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Everything posted by Bluebomb

  1. Greetings from Tim Buckley is delayed indefinitely. No new release date has been posted yet. Captain America is more well known than Thor here. That's why it had a stronger opening than Thor but the movie wasn't as good as Thor so it had weaker legs. It's no bother. Movies are mainly advertized through posters at bus stops and subway stations. There are billboards out there but they are few in number. TV spots and trailers are also used as promotion but sparingly. It's not like in North America where you constantly see ads for new films every commercial break. Tropical Storm Rumbia has strengthened into a Category 1 Typhoon. Heavy rain and winds are lashing HK right now courtesy of Rumbia's outer bands. Monday adm. (so far) July 1 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 22,313 -- -18.2% 2 World War Z -- 10,407 -- -11.4% 3 Despicable Me 2 -- 9,091 -- +53.6% 4 Epic -- 9,044 -- +19.8% 5 Midsummer Formula -- 6,090 -- -8.4% 6 Now You See Me -- 5,347 -- +1.2% 7 Blind Detective -- 2,717 -- +8.3% 8 Badges of Fury -- 402 -- +2.6% 9 Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge -- 385 -- -1.8% 10 Miracle in Cell No. 7 -- 315 -- +55.9% Huge decrease for Man of Steel. It had the worst increase of the top 10. Not good for World War Z. Despicable Me 2 jumps big. Epic had a nice increase. Midsummer Formula continues to be frontloaded. OK for Now You See Me. Good for Blind Detective.
  2. The same could be said about Steven Spielberg. One would think that all his movies would be banned after he quit as an artistic adviser for the 2008 Beijing Summer Olympics to protest the situation in Darfur. But Tintin got a China release. Very strange.
  3. Typhoon Signal No. 3 has been in effect for the past few hours. July 1 is Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day. Origin superhero movies Hulk - $1,217,407 Batman Begins - $1,798,348 Spider-Man - $3,728,668 The Incredible Hulk - $1,587,457 X-Men - $1,586,239 Batman (1989) - $1,150,127 Iron Man - $2,844,618 Thor - $2,490,495 X-Men: First Class - $3,325,094 Green Lantern - $1,468,456 Captain America: The First Avenger - $2,496,235 The Amazing Spider-Man - $7,996,783
  4. Sunday June 30 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 51,118 -- +4.8% 2 World War Z 62,886 23,908 -62.0% +3.5% 3 Epic -- 14,655 -- +37.9% 4 Midsummer Formula -- 13,036 -- +2.0% 5 Despicable Me 2 -- 9,680 -- +30.0% 6 Now You See Me 28,315 8,930 -68.5% +7.4% 7 Blind Detective -- 5,502 -- +21.0% 8 Badges of Fury 1,203 930 -22.7% +13.3% 9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 1,663 594 -64.3% +4.6% 10 So Young 900 338 -62.4% +4.0% The holiday-fueled Sunday didn't really help much for Man of Steel and World War Z. Epic/Despicable Me 2 had fantastic increases while Midsummer Formula buzz seems to have waned quickly. Daily admissions (OW) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total World War Z 9,704 31,412 36,313 64,800 62,886 205,115 Man of Steel 30,254 34,945 48,774 51,118 165,091 Gap -9,704 -10,862 -12,230 -28,256 -40,024 Yeesh, those Saturday/Sunday gaps make Man of Steel's admissions look terrible. Weekend adm. Jun 27-30 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 165,091 -- 2 World War Z 195,411 80,981 -58.6% 3 Epic -- 39,258 -- 4 Now You See Me 90,691 32,635 -64.0% 5 Midsummer Formula -- 25,818 -- 6 Despicable Me 2 -- 17,128 -- 7 Blind Detective -- 10,048 -- 8 Badges of Fury 3,212 2,890 -10.0% 9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 5,200 2,025 -61.1% 10 So Young 3,554 1,015 -71.4% Not a great weekend for Kal-El. Weekend Estimates June 27 Rank Movie TW % chg Total 1 Man of Steel $2,100,000 $2,100,000 2 World War Z $900,000 -59.2% $3,945,000 3 Epic $425,000 $425,000 4 Now You See Me $260,000 -63.2% $2,955,000 5 Midsummer Formula $190,000 $190,000 Quote: It was not the welcome that Superman or Warner Bros. were hoping for as Man of Steel was left behind by HK moviegoers. Charged with expensive tickets in 2D and 3D, viewers that were on the fence decided not to go and those that did chose 2D as their viewing of choice. June 27 Weekend Estimates
  5. Typhoon Signal No 1 has been raised. Conditions are expected to deteriorate tomorrow.Lots of additions to the release date schedule. These include dates for Escape Plan, The Tale of Princess Kaguya, Sadako 2, Insidious: Chapter 2 and Project Blue Book. Full update here: Release Dates
  6. 2.0-2.1m Another typhoon is coming and is expected to impact Monday's and Tuesday's admissions. This could be good news for Man of Steel. If people want to take refuge from the deluge of rain, Man of Steel would be the best choice to watch.
  7. It's fallen behind by too much now. It won't be enough to beat World War Z unless if it has a miracle Sunday. Sunday adm. (so far) June 30 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 27,264 -- +11.8% 2 World War Z 26,711 11,747 -56.0% +17.3% 3 Epic -- 7,547 -- +53.1% 4 Midsummer Formula -- 6,647 -- +8.1% 5 Despicable Me 2 -- 5,919 -- +48.3% 6 Now You See Me 9,930 5,284 -46.8% +26.9% 7 Blind Detective -- 2,509 -- +25.8% 8 Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge -- 392 -- -2.5% 9 Badges of Fury 421 355 -15.7% +10.2% 10 American Dreams in China 623 206 -66.9% -- Not that good for Man of Steel. Maybe walk-ins will pick up later today. Decent for World War Z. Not bad for Epic. Midsummer Formula could be very frontloaded. Ok for Despicable Me 2. Acceptable hold for Now You See Me. Still not that great for Blind Detective. Poor for Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge. Badges of Fury had a great hold but a low start. American Dreams in China got clobbered by the new openers.
  8. Saturday June 29 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 48,774 -- +39.6% 2 World War Z 64,800 23,108 -64.3% +17.7% 3 Midsummer Formula -- 12,782 -- -- 4 Epic -- 10,625 -- +58.4% 5 Now You See Me 29,616 8,318 -71.9% -6.9% 6 Despicable Me 2 -- 7,448 -- -- 7 Blind Detective -- 4,546 -- -- 8 Badges of Fury 1,070 821 -23.3% +6.1% 9 Miracle in Cell No. 7 1,756 568 -67.7% +11.6% 10 So Young 1,091 325 -70.2% -- Not good for Man of Steel. It couldn't even reach 50,000 admissions. It will make less than World War Z's opening weekend. OK for World War Z. Strong beginning for Midsummer Formula. It won't reach the levels of Suspect X but it's a very good opening day. Better for Epic but slow opening weekend. Huge drop for Now You See Me today. The openers took away its screen and it was left to share with other films. Average for Despicable Me 2. Bland for Blind Detective. Good hold for Badges of Fury but soft increase and opening weekend. Miracle in Cell No. 7 was affected by the Saturday previews/openers. So Young is a massive failure. Daily admissions (OW) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total World War Z 9,704 31,412 36,313 64,800 62,886 205,115 Man of Steel 30,254 34,945 48,774 113,973 Gap -9,704 -10,862 -12,230 -28,256 -91,142 World War Z is running away with this now. This bodes really well for Monsters University which opens in a little less than 2 weeks.
  9. Daily admissions (OW) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total World War Z 9,704 31,412 36,313 64,800 62,886 205,115 Man of Steel 30,254 34,945 65,199 Gap -9,704 -10,862 -12,230 -77,030 -139,916 It appears that World War Z will win in admissions. Who would have thought? 3 PM update: Man of Steel has passed 36,000. I think it will only get to 57,000 admissions today. World War Z currently stands at 17,000 admissions while Midsummer Formula has just cracked 10,000 admissions today. Epic is closing in on Formula though in 4th with 9,300 admissions. Despicable Me 2 has overtaken Now You See Me for 5th with 7,000 admissions over 6,700 for the latter. Early reviews for the Saturday openers are coming in and they do not look good. Despicable Me 2 - 25% like it Blind Detective - 0% like it, 1.8/5 Midsummer Formula - 60% like it, 2.6/5
  10. Not really. Pretty much any film can get a $10,000 PTA these days. It's not that hard to do.
  11. Disagree on both counts. Epic is not doing well for an animated release. Despicable Me 2 isn't doing all that great either. Friday June 28 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 34,945 -- +15.5% 2 World War Z 36,313 19,639 -45.9% +37.1% 3 Now You See Me 19,096 8,930 -53.2% +38.3% 4 Epic -- 6,706 -- +31.1% 5 Badges of Fury 939 774 -17.6% +112.1% 6 Miracle in Cell No. 7 966 509 -47.3% +43.8% 7 American Dreams in China 1,376 381 -72.3% +11.4% 8 A Late Quartet -- 223 -- -- 9 Fast & Furious 6 817 180 -78.0% -- 10 The Hangover 3 2,914 166 -94.3% -7.3% Disappointing final admissions for Man of Steel. Pre-sales -> final admissions multiplier was only 2.08. Excellent hold for World War Z. I think there is now a legitimate chance it could beat Man of Steel. Wow. Now You See Me had a good hold. OK for Epic. Nice increase for Badges of Fury but still very bad overall. American Dreams in China got shaken violently by the openers this week. Poor for Fast & Furious 6. Catastrophic for The Hangover 3. Saturday adm. (so far) June 29 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 24,395 -- +45.0% 2 World War Z 23,811 10,012 -58.0% +50.5% 3 Midsummer Formula -- 6,147 -- -- 4 Epic -- 4,931 -- +88.6% 5 Now You See Me 8,733 4,165 -52.3% +38.1% 6 Despicable Me 2 -- 3,992 -- -- 7 Blind Detective -- 1,995 -- -- 8 Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge -- 402 -- -- 9 Badges of Fury 340 322 -5.3% +26.3% 10 Miracle in Cell No. 7 438 168 -61.6% +68.0% All films not released today saw weaker increases. Man of Steel's increase is not bad but in the grand scheme of things, it is not great at all. I don't know if it can pull off 60,000 admissions today but it needs to in order beat World War Z's opening weekend. Decent hold for World War Z. It was going to have heavier drops today and tomorrow so all in all it's not bad. Great start for Midsummer Formula. Not great for Epic although it did have the biggest increase. Good for Now You See Me. Average pre-sales for Despicable Me 2. Below average for Blind Detective. Terrible for Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge. They should have held on to it and release it in August. Badges of Fury is not moving a lot of tickets. First average hold for Miracle in Cell No. 7.
  12. Man of Steel - 71% like it; 4/5 rating (Decent-good word of mouth) Some other ratings: World War Z - 85% like it; 4.1/5 Now You See Me - 91% like it; 4.2/5 Epic - 100% like it; 4.3/5 Switch - below 50% like it; 1.2/5 Badges of Fury - 47% like it; 3.2/5 Miracle in Cell No. 7 - 89% like it; 4.7/5 American Dreams in China - 88% like it; 4.3/5 The Hangover 3 - 63% like it; 3.7/5 After Earth - 66% like it; 2.3/5 Star Trek Into Darkness - 89% like it; 4.4/5 Fast & Furious 6 - 93% like it; 4.3/5 Pee Mak Phra Khanong - 91% like it; 4.3/5
  13. Most animation films get great reception in HK even generic ones. Upcoming Japanese releasesSadako 2 - September 19The Girl in the Sun - October 12The Wind Rises - December 19The Tale of Princess Kaguya - January 30, 2014Sadako 2 is the sequel to the hit of the same name. The Girl in the Sun will be interesting but I doubt it will do much even though it stars Nodame and Domyoji. The Wind Rises is the big ticket item here. It's Hayao Miyazaki's rumored last work. It should do very well although right now a lot of family films are clogging up that date. 4 family films come out that week including 3 animation movies. The Tale of Princess Kaguya is another Studio Ghilbi production and could do good numbers since it will be released on Chinese New Year.
  14. June 27 Thursday Actuals 1. Man of Steel - $381,600 2. World War Z - $159,859 (-52.3%)/$3,206,220 3. Epic - $55,435 4. Now You See Me - $51,567 (-51.8%)/$2,747,267 American Dreams in China - $2,836 (-51.1%)/$605,920 Miracle in Cell No. 7 - $2,707 (-52.3%)/$145,678 So Young - $1,418 (-66.7%)/$165,016 Pee Mak Phra Khanong - $348 (-94.6%)/$1,287,902 Very high ratio in gross for Man of Steel. It is going for 2.6-2.7m this weekend. World War Z held alright and will pass 4m by the Monday holiday. 4.7m is its target. Epic did OK considering the weaker admissions. WOM is excellent. It should be able to make $350,000 this weekend. Now You See Me had a decent hold and will pass 3m after this weekend. American Dreams in China passed $600,000 on Wednesday. Very good gross overall. Miracle in Cell No. 7 continues its hot WOM. It has made over 3x its opening weekend. It will clinch $150,000 this weekend. So Young crumbled under the weight of Man of Steel. $200,000 is not happening. Special mention goes out to Pee Mak Phra Khanong, which declined 95% on Thursday. It is only showing in 1 theater and with 1 showtime per day. It is extremely close to 10m HK and will secure the milestone by the holiday.
  15. Friday adm. (so far) June 28 Rank Movie LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 16,825 -- +36.2% 2 World War Z 12,836 6,651 -48.2% +71.6% 3 Now You See Me 5,746 3,015 -47.5% +85.7% 4 Epic -- 2,615 -- +15.9% 5 Badges of Fury 365 255 -30.1% +1.6% 6 American Dreams in China 614 153 -75.1% +71.9% 7 The Hangover 3 1,086 101 -90.7% +40.3% 8 Miracle in Cell No. 7 -- 100 -- +19.0% 9 A Late Quartet -- 68 -- -- 10 Like Someone in Love -- 63 -- -- Pretty good for Man of Steel. Decent for World War Z and Now You See Me. Not bad for Epic.
  16. No, it's not going to come near 3m. It could make 2.5m but I'd say around 2.3m because Man of Steel will lose showtimes on Saturday/Sunday. Maybe they will wait until weekend? Holiday is coming up...maybe they will start to come after word of mouth gets out.
  17. Thursday June 27 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 30,254 -- 2 World War Z 31,412 14,326 -54.4% 3 Now You See Me 13,664 6,457 -52.7% 4 Epic -- 5,115 -- 5 Badges of Fury -- 365 -- 6 Miracle in Cell No. 7 815 354 -56.6% 7 American Dreams in China 998 342 -65.7% 8 So Young 732 213 -70.9% 9 The Hangover 3 2,421 179 -92.6% 10 Searching for Sugar Man 155 178 +14.8% Eek. WWZ beat Man of Steel's opening day admissions and that had Wednesday night previews to dilute its opening Thursday admissions. However, Man of Steel will have a very high ratio so gross should be higher than World War Z for Thursday. I'm pegging Man of Steel's Thursday to come in between $350,000-$365,000. Daily admissions (OW) Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Total World War Z 9,704 31,412 36,313 64,800 62,886 205,115 Man of Steel 30,254 30,254 Gap -9,704 -10,862 -47,175 -111,975 -174,861 So far, World War Z won Thursday by 1,000 admissions. Friday will be Man of Steel's victory because people don't like to watch long movies during a weekday. It will see a very nice bump on Friday and overpower World War Z's Friday admissions. Pretty good holds for World War Z and Now You See Me, however, everything will take a hit this weekend. Both could still fall over 65% this weekend. Epic did meh numbers. It's not going to get a 100% increase on Saturday with Despicable Me 2/Blind Detective getting previews and Midsummer Formula opening. Terrible for Badges of Fury. Decent for Miracle in Cell No. 7. Openers killed American Dreams in China and So Young. The Hangover 3 got decimated by Man of Steel. Searching for Sugar Man did great. _______________________________________________________________ This weekend will be a bit of a mess with Despicable Me 2 and Blind Detective getting sneak previews and Midsummer Formula opening on Saturday. As such, all Thursday releases and holdovers will see a decrease in showtimes on Saturday/Sunday. Saturday screen counts NEW Midsummer Formula - 1 screen (opening) Despicable Me 2 - 1 screen (half-full day showtimes) Blind Detective - 1 screen (half-full day showtimes) Thursday Openers Man of Steel - 2 or 3 screens (down from 3/4 screens, less showtimes) Epic - 1 screen (same, less showtimes) Holdovers World War Z - 0.5-1 screen (down from 2 screens, less showtimes) Now You See Me - 0.5 screen (down from 1 screen, less showtimes) I've talked about Despicable Me 2 and Blind Detective but I haven't really discussed Midsummer Formula. The previous film, Suspect X made over 1.5m in 2008 and interest for Midsummer Formula is quite high. At Langham Place, this is doing very well. Langham Place Midsummer Formula Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jun. 29 9:15 AM 60 180 33.33% 11:10 AM 28 191 14.66% 2:00 PM 82 180 45.56% 4:30 PM 117 180 65.00% 9:45 PM 73 191 38.22% 12:15 AM 6 191 3.14% 2:45 AM 0 191 0.00% Total 366 1304 28.07% Great pre-sales so far. Other locations have seen similar business as well. This will make over $200,000 in 2 days.
  18. Yes, he posts HK BO and interesting things about HK movie market.
  19. I wish that happened here. We still got people flocking to watch movies in 3D. IMAX is about 75-85% full but ticket prices are very high, higher than Avengers and Iron Man 3.
  20. Let's see how Blind Detective and Despicable Me 2 weekend previews are shaping up at The GRAND. The Grand Cinema Blind Detective Despicable Me 2 3D Can. Despicable Me 2 3D Eng. Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jun. 29 10:20 AM 17 136 12.50% Jun. 29 2:00 PM 54 261 20.69% Jun. 29 9:50 AM 39 143 27.27% 2:40 PM 46 136 33.82% 6:00 PM 64 143 44.76% 4:05 PM 74 143 51.75% 4:55 PM 12 74 16.22% 9:50 PM 40 143 27.97% 7:55 PM 49 143 34.27% 7:30 PM 19 136 13.97% 9:30 PM 25 74 33.78% 12:20 AM 8 136 5.88% Total 127 692 18.35% Total 158 547 28.88% Total 162 429 37.76% Good for Despicable Me 2. Those Blind Detective pre-sales aren't bad either.
  21. Many release dates have been added or changed to the schedule including Blue Jasmine, Escape Plan and jOBS. Release Dates The summer's biggest animation is 2 weeks away. Let's see how it's doing. Langham Place Monsters University (3D Can.) Jul. 11 9:00 AM 8 202 3.96% 11:10 AM 12 202 5.94% 1:20 PM 5 202 2.48% 3:30 PM 9 202 4.46% 5:40 PM 18 202 8.91% 7:50 PM 112 202 55.45% Total 164 1212 13.53% Jul. 12 9:00 AM 8 202 3.96% 11:10 AM 3 202 1.49% 1:20 PM 0 202 0.00% 3:30 PM 4 202 1.98% 5:40 PM 10 202 4.95% 7:50 PM 92 202 45.54% Total 117 1212 9.65% Jul. 13 9:00 AM 32 202 15.84% 11:10 AM 40 202 19.80% 1:20 PM 14 202 6.93% 3:30 PM 46 202 22.77% 5:40 PM 52 202 25.74% 7:50 PM 64 202 31.68% Total 248 1212 20.46% Jul. 14 9:00 AM 30 202 14.85% 11:10 AM 28 202 13.86% 1:20 PM 26 202 12.87% 3:30 PM 39 202 19.31% 5:40 PM 33 202 16.34% 7:50 PM 26 202 12.87% Total 182 1212 15.02% Fantastic for Monsters University especially since these admissions were bought only by UA club members and not non-members. There are no 10 PM showings yet but I'm sure that will change with the exceptional 7 PM showings. At Windsor Cinema, Friday night has nearly sold out in just 1 morning.
  22. Don't forget to check for any discounts you might get with cards. Some cards allow you to buy tickets at a discounted price even when theaters have special engagements with distributor for blockbuster movies. ___________________________________________________________________ For those that can't access my blog, I have re-posted the June 27 Weekend Predictions here. 2013 Records updated. Estimated theater counts for June 27 weekend Opening Man of Steel - 40+ (Super Saturated) Epic - 30+ (Very wide) Midsummer Formula - 26 (Wide) Hunter x Hunter: Phantom Rouge - Holdovers Badges of Fury - 17 (Semi-wide) World War Z - 40+ (Super Saturated) Now You See Me - 30+ (Very Wide) The rest - Previews Blind Detective - 30+ (Very wide) Despicable Me 2 - 30+ (Very wide) Here we go... Thursday adm. (so far) June 27 Rank Movie LW TW % chg 1 Man of Steel -- 12,350 -- 2 World War Z 9,504 3,876 -59.2% 3 Epic -- 2,256 -- 4 Now You See Me 2,719 1,624 -40.3% 5 Badges of Fury -- 251 -- 6 Faust -- 101 -- 7 American Dreams in China 394 89 -77.4% 8 Miracle in Cell No. 7 172 84 -51.2% 9 The Hangover 3 760 72 -90.5% 10 So Young 216 68 -68.5% Trainwreck for Man of Steel but walk-ins could help it recover. I'm not going to say it's a flop until I see final numbers. Looks like World War Z and Now You See Me had a hand in muting Man of Steel's admissions. Also, the dark tone of the movie did not help. World War Z held OK. Most films will drop heavier with finals. Epic isn't doing so great. It had better Thursday pre-sales than Rio but worse than The Smurfs. Despicable Me 2 will cut into its increase this weekend so there will be no chance of a 100-200% increase on Saturday. Now You See Me held well but it will fall harder once the day is finished. Terrible for Badges of Fury. One worthy note: Miracle in Cell No. 7 had a good hold. How does Man of Steel's opening day pre-sales compare to other blockbusters? Movie OD adm. % diff Man of Steel 12,350 Iron Man 3 46,074 -73.2% Iron Man 2 31,977 -61.4% The Dark Knight Rises 38,750 -68.1% The Amazing Spider-Man 32,580 -62.1% The Avengers 47,317 -73.9% Transformers 3 44,161 -72.0% Harry Potter 7-2 62,089 -80.1% Toy Story 3 32,294 -61.8% Pirates 4 21,559 -42.7% Shrek 3 49,634 -75.1% The Hobbit 18,440 -33.0% Mission Impossible 4 24,390 -49.4% Painful. -73% from Iron Man 3, -74% from The Avengers and -62% from the much beleaguered The Amazing Spider-Man OD pre-sales. It didn't even beat Mission Impossible 4 or The Hobbit's OD pre-sales and that disappointed as well.
  23. Yeah, MoS will still be on top. WWZ will lose more than 50% of screens this week. Who says it will or that I believe it will? I am simply hyping up what's upcoming in the next few weeks.
  24. They will have to be fantastic if it wants to be World War Z's OW. Look below. Taking another peek at Man of Steel's pre-sales... Palace APM Man of Steel 3D Man of Steel Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Day Time Seats sold Seats available % filled Jun. 27 9:00 AM 40 286 13.99% Jun. 27 9:00 AM 70 112 62.50% 9:25 AM 22 167 13.17% 12:00 PM 9 167 5.39% 11:35 AM 20 286 6.99% 1:40 PM 8 112 7.14% 2:10 PM 18 286 6.29% 4:20 PM 10 112 8.93% 2:35 PM 4 167 2.40% 7:00 PM 33 112 29.46% 3:20 PM 6 98 6.12% 9:35 PM 21 112 18.75% 4:45 PM 16 286 5.59% 12:55 AM 4 167 2.40% 5:10 PM 4 167 2.40% 7:20 PM 56 286 19.58% 7:45 PM 16 167 9.58% 9:55 PM 26 286 9.09% 10:20 PM 4 167 2.40% 12:30 AM 14 286 4.90% Total 246 2935 8.38% Total 155 894 17.34% Jun. 28 9:00 AM 15 286 5.24% Jun. 28 9:00 AM 20 112 17.86% 9:25 AM 16 167 9.58% 12:00 PM 8 167 4.79% 11:35 AM 14 286 4.90% 1:40 PM 4 112 3.57% 2:10 PM 14 286 4.90% 4:20 PM 8 112 7.14% 2:35 PM 4 167 2.40% 7:00 PM 66 112 58.93% 3:20 PM 4 98 4.08% 9:35 PM 76 112 67.86% 4:45 PM 14 286 4.90% 12:55 AM 4 167 2.40% 5:10 PM 4 167 2.40% 7:20 PM 33 286 11.54% 7:45 PM 19 167 11.38% 9:55 PM 43 286 15.03% 10:20 PM 9 167 5.39% 12:30 AM 14 286 4.90% Total 203 2935 6.92% Total 186 894 20.81% Disastrous pre-sales. I wonder if 2m is even still on the table. Viewers are shifting toward non-3D now but 3D is still beating 2D in sales.
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