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Everything posted by PatrickvD

  1. The trailer has gotten a unanimous groan from every crowd I've seen it with, so I'm counting on it to bomb. The effects look ridiculous. There's really no excuse for a movie like Beautiful Creatures to be released in 2013. And why the hell is Viola Davis in it? She should fire her manager if she wants an Oscar. Starring alongside Jeremy Friggin' Irons, the king of bad choices, isn't going to help your career in any way.
  2. Agreed. I'm hoping The Heat will get better reviews and does well.
  3. Identity Thief is doing pretty good for a film that's completely panned by critics. I guess Melissa is a bit of a BO draw, maybe...
  4. If I were him, I'd want a bigger paycheck too. And read the script. Because it better be freaking brilliant.
  5. Albert Brooks reprises role in Finding Nemo 2: http://www.deadline.com/2013/02/albert-brooks-hooks-deal-to-reprise-in-finding-nemo-2/
  6. Ah good. I hope it does well. It sucks the UK always has to wait so long.
  7. Any predictions for Wreck-It Ralph? Tangled and Bolt both opened to around $8 million around the same time. I'm not too familiar with UK Box Office. Can we expect a similar number?
  8. The international market is crazy these days. $600 million. This franchise has come a long way since that atrocious third installment.
  9. I'm hoping for a break-out hit in either UK or Japan. Scandinavia should do okay.
  10. Tangled was the exception, not the rule. It was the biggest film since The Lion King for Disney. Wreck-It Ralph isn't huge, but it's another quality step towards rebuilding the studio that Walt built. And I also see Frozen really cleaning up at the Box Office.
  11. It'll come very close to $200 million without the markets left to open. I'm very curious to see how this will do in the UK and especially Japan. Scandinavia could disappoint I think, seeing as how it bombed horribly in France and Germany.
  12. Skyfall was censored in China, so no surprise it might receive mixed reviews. The scenes shot in China were removed I read. Half of the Hollywood films can't possibly make sense to Chinese audiences.
  13. Should have seen that coming for Ted in Japan. The character's design is something Japan goes nuts over. I'm more and more convinced Wreck-It Ralph is going to break out, due to Bowser and Sonic.But that is awesome for Ted... So Ted 2 over $700 million worldwide? I say it's possible.
  14. Yeah it's looking like a late bloomer. I'm guessing it's performing well in Brazil.The UK will be its biggest market I think. And Japan could break out. Resident Evil was the biggest Hollywood film there last year, for obvious reasons and this has iconic Japanese characters like Sonic and Bowser so I wouldn't be surprised if it breaks out there.
  15. Adele's Oscar Speech would be hilarious no doubt.
  16. I wonder if 1952 will be a Touchstone production, does anyone know? It's a pretty dramatic story, I doubt they'd release it under the Disney name... Edit: I had this mixed up with that earthquake film. But this is an original sci-fi, supposedly starring Clooney. So that would be fine under the Disney name I guess.
  17. 2015 is going to be huge. This huge: (I'm gonna use this gif for everything. What a wonderful gif(t) from Glenn Close. This is what gifs were invented for)
  18. Oh There was a plot. The problem was that the plot was by the books and predictable. I didn't care about a single turn of events because I could see everything coming from ten miles. Easily one of the worst screenplays I've seen in a while.
  19. Brenda was having some meetings with Dreamworks. But last I heard she was at ILM.
  20. This is playing really well to an older crowd over here in Holland. Lots of fans of the book.Really good to see a non-sequel/prequel/remaining performing well. They did a great job with the trailers focussing on the 'epic' aspects of the film and ignoring the difficulties of the themes.
  21. The concept art for this is freaking gorgeous.It puts that Epic trailer to shame.
  22. Disney did this waaaay back with hats. 'Alice Bluebonnet and Johnny Fedora'.Looks okay. Extremely photorealistic though.
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