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Everything posted by PatrickvD

  1. If I had to guess I'd say maybe because a lot of people still work on saturdays? But i'm not sure.
  2. What's the likelihood of IM3 going down? 50%? I'm slowly becoming a believer of that milestone. Would be the ultimate crown. And Elsa needs that damn crown.
  3. Seeing it pass Ice Age for #1 all time overseas is almost as satisfying as last sunday's Game of Thrones.
  4. #1 WW of 2013 is becoming more and more likely. I love how this film keeps beating all odds. Absolutely amazing.
  5. Such safe bets. Nobody predicted Frozen to make a billion.
  6. Jaw dropping performance in Japan. Frozen just keeps on going and going.
  7. Angelina Jolie is a massive draw. And Sleeping Beauty is more iconic and well known by overseas audiences than Oz. $400 million will be possible.
  8. TF3 deserves to go down. And burn.
  9. Top animation overseas is at this point the only one I care about. That damn Ice Age movie needs to go down.
  10. Studios grow over time. They can't come out of nowhere. Remember Dreamworks? They're now relying on the big studios for distribution and marketing. So if Spielberg, Katzenberg and Geffen couldn't make it work, then what the hell does China know about setting up a major Hollywood studio? I'm very skeptical.
  11. Watched the first season. It had a rocky start, but the finale was excellent. I'm totally invested in the characters now. My favorite new HBO show.
  12. Yeah but we're kind of out of touch with Japan anyway. At least I know I am.
  13. Not a single surprise. I got them all right, because all the frontrunners won. Cate gave the best speech as always. Was secretly hoping Gravity would edge out 12 Years a Slave in the end, but no surprise there either.
  14. Great news that it's over performing in China. So with both China and South Korea embracing Frozen, it would be a big shock if Japan didn't...
  15. The problem is that I've never heard of these characters. I'm not sure if many overseas audiences have to be honest... I think $300 million might be the ceiling for this one. It doesn't have the appeal of The Croods...
  16. $1 Billion without Japan.... jaw dropping.
  17. 110 may be a big opening, but I can't see the 3-day decrease from Frozen's 5-day opening weekend. Call me crazy for sure.
  18. Momentum is big for this in my opinion. This will be to Frozen what The Incredibles was to Finding Nemo. To compare, it's the same 'double punch' from a studio at the height of their creativity, so to speak. 110/320
  19. I have no idea how well this will do. The reviews are encouraging though. They've made me want to see it (unlike the trailer).
  20. I'm much more fascinated by the fact that Ronan is obviously Frank Sinatra's son and no one seems to even blink an eye at this. Why are people even entertaining the idea that he's Woody Allen's son? And while I doubt Allen is a saint, Mia also seems legitimately crazy. Their whole family is kind of a mess to be honest. Also, this is a private matter and as long as there is no evidence to support Allen's guilt, it's kind of tasteless the way she's dragging him through the media's dirt.
  21. I would love it if WDAS did a proper Ducktales feature. Or adapt a classic Scrooge comic. Paperman style even? Rescuer Rangers? meh....
  22. I think they should do a sing-along in The Netherlands as well. Mamma Mia did pretty well that way.
  23. It was a typo, I meant $400 million domestic with 1 billion achievable. I agree $900 million is a lock.
  24. I see it making $900 million. And $1 billion is achievable. Bizarre run.
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