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Seth Irskens

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Sleeper Hit

Sleeper Hit (5/10)



  1. Wait I'm confused if review embargo lifted on the 19th of June and some reviews have poured In where's more reviews and rt score?
  2. Anyone know if there's a short film attached to inside out 2 before movie?
  3. I Wonder if Next Trailer Drops tomorrow or next week if tickets are going on sale?
  4. We had fun and enjoyed the film a lot! Here's our movie review!
  5. Is this confirmed? Where did ya hear that. I really do hope you're right. And I hope we get a new theatrical poster with it too.
  6. I wonder when press screenings begin and when does social and critic review embargo lift?
  7. Shame on the critics we saw a different movie than they did. We Had a blast with this movie! Here's our review!
  8. https://insidethemagic.net/2023/09/disneys-decision-to-cancel-woke-snow-white-ad1/ Could this be true? Anyone?
  9. I actually thought it was well done. It's better than crystal skull. Had a few nitpicks but still enjoyed it. Here's my movie review.
  10. Very Cute and Funny Film! We Really Liked it and I loved it! Here's our movie review! The outdoor lights were out due to nearby construction. Please bear with us as we turn up the exposure on editing this best we could.
  11. Looks more creative than Lightyear! Looking forward to seeing this one next march! Glad Teaser Trailers are back before this year's Pixar's movie! Here's my reaction and review to the trailer!
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