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  1. Normally I wouldn't write a goodbye post but I think my readers deserve one.For a while, I've been growing more disinterested with box office numbers as a whole. It's pretty much why I stopped commenting on domestic box office and stuck to the HK thread the past year or so. I first attempted to leave after The Avengers opening but that didn't last. I decided to just stick around until the end of the year and then move on. Well, it's that time.Thank you to everyone here at BOT. I enjoyed conversing and talking with some of you on HK's box office.Thanks to my readers. I enjoyed providing you with box office numbers and a little taste of what people in HK like.Giving a shout-out to Shawn. Thank you! You're a fantastic guy. Keep up the good work.
  2. New Year's Day admissions Tuesday adm. January 1 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 23,050 28,667 +24.4% -7.8% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 24,865 15,639 -37.1% +9.3% 3 CZ12 23,797 13,051 -45.2% +8.7% 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 39,502 10,832 -72.6% -19.0% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 25,534 9,487 -62.8% -7.4% 6 Jack Reacher 17,783 8,334 -53.1% -5.1% 7 Life of Pi 7,610 5,744 -24.5% -3.4% 8 The Guillotines -- 5,303 -- +6.6% 9 My Sassy Hubby 5,455 2,172 -60.2% -6.5% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,114 -- +11.8% Great for Les Mis. Pretty good for Wreck-It Ralph. Solid for CZ12. Disastrous for Breaking Dawn 2 and The Hobbit. Average for Jack Reacher. Amazing hold for Life of Pi. Not great for Guillotines. My Sassy Hubby did horribly. Better for Naruto. 2 day holiday adm. Dec 31-Jan 1 Rank Title 2 day adm. 1 Les Misérables 59,764 2 Wreck-It Ralph 29,946 3 CZ12 25,055 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 24,211 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,733 6 Jack Reacher 17,114 7 Life of Pi 11,691 8 The Guillotines 10,280 9 My Sassy Hubby 4,495 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja 2,110
  3. Monday adm. December 31 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 13,370 31,097 +132.6% +5.1% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 17,816 14,307 -19.7% -14.2% 3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 36,349 13,379 -63.2% -2.0% 4 CZ12 17,210 12,004 -30.2% -9.2% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 22,040 10,246 -53.5% -4.8% 6 Jack Reacher 13,505 8,780 -35.0% -7.8% 7 Life of Pi 6,868 5,947 -13.4% -1.6% 8 The Guillotines -- 4,977 -- -19.2% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,670 2,323 -36.7% +18.3% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 996 -- -31.5% Les Mis didn't move a lot at night but it managed to post a slight increase over Saturday's admissions. Wreck-It Ralph had a big daily drop compared to the rest of the top 10 but had an excellent drop from last Monday. Big drop for BD2. It fell a little bigger than BD1 on NYE's. Good holds for CZ12 and Jack Reacher. Meh for The Hobbit. Another awesome hold for Life of Pi. Terrible for The Guillotines. This is getting lambasted by users. Surprisingly good for My Sassy Hubby but it won't last. Just ok for Naruto. It fell the most from Sunday because it had little to no night shows and people had to work today so they couldn't take their kids to see this. Tuesday adm. (so far) January 1 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 18,059 16,590 -8.1% -0.2% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 15,075 7,484 -50.4% +29.4% 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 16,218 5,691 -64.9% +10.9% 4 CZ12 11,202 5,430 -51.5% +26.9% 5 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 21,504 4,508 -79.0% -15.1% 6 Jack Reacher 8,893 3,210 -63.9% -6.6% 7 Life of Pi 5,571 3,187 -42.8% +17.5% 8 The Guillotines -- 2,112 -- +13.7% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,162 626 -80.2% +11.0% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 384 -- -- Powerful stuff from Les Mis. It along with Wreck-It Ralph are the 2 clear winners of the Christmas season. Great hold for Wreck-It Ralph. It is resonating with audiences young and old and will clear 2m today. Bad for The Hobbit. If it doesn't make at least 11k today in admissions, it will be a disaster. After this weekend, it should be at 4.4m. 5m is going to be close. Nice hold for CZ12. Ouch for BD2. Falling 70% from Christmas is likely. Good news is that it will become the highest grossing Twilight movie of the franchise today, dethroning the first Twilight from its longstanding perch. Not good for Jack Reacher. Life of Pi did outstanding. Let's see how well this will do without the holidays now. Nice increase for Guillotines after yesterday's hiccup. Terrible for My Sassy Hubby. Much better for Naruto.
  4. December 27 Weekend Actuals 1. Les Misérables - $1,521,016 (weekend actual) 2. Wreck-It Ralph - $1,831,928 3. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - $4,165,702 4. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 - $2,133,809 5. CZ12 - $1,025,621 6. Jack Reacher - $838,558 Others The Guillotines - $181,902 (weekend actual) Life of Pi - $5,302,272 My Sassy Hubby - $1,297,831 Naruto: Road to Ninja - $32,252 (weekend actual) All films in top 5 were underestimated. The Hobbit was especially underestimated by $85,000. Clearly, it's continuing to play strongly on weekends. Nice upward adjustments for the rest.
  5. More good news for Les Mis. It will hit a new high today in admissions. It should beat its Saturday admissions with about 33k, possibly more.
  6. Wednesday. Although I'm sure some people will be too hung over to work on Wednesday so Thursday at the latest.
  7. Les Mis total actual - $1,521,016, not quite as strong as the THR report but an excellent start nonetheless.
  8. Sunday December 30 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 12,995 29,593 -- -4.7% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 17,817 16,671 -6.4% +12.0% 3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 35,164 13,650 -61.2% -9.3% 4 CZ12 18,404 13,222 -28.2% +9.8% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,895 10,763 -45.9% -5.3% 6 Jack Reacher 14,401 9,518 -33.9% +0.4% 7 The Guillotines -- 6,161 -- -1.7% 8 Life of Pi 6,130 6,041 -1.5% +3.2% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,458 1,963 -43.2% -5.4% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,453 -- +9.9% Weekend adm. Dec 27-30 Rank Title LW TW % chg 1 Les Misérables 25,296 101,051 +299.5% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 141,417 56,545 -60.0% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 46,415 54,879 +18.2% 4 CZ12 55,949 44,309 -20.8% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 64,538 39,919 -38.1% 6 Jack Reacher 46,749 33,493 -28.4% 7 Life of Pi 20,518 21,875 +6.6% 8 The Guillotines -- 21,279 -- 9 My Sassy Hubby 13,604 7,790 -42.7% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 5,261 -- Weekend Estimates December 27 Rank Title TW % chg Total 1 Les Misérables $790,000 +407.2% $1,485,000 2 Wreck-It Ralph $530,000 +12.8% $1,810,000 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $400,000 -48.1% $4,080,000 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $380,000 -59.8% $2,115,000 5 CZ12 $270,000 -23.9% $1,010,000 Monday adm. (so far) December 31 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 9,415 16,615 +76.5% +9.9% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 9,096 5,785 -36.4% -17.3% 3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 20,014 5,309 -73.5% +2.6% 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 14,029 5,132 -63.4% -12.0% 5 CZ12 6,763 4,279 -36.7% -6.2% 6 Jack Reacher 6,629 3,436 -48.2% +17.8% 7 Life of Pi 4,270 2,712 -36.5% -4.5% 8 The Guillotines -- 1,857 -- -19.9% 9 My Sassy Hubby 1,966 564 -71.3% -- 10 In The House -- 347 -- -- Incredibly strong for Les Mis. That daily drop for Wreck-It Ralph is deceiving. The week-to-week hold is what we should look at here. Since New Year's Eve is not a holiday, business is not as strong in the morning or afternoon like it was on Sunday. Also, Ralph has the least amount of showtimes at night on NYE so it doesn't have big pre-sales like the other movies. Very impressive for it to still rank 2nd and drop only 36% from last Monday. Breaking Dawn 2 is melting away. Not great for The Hobbit. I expect The Hobbit to get very close to BD2 in admissions today. The gap between them in admissions is shrinking fast. That is good for CZ12. Huge daily gain for Jack Reacher but week-to-week is not great. Life of Pi seems to be slowing down now. Poor for the Guillotines. Ouch for My Sassy Hubby. Good for In The House.
  9. Just noticed this. Wreck-It Ralph will be the first animated film released over Christmas to make 2.5m. No other animated movie has achieved this milestone. The closest was Madagascar 2 back in 2008 with 2.408m.It speaks volumes of Wreck-It Ralph's performance this year and how weak animation has done during the Christmas period. Wreck-It Ralph had to have excellent reviews, 3D premiums AND play to more than just the couples/family crowd, which it is doing, to make 2.5m. Oh, and it helps if rival films like ROTG bomb one month earlier too. I'm surprised that no other animation movie has done this since distributors and studios almost always slot their animated movies for a holiday release date (usually around the big 3 holidays: Chinese New Year, Christmas and Easter).Wreck-It Ralph truly had a breakout performance this holiday season along with Les Mis.
  10. Mamma Mia - $1,565,382. Half of what Les Mis is going to gross.
  11. 4m is way too high. A lot of movies suffer after the holidays. Right now, I'd say 3-3.5m is more realistic for Les Mis.
  12. I was expecting way more than that before it came out but yeah...it disappointed almost everywhere.
  13. Saturday December 29 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 12,301 31,048 +152.4% +42.1% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 38,914 15,042 -61.3% +7.2% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 13,737 14,880 +8.3% +30.3% 4 CZ12 15,762 12,037 -23.6% +29.6% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 19,775 11,367 -42.5% +25.3% 6 Jack Reacher 13,136 9,479 -27.8% +26.1% 7 The Guillotines -- 6,270 -- +45.2% 8 Life of Pi 5,729 5,854 +2.2% +21.0% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,346 2,075 -38.0% +15.3% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,322 -- -6.2% Sunday adm. (so far) December 30 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 7,046 15,116 +114.5% +1.2% 2 Wreck-It Ralph 8,832 6,994 -20.8% +20.7% 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 11,304 5,830 -48.4% +2.0% 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 16,316 5,174 -68.3% -13.2% 5 CZ12 6,294 4,561 -27.5% +24.3% 6 Jack Reacher 5,261 2,917 -44.6% +10.3% 7 Life of Pi 3,660 2,841 -22.4% +15.3% 8 The Guillotines -- 2,317 -- +17.5% 9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 608 -- +26.1% 10 The Last Tycoon -- 454 -- -- Weekend Projections December 27 Rank Title TW % chg Total 1 Les Misérables $805,000 +415.0% $1,500,000 2 Wreck-It Ralph $530,000 +12.8% $1,810,000 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $400,000 -48.1% $4,080,000 4 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $390,000 -58.7% $2,125,000 5 CZ12 $265,000 -25.3% $1,005,000 Excellent for Les Mis. Strong for Wreck-It Ralph. Hobbit hasn't been doing well without holidays. Only so-so. Twilight is fading fast. But 2.5m is still happening. CZ12 passes 1m.
  14. Saturday adm. (so far) December 29 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables 6,815 14,940 +119.2% +49.1% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 17,618 5,964 -66.1% +20.2% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 5,795 5,796 +0.0% +29.2% 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 10,326 5,716 -44.6% +29.6% 5 CZ12 4,315 3,670 -14.9% +41.5% 6 Jack Reacher 4,045 2,645 -34.6% +31.7% 7 Life of Pi 2,842 2,464 -13.3% +4.5% 8 The Guillotines -- 1,972 -- +33.1% 9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 482 -- -18.9% 10 In The House -- 361 -- -- Superb for Les Mis. Could be storming to 30,000 admissions today. Although it had a better hold on Thursday than BD1, BD2 is seeing bigger drops on the weekend. It will garner about 14-14.5k admissions today. Wreck-It Ralph is holding extremely well like last year's children's films. It will slow down on Saturday/Sunday due to the holiday influence on Thursday/Friday. It will still increase this weekend. Not great for The Hobbit but it will hold better tomorrow. I'm still surprised at how well CZ12 is doing despite the terrible reviews and negative stigma surrounding Jackie Chan. Jack Reacher might be doing great with audiences who see it but it is not translating to getting people in the theater to watch it. A huge disappointment after last year's surprise run with MI4. Life of Pi maintains pace with last weekend. Guillotines bombed despite playing on 43 screens. Naruto fell from yesterday but it was expected after holidays built a really strong opening Thursday/Friday. It should drop today. In The House sneaks into the top 10 while only showing in 3 theaters.
  15. Thursday Actuals December 27 LW TW Title Last Thu. (USD) Thursday (USD) % chg Screens Days Total -- 1 Les Misérables -- $145,632 -- 34 3 $841,229 3 2 Wreck-It Ralph $64,242 $116,530 +81.4% 53 8 $1,397,000 1 3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 2 $218,062 $94,678 -56.6% 41 8 $1,828,444 2 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $124,847 $85,236 -31.7% 47 15 $3,766,804 4 5 CZ12 $63,796 $59,780 -6.3% 37 8 $798,675 5 6 Jack Reacher $55,642 $44,465 -20.1% 32 8 $657,918 6 7 Life of Pi $31,858 $43,265 +35.8% 24 36 $5,154,609 -- 8 The Guillotines -- $39,318 -- 43 1 $61,921 7 9 My Sassy Hubby $20,320 $12,664 -37.7% 11 22 $1,256,164 -- 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- $8,546 -- 6 1 $8,546 Cold War $5,486,639 Skyfall $4,844,947 Due West 3D $2,479,404 Friday adm. (so far) December 28 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables -- 10,022 -- +40.1% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 14,579 4,960 -66.0% +16.2% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 3,213 4,486 +39.6% -4.6% 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 6,431 4,412 -31.4% +5.9% 5 CZ12 3,145 2,593 -17.6% +3.5% 6 Life of Pi 1,900 2,357 +24.1% -1.4% 7 Jack Reacher 2,796 2,009 -28.1% +32.9% 8 The Guillotines -- 1,482 -- -0.3% 9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 594 -- -22.7% 10 My Sassy Hubby 787 347 -55.9% +7.8% Friday December 28 Rank Title LW TW % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables -- 21,852 -- +17.7% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 35,117 14,033 -60.0% +0.4% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 8,811 11,424 +29.7% -4.0% 4 CZ12 11,740 9,290 -20.9% -4.8% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 14,140 9,074 -35.8% +4.1% 6 Jack Reacher 11,045 7,520 -31.9% +7.8% 7 Life of Pi 5,138 4,837 -5.9% -5.9% 8 The Guillotines -- 4,318 -- -4.7% 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,520 1,800 -48.9% -7.8% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,410 -- +31.0% Great for Les Mis. Not so great for everything else besides Naruto.
  16. With my track record of predicting its demise, forever.But seriously, not very long. The weekend after New Year's is always terrible. Most films drop in the 60-70% range. As for new movies coming out, lots of Chinese movies are making their way to theaters in the next 2 weeks including The Grandmaster, The Last Tycoon and The Last Supper. You've also got Oscar bait films too like The Sessions, Django Unchained, Anna Karenina, The Impossible coming out. And then there's action films like The Last Stand. If I had to guess though, maybe 3 or 4 weeks at most. It's been doing well for so long that I think a couple of theaters will keep on playing it just as a placeholder once its gross gets into the ten thousands.
  17. Thursday December 27 Rank Title LW TW % chg 1 Les Misérables -- 18,558 -- 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 32,222 13,982 -56.6% 3 Wreck-It Ralph 6,050 11,904 +96.8% 4 CZ12 10,043 9,760 -2.8% 5 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 10,728 8,715 -18.8% 6 Jack Reacher 8,167 6,976 -14.6% 7 Life of Pi 3,521 5,143 +46.1% 8 The Guillotines -- 4,530 -- 9 My Sassy Hubby 3,280 1,952 -40.5% 10 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 1,076 -- Huge for Les Mis. It is going to pass 1m on Friday and 1.5m this weekend. Its first official weekend will get very close to doubling Mamma Mia's OW. At this rate, 3m for Les Mis is looking like a lock. Breaking Dawn 2 had a good hold. Its drop was heavily influenced by the Christmas holidays but BD1 fell 66% on the Thursday after the holidays. BD1 also had drops in the 60-70% range the rest of the weekend which BD2 should easily eclipse after last weekend's steady admissions. 2.5m seems likely now. Phenomenal for Wreck-It Ralph. With that insane increase, it is looking at a weekend power-up. It should bank about 1.9m after this weekend. 3m isn't out of the question but many films see huge drops after New Year's. OK for CZ12. It will hack past 1m. The Hobbit did average. 4m will be achieved this weekend and 5m should still happen but 6m seems to be dead. Even superb reviews can't save Jack Reacher. It will sneak past 1m but that looks to be it. Pretty much the opposite of MI4. Life of Pi impressed once again. 5.5m looks like it's happening. Guillotines got run over by holdovers and Les Mis. Awful for My Sassy Hubby again. Naruto: Road to Ninja looks to be in the same vein as Blood Prison.
  18. Thursday adm. (so far) December 27 Rank Title LW TW % chg 1 Les Misérables -- 7,154 -- 2 Wreck-It Ralph 2,061 4,702 +128.1% 3 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 14,846 4,268 -71.3% 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 4,502 4,165 -7.5% 5 CZ12 2,214 2,506 +13.2% 6 Life of Pi 1,057 2,390 +126.1% 7 Jack Reacher 1,872 1,512 -19.2% 8 The Guillotines -- 1,486 -- 9 Naruto: Road to Ninja -- 768 -- 10 My Sassy Hubby 640 322 -49.7% Great numbers for both Les Mis and Wreck-It Ralph. Terrible hold for Breaking Dawn 2 but it'll get to 12,500 admissions today. OK hold for Hobbit. Not bad for CZ12. Wow for Life of Pi. Really bad for Jack Reacher. Bad for Guillotines. Pretty normal start for Naruto. Awful for My Sassy Hubby.
  19. From Universal So Les Mis is standing at 342k for 2 days. Adding in the Wednesday holiday, it could have taken in $542,000 from the 3 day holiday. When you include the previews, it would be $736,000.If that is the case, other movies might have seen a huge bump as well.
  20. Wednesday adm. December 26 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 -- 28,499 -- -27.9% 2 Wreck-It Ralph -- 23,568 -- -5.2% 3 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey -- 21,920 -- -14.2% 4 Les Misérables -- 21,305 -- -7.6% 5 CZ12 -- 18,893 -- -20.6% 6 Jack Reacher -- 16,252 -- -8.6% 7 Life of Pi -- 7,407 -- -2.7% 8 My Sassy Hubby -- 4,750 -- -12.9% 9 Cold War -- 906 -- -11.7% 10 Bunny Drop -- 786 -- -2.7% Huge fall for Breaking Dawn 2. Really bad hold. Excellent hold for Wreck-It Ralph. Although it was least affected by the situation, its 8 PM showtimes were about 75-80% full. It also had a hefty lead over BD2 today. The Hobbit had a good drop. Business is slowly picking back up. Wonderful for Les Mis although I thought it would have had about 22,000 admissions today. CZ12 had a big drop because it had a lot of 10:30 showtimes. Jack Reacher had a great hold. Fantastic for Life of Pi. This might be able to pass Cold War. Pretty awful for My Sassy Hubby after its Christmas push. Not a great hold for Cold War. Bunny Drop did good. 3 day holiday adm. Dec 24-26 Rank Title 3 day adm. 1 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 104,350 2 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 69,494 3 Wreck-It Ralph 66,249 4 CZ12 59,900 5 Les Misérables 57,725 6 Jack Reacher 47,540 7 Life of Pi 21,885 8 My Sassy Hubby 13,875 9 Cold War 2,935 10 Bunny Drop 2,319 Take in those admissions...and get ready for the holiday estimates. 3 day holiday est. Rank Title 3 day est. Total (Dec. 26) 1 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey $820,000 $3,640,000 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 $700,000 $1,700,000 3 Wreck-It Ralph $695,000 $1,325,000 4 Les Misérables $465,000 $665,000 5 CZ12 $380,000 $735,000 6 Jack Reacher $320,000 $620,000 7 Life of Pi $190,000 $5,120,000 8 My Sassy Hubby $82,000 $1,235,000 9 Cold War $17,700 $5,477,350 10 Bunny Drop $12,000 $23,000 Just when you thought The Hobbit was all but done, it comes back with the biggest gross. Walk-ins were fairly steady with 8,000 recorded on Monday and 9,000 on Tuesday/Wednesday. It had a very good Wednesday, dropping 14% from Christmas. For an almost 3 hour long movie, that is a good hold. It widened its lead on Twilight as each day passed with only a slim $10,000 lead on Monday before turning that into a $60,000 win on Wednesday. 5m should happen with 5.5m most likely its final gross. 6m is a pipe dream but if it has any more holds like Wednesday's, it's not out of the question. Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 posted the most amount of admissions in the 3 day holiday period, beating The Hobbit by almost 35,000 admissions but its low ratio and Hobbit's extraordinarily high one meant it would be the runner-up. If we compare its ratio to Eclipse's or BD1's, however, BD2's is extremely high meaning that it would take less admissions to gross the same amount as Eclipse or BD1 did back when they were released. Walk-ins for the three days were fairly high with 16,000 bought on Monday, up to 18,000 on Tuesday before sliding down to 14,600 on Wednesday. Its Wednesday hold was terrible but it will have made 1.7m after the Christmas holidays. It only needs about $600,000 to pass the first Twilight and become the highest grossing film in the franchise. It will pass 2m by next weekend and then $300,000 should come from New Year's and the remaining weeks. Wreck-It Ralph did extremely well over the course of the 3 day period. It was 3rd on Monday and very nearly overtook Breaking Dawn 2 on Christmas before leaping over it on Wednesday to land in 2nd in admissions and gross (and was within a few thousand of The Hobbit for 1st). The amazing WOM has pushed more people to watch it and that has meant theaters had to scale back Twilight/The Hobbit and give bigger screens to Wreck-It Ralph. With almost no 10 PM showtimes, the 8 PM showtimes have done very well. A lot of kids films have trouble with night shows because it doesn't appeal to couples or any other demographic besides the family crowd but 8 PM shows have even done better than afternoon sessions on weekdays in a few places. It has already quadrupled Rise of the Guardians' total in 1 week. It will definitely punch through 2m and could even come close to 3m. Les Misérables flew right out of the gate and sung its way into many hearts. It currently holds a 94% audience rating and is poised to be the breakout hit of the season. Over the 3 day holiday period, Les Mis was still in 'previews' mode on Monday so it couldn't do much better than 6th. But on Christmas and the day after, it relished its first chance of full showings and took advantage. It catapulted 73% on Christmas, its opening day, and fell only 8% the day after, which signifies very strong WOM. Including last weekend's sneaks, it has already made about $665,000...and it hasn't even had an official weekend yet. 2m is locked and 3m could very well happen. CZ12 kept pace ahead of Jack Reacher for the 5th spot by beating it by almost 12,500 admissions for the 3 day period. It had a small lead on Monday before opening it up to 6,000 on Tuesday before barely escaping Wednesday with a tiny 2,600 win. Reviews are putrid with only a 31% approval rating from audiences but one wonders if those who gave it a fail actually watched the film and didn't like it or give it a bad grade because they don't like Jackie Chan. Its box office so far suggest the latter as it has built a bigger lead on Jack Reacher over several days. 1m is happening for CZ12. CZ12 will end up with a bigger total than Jackie Chan's 4 previous films combined. Jack Reacher opened very poorly on its opening weekend and the holidays didn't help much either. It ticked up 2% from last weekend and its run over the Christmas holidays was mixed. On Monday, it was one of 4 movies to drop from Sunday. Christmas saw a very average increase of just 31% but where it shined was on Wednesday, which saw it ease 9%. WOM remains extremely positive, with over a 96% approval rating from audiences. If the WOM can materialize quickly and translate into sales, this could stay until it passes 1.5m and beats Knight and Day's gross. However, there has been no indication yet that WOM is getting people to watch this so it won't do much more than 1.2m at this point. Life of Pi continued its earth shattering run and swooped in another 21,000 admissions over the Christmas holidays. It passed 5m during this period and it played to nearly full showings at almost every location. Final admissions were steady in the high 6,000's-mid 7,000's. It had the best drop in the top 10 on Wednesday, down only 3% from Christmas. With another $190,000 in the kitty, Life of Pi is targeting another film down the list: Cold War. Beating Lust, Caution or 6m doesn't look like it will happen so it will have to settle for a possible finish in the top 5. My Sassy Hubby did extremely bad last weekend and it didn't do much better during the holidays. It had only a miniscule increase from last weekend and never reached any of Life of Pi's pre-sale numbers with its final one over the course of the 3 day holiday. It was a far cry from its great hold its 2nd weekend. What a difference a weekend makes. It will end up with about 1.275m, a good total for a long overdue sequel. Cold War charged on with only one thing on its mind: to pass 5.5m. After the 3-day period, 5.5m looks bleaker than before. It fell in admissions from last weekend and had the worst holds in the top 10 on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. 5.5m is still going to happen although it will be a little harder now considering how weak it did over the holidays. With New Year's upcoming, it has one more chance before the onslaught of Chinese movies kills it off. Bunny Drop's performance has been Jekyll and Hyde. One day, it holds great, the next, it does poorly. Its performance over the holidays didn't impress. If anything, its holds look as if its not helped by the holidays which is quite bizarre. Last weekend, Saturday was its best day but it took Sunday off as it fell down a rabbit hole and lost 11% of its Saturday business. It could make its way to about $45,000-$50,000.
  21. I've gotta give props to Colm Wilkinson (as the Bishop). He was also amazing.
  22. You know what would be awesome? If Wreck-It Ralph was the #1 film on Thursday. Because it could totally happen.
  23. Thursday schedules Pacific Place New Holdovers Leaving Les Misérables - 5 showings Wreck-It Ralph (3D Eng.) - 8 showings (▼ 9) Skyfall CZ12 - 1 showing (-) Jack Reacher - 5 showings (-) Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 - 7 showings (▼ 9) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D - 4 showings (-) Life of Pi 3D - 2 showings (-) Cold War - 2 showings (▼ 3) Olympian City New Holdovers Leaving The Guillotines 3D - 1 showing Wreck-It Ralph (Can.) - 2 showings (▼ 3) The Guillotines - 2 showings Wreck-It Ralph (3D Can.) - 6 showings (-) Les Misérables - 5 showings CZ12 - 3 showings (▼ 4) Jack Reacher - 5 showings (-) Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 - 7 showings (-) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D - 5 showings (-) Life of Pi - 3 showings (-) Tsuen Wan New Holdovers Leaving The Guillotines 3D - 2 showings Wreck-It Ralph (3D Can.) - 5 showings (▼ 6) Naruto: Road to Ninja - 2 showings CZ12 - 3 showings (▼ 4) Les Misérables - 4 showings Jack Reacher - 2 showings (▼ 3) Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 - 5 showings (▼ 7) The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 3D - 3 showings (-) Life of Pi - 1 showing (-) Les Mis is off to a strong start. If the runtime was shorter, theaters would have given it 7 showtimes. The Guillotines looks awful and theaters adjusted their schedules accordingly. Naruto: Road to Ninja is a minor player this week. It will not affect Wreck-It Ralph much. Speaking of Wreck-It Ralph, it is the biggest holdover this week. It retained the majority of its showings at almost all locations. CZ12 will get hit the most by the newcomers. It will fall behind Jack Reacher this week. Jack Reacher was slow out of the gate but word of mouth is exceptional. Business will remain steady. Breaking Dawn 2 has looked erratic on Thursday and Friday. Some places are reporting very high pre-sales while it lags behind Wreck-It Ralph, Les Mis and The Hobbit at others. The Hobbit is maintaining last weekend's pace for now. It has passed Breaking Dawn 2 at quite a handful of places in admissions. Life of Pi is holding on very well. Pre-sales are good. Wednesday adm. (so far) December 26 Rank Title LW TW WKD % chg QD % chg 1 Les Misérables -- 15,476 -- -14.3% 2 Twilight: Breaking Dawn 2 -- 13,886 -- -35.4% 3 Wreck-It Ralph -- 13,213 -- -12.4% 4 The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey -- 12,845 -- -20.8% 5 CZ12 -- 8,600 -- -23.2% 6 Jack Reacher -- 7,859 -- -11.6% 7 Life of Pi -- 5,058 -- -9.2% 8 My Sassy Hubby -- 2,282 -- -27.8% 9 Cold War -- 649 -- -20.1% 10 Bunny Drop -- 511 -- -1.0% Awesome for Les Mis. Very bad for Breaking Dawn 2. It will still win the day in admissions but in gross, it will finish 4th behind Les Mis, Wreck-It Ralph and The Hobbit. Wreck-It Ralph had another good daily hold. The Hobbit seems to be picking up the pace. Business has been getting better through the week. Nice daily hold as well. Not good for CZ12. Jack Reacher had a great hold. Exceptional hold for Life of Pi. Huge drop for My Sassy Hubby. Another big drop for Cold War. Bunny Drop did well.
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