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Everything posted by Ozymandias

  1. does this site have a dark mode? it really needs one
  2. But did he make 5 different posts in a row in all those?
  3. Maybe the Texas/California alliance indicates the film has other, more fundamental political things on its mind than trying to figure out the exact specifics of a potential civil war in the current real world? That would be much more preferable to the likely trite neolib bullshit its going to be, especially in an election year.
  4. Is this the prequel to Alex Garland's Dredd? Because that movie fucking ruled. The discourse around this movie is going to be amazing. 🍿 And I did laugh at California and Texas appearing to be on the same side.
  5. Re-watched all of this this week, just as good as I remember a year ago. Juiced for S2.
  6. Wtf was that? Underwhelming and even kinda cheesy? Surprising considering Fury Road had some of the greatest trailers ever, I mean look at these all-timers
  7. Lol I did look at imdb and I get what TomThomas is saying, the ensemble in this looks like they were plucked right out of a Scream movie or something. A bit odd, that was probably due to some market research nonsense. And all the Alien movies except Resurrection are good, the franchise isn't in a Terminator-like state. I did like Covenant significantly more on a recent re-watch. I still would've preferred a sequel to Prometheus(because I feel like the creative possibilities for that were practically limitless), but its fine. Covenant is like the studio forced 'compromise/correction' of the franchise like The Rise of Skywalker was for Star Wars but far, far, far less stupid and way better executed. But as far as Alien movies go, nothing will ever top the first one.
  8. Seriously, what the fuck happened to the Han/Leia, Aragorn/Arwen, Neo/Trinity, etc type romances in big mainstream movies nowadays? The new Star Wars trilogy was sorely missing that, its like those movies were made for a bunch of asexual space weirdos in a galaxy far, far, away.
  9. I look forward to bending the knee for Dear Leader Xi and our new BRICS overlords in 2035. Eh, The Counselor is all tell and no show, the opposite of film making. It feels like a novelist writing a screenplay as a novelist because it is a screenplay written by a novelist in novelist mode.
  10. I think the problem with Ridley Scott for well over a decade now is that he's become extremely efficient as a filmmaker to the point where the quality of his movies becomes almost totally reliant on the quality of the scripts that hit his desk. When you're averaging 1 movie per year(and sometimes 2) that doesn't leave you much time to breath in the pre-production phase to smooth out any kinks in the scripts or change them overall for the better. Like, he's literally in pre-production on his next film after Gladiator 2 and Gladiator 2 isn't even done filming yet and he does this with many of his films. Always at least 2-3 projects in the oven at once with divided attention. Over the past 15 years, many(including myself) would argue that Ridley Scott has only made 2 truly great films which are The Martian and The Last Duel. What do both of those have in common? They're both written by great and proven screenwriters. Everything else hes made after American Gangster has either been just okay or shit(looking at you Exodus).
  11. Not saying its not warranted because I haven't seen it, but Napoleon is one of those historical figures that a lot of weirdos idolize like Cleopatra so any movie that subverts their expectations of him they're gonna take personally.
  12. This will be the second movie I see at the theater this year after Oppenheimer because I've become jaded cynical man with heart of coal
  13. I think Napoleon is going to have very mixed WOM. Unfortunate because with those previews I think it could've really blown up otherwise.
  14. I hear a horse takes a cannon ball to the chest in this
  15. The Marvels is a funny mega bomb rejected by all demographics, especially women. The MCU is creatively bankrupt and they have nobody to blame but themselves for their quick downfall. Martin Scorsese is old and awesome. Hope this helps.
  16. Captain Marvel: 1.13 billion The Marvels: 200mish Lol, is there a bigger drop for a sequel? This is like reverse Terminator/Terminator 2
  17. Lol!? No way. Heres another: Whether I end up liking his films or not, I sure do immensely enjoy his annual 'fuck you' tours This one is my favorite
  18. That's impressive I don't even think they like it, it comes off as 'owning the chuds' You're in Europe though. American kids are stupid because our public education system has become a complete disaster. Graduation/drop out rates in many parts of the country are insane now and a lot of kids that actually do graduate don't actually know a whole lot because diplomas are becoming more like participation trophies.
  19. I'll never understand the critics on Gladiator and Black Hawk Down. Gladiator is a hall of famer and Black Hawk Down easily sits next to Saving Private Ryan as far as modern war movies go. Critics really loved Thelma & Louise and The Martian though. As for Napoleon, I think its gonna settle between 50-65%. A lot of the reviews say the movie moves too quickly between the big battles. I'll see it because I'm a sucker for these kinds of movies and because Ridley Scott and his collaborators are arguably the greatest designers in the business, but I'm really hoping the 4 hour version is gonna alleviate those issues. 90 minutes is a LOT of extra movie and apparently most of it is character stuff, particularly with Josephine.
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