the running for Jury next year.
  9. THE LEGEND CHALLENGE Although some of the Legends are cashing in their chips, they may wish to acquire others. On top of that, a Legend may possess other chips unbeknownst to him or the other Legends. In the Legend Challenge, the winner gets to take it all away from the loser. These Challenges work to make, and to break, the six Legends that are left. All are highly skilled competitors, and these separate Challenges, which usually will take place aside from the weekend games, but may sometimes have crossover games, will test their ability against each other. Once a Legend loses here, he may still try again...but failure a second time will cost his life. All six have two chances (more should they acquire more opportunities) to begin with, and even if a Legend cashes in his chips already, he can still play, as there are other gains, and losses, to be had. So for now, as none of the six have opted to buy immunity, I assume all six will be enterring this Challenge. When you respond to this Challenge, you can declare if you'd rather spend 5 points to opt out of it. Even if you get out of this Challenge, you'll still be enrolled in the 2nd Legend Challenge, to be held next week, unless you immunize yourself once more. But buying immunity, while keeping you safe from losing, also prevents you from winning and getting more chips. A Legend with more chips is more dangerous and more poised to win. Anyways, this goes to all six of the Legends: Acsc, Alfred, CEDAR, DoctorWho, Goffe, and Riczhang: 1. Predict Epic's Thursday gross as a percent of its Thursday gross last week (1.99 million) 2. Predict the combined Thursday gross of the top 3 movies on Thursday (you don't have to specify what those movies are though) 3. Predict the difference in Thursday per theater averages between The Purge and Now You See Me's PTAs DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, JUNE 15 AT 5:00 A.M. EASTERN (4:00 A.M. CENTRAL)
  10. 4.8 "Legendary" (cont) The Legends are all about to compete in the Legend Challenge for this week. Six will go in, five will walk out. The contender in last place faces either elimination or a removal of his Legend status...for now, anyways, as there are opportunities to re-advance to that level in subsequent Challenges. But before The Legend Challenge begins, three of the Legends are on the line this week. The first three chips are about to be cast. Well, one has been in play for the past three weeks, and only now will that chip be tested. Legend Goffe, representative and guardian of "The Equation Sensation", the dominant team of the past three weeks, is met with a formidable foe here. Goffe wields a special power chip by token of his Legend status. A significant role of his power chip serves as a Shield Power. With this chip, "The Equation Sensation" cannot be touched. Numbers, Jim, and Goffe are all three safe from outside influences, whether it be entering The Challenge or losing their points. Goffe's Shield Power, which has been in effect since Goffe was added to the team, ensures that the team cannot be changed, harmed, or contested against in any way...so long as the shield maintains fuel. Thus far, in the past three weeks, the shield has been left in tact as "The Equation Sensation" has won each time, and therefore, there has been no use for the Shield just yet. But now things change. Two other Legends are making moves to strike at "The Equation Sensation" with their own power chips...and the ramifications can be terrible. Goffe is about to be tested, first by the Legend DoctorWho. Doc entered Box Office Alliance in Season 2, the same season that first saw Goffe's emergence onto the scene. While Doc was quick to adapt, as an early frontrunner in the game, Goffe didn't earn his status until the end of Season 3, shortly before his elimination. Both are about equal in skill, and once Doc even defeated Goffe in a Challenge (the very Challenge in Season 2 that caused Goffe's elimination). Ironically, both Legends lost in the same Challenge last season, the Challenge that caused both of their eliminations...although Goffe only lost because of a no show. So in skill, the duo are very compatible. So why is Doc Challenging fellow Legend (now enemy) Goffe? DoctorWho stands as a contestant of "The Earth Shakers", a team which, while good at times, stands no match so far against "The Equation Sensation". Each week, "The Earth Shakers" has finished well beneath "Sensation's" position, and this can be quite irritating to "The Earth Shakers" - especially the Legend DoctorWho, who finds this way below his skill, although it is questionable if he is even the strongest member of his own team now, as 24Lost has definitely proven he is an equally worthy champion. And yet, DoctorWho wants more...and that greed may just earn "The Earth Shakers" the win they so long for, a victory over "The Equation Sensation." DoctorWho possesses a special Legend Power Chip that allows him to swap team members of various teams, including his own...and "The Equation Sensation." And DoctorWho has made a bargain to grab one of the members of "Equation Sensation" (no names will be identified as of yet). Doc thought it would be an easy snatch; he'd simply cash in his chip and grab that member, pulling him to his team. He was wrong. When Doc decided to make this move, it set off Goffe's Shield Chip. And now, "Equation Sensation" is in danger. Goffe must fight off DoctorWho to keep his shield alive. The two players will enter a Challenge. If Goffe wins, the Shield remains intact, and "Equation Sensation" will remain unharmed. But if Doc wins, the Shield will be destroyed for the remainder of the week, and Doc can do as he wishes in the short time that the Shield remains hindered. ...but there is an even greater threat this week to the safety of "The Equation Sensation." While Doc simply aims to gain for his team, another Legend seeks to destroy all that "The Equation Sensation" has worked to acquire. This Legend is perhaps the most dangerous of the six. Winner of Season 2, Player of the Season for Season 1, and an accomplished veteran, rivaled perhaps only by his nemesis Totem, this Shadowkiller Legend is poised to strike. CEDAR, too, wants something significant from "The Equation Sensation", and so, he wishes to play his chip. CEDAR possesses a mighty Legend Power Chip that will very likely shatter "The Equation Sensation" or whomever it is turned on, should CEDAR prove effective in using it. But for CEDAR to get to "The Equation Sensation", he must first step through Goffe, and that means...this will be a 3 Way Challenge. Goffe, you have two rival Legends competing against you, and your Shield holds them back from touching your team. If you win against one, you may still lose to the other. If both win against you, your Shield will be severely damaged, and it will by both Legends the time they need to break through your defenses. As Legends, they possess craft that help ensure they, like you, can rise above the influence of regular players. So Goffe, you must accept this Challenge, and it is on you to protect your team from it. Of course, because "The Equation Sensation" won, they will also be hosting a Challenge this week, one for elimination. It will be a Double (or Triple? Quadruple?) Elimination Challenge. The team must rank all players, and immunities are 5 points a piece. "Sensation"...choose wisely. Here is the Challenge for Goffe, DoctorWho, and CEDAR: 1. Predict The Purge's Wednesday gross as a percent of its Friday gross (16.76 million) 2. Predict Now You See Me's Wednesday per theater average 3. Predict The Internship's total gross through Wednesday (includes Wednesday's gross) DEADLINE: THURSDAY, JUNE 13 AT 4:00 A.M. CENTRAL (5:00 A.M. EASTERN) ...and yes, there will be at least 3 Challenges this week.
  11. I think Alpha is trying too hard to be an uptight reviewer. I've seen people like this all too often in the 20+ CAYOM years I've participated in. Every now and then, some rookie ventured in and thought he'd be hot shit to give outrageous reviews...half the time (more so actually) the player never actually read the films. Now, not to say Alpha is doing the same, but I notice similarities in that he insists only on giving negative reviews (a point he stated earlier when he said he'd be particularly tough...which is ridiculous, by the way, as being tough doesn't reflect the quality of a film). And I'm not just saying this because he gave Bronx is Burning a C+...because I don't particularly like BiB either. BUT, from a technical point, it is a brilliant film, almost as good as Black as Night.
  12. The winning team chose to ship you over to The Shadowkillers. CEDAR and Acsc thought they would be better off without someone else, so they decided to go for the Creator Challenge. If they beat me, you wouldn't be assigned to their team; if I beat them, you would. I beat them, so you were. ...then you ended up being the most valuable of the three for the next few weeks.
  13. It's coming tomorrow. Big things in the work.
  14. Season 1 was good, but it was the messiest of the seasons...very good stuff though. Season 2 was a huge improvement, of course, and Season 3 continued the awesomeness and added quite a lot of twists and turns (in particular in the Final Five games).
  15. Yes, I've made a perfect find! I still have the original PM of the accusation sent to Townzy. It's good stuff.
  16. Ironically, despite trying to prove his innocence and remain in the game, Townzy was still eliminated within that week.
  17. Some day I'll have to revist my e-mails and make a true Box Office Alliance archive. A lot of interesting things get said in the PMs (most of which have been deleted on my end to make room for the next season) that are never publicized to other members.
  18. That was a classic moment, and it really bit CEDAR in the ass because he lost that Challenge against me, lol. But what's so ironic is he tried so hard not to get Goffe onto his team, and then once Goffe got on, he scored higher than both of you goons! And you guys won the next several weeks. And when Goffe got eliminated, CEDAR was the first one to lament his loss. Sooo funny.
  19. Of course my dramatic storytelling da bomb. So, in Season 1, CEDAR gotted shipped over to "The Firerisers" about Week 6 or so after his former partner (Hiccup) vanished. Townzy and Alfred were the original Firerisers, and while a strong team, they never got to the top top spot...they had been placing 3rd and 2nd and 4th a few times, but never first. So Townzy was kind of pissy about CEDAR coming aboard in the first place and tried to get rid of him...Alfred seemed more placid about it. Well, with CEDAR's help, surprisingly "The Firerisers" became the most dominant team over the next few weeks. Then, the Top Ten games began and CEDAR was evicted from the team in a surprise blow that instead sent CEDAR to "The Wild Cards". So now their former enemy-turned-ally was an enemy again, and Townzy was so fighting to win. He was top dog, the big baddy, and he had a win almost ensured. "The Shadowlords" (XenoZodiac and Acsc) started turning shit loose, which was irking Townzy and Alfred, who kept saying "Ooooh, next week we'll win for sure." So, a week came where the players in contention for The Challenge were CEDAR and Townzy, and CEDAR was all like, "Screw this shit, I'm ratting you out." I received a message from CEDAR telling me that Townzy (and by extent Alfred, but mostly Townzy) had been cheating, and that was why, when CEDAR was a member of "The Firerisers" a few weeks prior, the team kept winning. Allegedly, Townzy (and even Alfred, by accusation) had changed their answers after the deadline, because in PM format, the moderator (me) is unable to see when a post is edited in PM. CEDAR's aim was to ensure that I would play my hand and eliminate Townzy (and maybe Alfred too) on charge of forgery. Now, I had no way to see if the evidence was true, although it wouldn't have surprised me (not to say Townzy and Alfred were disloyal, but it would be a good method). So I confronted Townzy about the issue via private PM (I kept Alfred out of the loop because he wasn't the one on the line, CEDAR was mostly disgruntled with Townzy). Townzy naturally denied it and said CEDAR was whining because his neck was on the line that week and he was trying to save it (since it was "The Firerisers" who were sending him into The Challenge). I told CEDAR about what Townzy said, apologized that I could do no more, and let the issue go. Afterwards, I checked the moment a PM was sent, and took note of each players' numbers to see if changes were made afterwards (and this is also the reason that, to this day, if you make changes, I require that you tell me when you make changes, or post the changes separately in the PM). Well, CEDAR was displeased but accepted his Challenge, won, and continued on to the next game. The real sour pouch then was CJohn, CEDAR's partner at the time. CJohn accused me of being an unfair, biased host and said I was changing shit left and right. CJohn was disgruntled because it was he who was eliminated (and because of his distaste at the end there, I was really, really surprised to see him return last season). So CJohn and CEDAR's outcries became public in the season thread, and this brought Townzy into the issue. There was a huge verbal war between them that lasted about 2 or 3 thread pages (it's still there, if you ever want to look...I think around Page 15 or so). Everyone had something to say, and before it ended, Townzy was eliminated in a Challenge. CEDAR was accusing him of being a sore loser. Townzy was pissed at CEDAR for making the accusations. Alfred was still pretty withdrawn, and still denies the accusations to this day, but he stood up for his partner for a while. Of course, CEDAR won the next week and got to decide if Alfred or Fake would be given the opportunity to join him in the semi-final, and CEDAR chose Fake because he was mad at Alfred as a fellow Fireriser. And now, to this day, CEDAR and Alfred have never been paired up again. I don't know if any animosity exists between them or not, as the game has been really tame since (with the only other noteworthy debacle of this flare being an issue of Goffe being enlisted on "The Shadowkillers" midway through Season 2, and that's another interesting story to share some day). Townzy participated briefly in Season 2 (for like 4 episodes, but was eliminated when making a bold move to resurrect Alfred, who, despite having won Season 1, was quickly slain by both Totem and Riczhang in what is still to this day the most legendary performance of a team in one quick period (although "The Shadowkillers" CEDAR and Acsc put up a greater run in the long run of things). I haven't seen any conflict between CEDAR and Alfred, but I don't know if they dislike each other or not. Alfred's usually very modest minded, and CEDAR is usually very brusque with anyone.
  20. I love all the backstabbing this is bringing out in the behind the scenes chats. I haven't seen this type of competitiveness since the whole Townzy/CEDAR debacle toward the end of Season 1. I love it!
  21. Team Player Points The Equation Sensation 4815162342 +56 +141 Goffe +38 Jim Shorts +47 The Destroyers of Evil Chasmmi +33 +75 Alfred +18 Spaghetti +24 The Gold Seekers ChFloppit +32 +61 Jay Salahi +29 The Shadowkillers Acsc1312 +5 +35 CEDAR +25 Riczhang +5 The Earth Shakers 24Lost +19 +33 DoctorWho +6 SchumacherFTW +8 Updated as of Game 4.8
  22. CEDAR, Goffe...I seem to have looked over your two special rewards from the Iron Man Special. Goffe, you were supposed to receive a +2.0% to your overall score for week 4.6, and CEDAR you were supposed to receive a +5.0% to the lowest individual question score on Week 4.6. So I'll go ahead and regive you that offer, so now Goffe and CEDAR get those benefits next week instead.
  23. 4.8 "Legendary" (cont.) Each of the six standing Legends is in possession of a chip. Some benefit the Legend individually, others benefit all those who are allied to that Legend. Some of the chips are ready to be cashed in, but they're not all ripe yet. However, when they're cashed in, great damage may be done to others. And so, each Legend may wish to acquire the other Legends' chips, perhaps before they are used. So now, all six Legends will be fighting against each other in more ways than just the weekend game. All six Legends are going to enter a series of Challenges. At any point, they may choose to opt out by purchasing immunity from that round only (the price of immunity goes up with each round). The Legend that loses in each round forfeits his power chip to another Legend. If, however, the Legend wants to move on to the next round to regain his chip, he may do so. Should he finish last in that round, however, he will be eliminated from the season. But what if a Legend cashes in his chip before a round is over? Although the Legends are fighting against each other, they still must focus on the game. They can cash in their chips already, but there are others up for grabs. They can choose to remain a Legend, with the status it grants them and the potential it gives them, by staying in the Challenges and taking chips from other Legends, or by unearthing other power chips that are waiting to be used, dormant and locked away until someone unlocks them. There are, however, three Legends who are currently allied to each other: Acsc, CEDAR, and Riczhang. They would surely not wish to steal each other's chips when they can benefit them all, and so, they may continue their alliance within the Challenges. Any Legend may choose to ally to another legend while in these Challenges, although they will not be officialized like the one "The Shadowkillers" own. The alliances will help you survive. In the instance that one Shadowkiller wins and another comes in last place, it is up to their discretion how the case shall be handled. We will only need explain those circumstances should we arrive at those circumstances. But mind you, though they may be allied, they're also fighting for their own benefit, as it is the Legend who comes in first place in these Challenges who reaps the benefits the most...and it's the Legend who finishes last who has the most to lose. The Legends are: -Acsc (of "The Shadowkillers") -Alfred (of "The Destroyers of Evil") -CEDAR (of "The Shadowkillers") -DoctorWho (of "The Earth Shakers") -Goffe (of "The Equation Sensation") -Riczhang (of "The Shadowkillers") You may choose now to purchase an immunity from Round 1 of The Legend Challenges. The price of immunity for Round 1 is 5 points, and you need to buy only one immunity. Should all 6 of you purchase immunity, or 5 of you, then we will move on to Round 2 and you'd be up to purchase immunity again. Do any of you wish to purchase immunity?
  24. 4.8 "Legendary" 6 Legends. 1 Survivor. Totem has done his toll on the series for three long seasons. He managed to wiggle into the Top Ten of each season before, and would have won Season 2 were it not for a slip-up. He was Player of the Season that season, thanks mostly to his frightening success on "The Crimson Knights" at the start of the season. We never expected that, two seasons later, Totem would be finished at the start of the season. But he was a Legend, and his status has been seen. Totem's death gave birth to a power chip, which he was granted at the end of last season. His chip was cast as a Team Creation chip...in so, it resurrected the sensational "Shadowkillers" and brought together three other legends onto one powerful team, the only team that ever defeated Totem two seasons ago. Ironically, former "Crimson Knight" Riczhang helmed the team, as he cast Totem's chip after eliminating his glorious former partner and "Knight"'s slayer, EmpireStrikesBack, a few weeks back. Totem would have been able to surmount to a much more powerful Legend this season had he stuck around, but now he may never venture back. One Legend down. But the power chip resurrected two of the strongest Box Office Alliance Legends of all time: CEDAR and Acsc1312. And the two "Shadowkillers" possessed their own chips, chips that shall be cashed in. Although "The Shadowkillers" - joined now by fellow Legend and former enemy Riczhang, winner of Season 3 - have yet to win a game in the five weeks they've been active this season, they're always fierce competitors, ones to be feared. And now there's more reason than ever to fear them, because at least one of them will activate his power chip, and with it, he may bring about the end of the teams as we know them."The Shadowkillers" are poised to strike, and their gamble may make them, or it may break them...this will be their defining moment, and perhaps one of the most shocking twists in "Box Office Alliance" history. There is a Legend who stands in their way. It's a splendid twist of fate, for this one Legend, the one with the most likely chance of breaking them, is a former "Shadowkiller." He is now "The Shadowkillers'" greatest threat, because this Legend has joined forces with the season's current top dog team: "The Equation Sensation." Goffe, who returned two weeks ago, is now enlisted on the most powerful team this season, one composed, surprisingly, of rookie players...rookies who may unseat the greatest Legends of Box Office Alliance. Goffe helped lead "The Shadowkillers" to victory two seasons ago, but now he stands in their way of reliving that victory. Tonight, at least one Legend will fall...and it may not be the one you'd expect. This is not merely Goffe versus "The Shadowkillers". Oh no, this goes even deeper. There are six Legends on the board, and they each have a power chip to cash in. For the most part, they have all competed against each other for two, in some cases three, seasons, and they know typically where they stand in relation to each other. CEDAR is the known top dog in box office skill, Acsc the known master of longevity, and Alfred the mastermind of strategy and resurrection. But when the chips are cast, the strings will be cut loose, and outside forces may change the order of the strength of our six Legends of Box Office Alliance. This will be Legendary. Below are the results for the first phase of "Legendary" - the weekend questions: The Destroyers of Evil ALFRED: 59.80% +4 (+2 2nd team, +2 2nd Legend) Chasmmi: 57.70% +2 (+2 2nd team) Spaghetti: 63.01% +2 (+2 2nd team) AVG: 60.17% +8 The Earth Shakers 24Lost: 65.17% +2 (+1 3rd team, +1 highest Question 1) DOCTORWHO: 57.18% +2 (+1 3rd team, +1 3rd Legend) SchumacherFTW: 57.18% +1 (+1 3rd team) AVG: 59.84% +5 The Equation Sensation 4815162342: 71.89% +8 (+2 2nd individual, +3 1st team, +3 3 week streak) GOFFE: 68.35% +11 (+1 3rd individual, +3 1st team, +1 highest Question 2, +3 3 week streak, +3 highest Legend) Jim Shorts: 74.74% +17 (+5 highest individual, +3 1st team, +3 3 week streak, +1 highest Question 3, +1 highest Question 4, +1 highest Question 5, +3 won 60% of the questions) AVG: 71.66% +36 The Gold Seekers ChD: 55.27% Jay Salahi: 47.33% AVG: 51.30% The Shadowkillers ACSC1312: 52.46% CEDAR: 52.14% RICZHANG: 56.59% AVG: 53.73% "The Equation Sensation" has remarkably accomplished a feat that hasn't been seen since the end of Season 2, when "The Shadowkillers" won 3 consecutive weeks in a row. The feat has only been seen three times now in the history of Box Office Alliance. Goffe, you have chosen a strong team indeed...and now you will be the one to defend it.
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