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Summer Tentpole

Summer Tentpole (8/10)



  1. If Barbie came out in 2002, it would've starred Cameron Diaz and would've been directed by McG and a actual purely nostalgic cash grab. The Barbie movie we got is very intellectual and actually has something to say.
  2. I haven’t watched WWE regularly since the 2000s. Is the product any better now that McMahon is banished? I hear Triple H did some good stuff in the farm show they had but any time I tuned into Raw, the characters just never popped aside from a few like the guy who passed recently with the mask. (The fiend?)I miss the crazy gimmicks from the late 90s and the bad asses who didn’t give a fuck like Rock and Austin.
  3. Yet he’s been screwed up twice now in the last 10 years. Maybe they should try adapting the character and leave their changes for fan fic.
  4. "I read these stories, and it seems like they're on the side of the multinational corporations. They're like, 'Why does it cost so much?' They sound like studio executives. Shouldn't people be happy that we got this money out of them, and we used it to go hire a bunch of crew people who can then feed their families?" -Todd Philips
  5. 'Can we all agree that if Trump was still President, he wouldn't have let this happen? He, alone, can save this film.
  6. People on here talked about Wakanda Forever’s drop from BP like it was so huge. Well, after Marvels and Joker 2, it looks pretty damn good to open that big without the lead from the first film.
  7. They’re going to have to spend like 300m on the marketing campaign for Superman to convince moviegoers to take another chance on DC. I was rooting for them but it’s hard to ignore 4 years of flop after flop. Maybe if James Gunn makes a amazing film, it can leg it out like Batman Begins.
  8. I saw a headline about Todd Philips exiting DC Universe after doing this Joker sequel. Really gives off these vibes...
  9. Joker throwing acid in Harvey Dent's face in David Goyer's original plans for The Dark Knight.
  10. I was just thinking in my head before I came on here, "I wonder if Joker 2 is about to be another The Marvels', pretty epic bomb incoming.
  11. Matrix Reloaded was actually good for the action. It was the 3rd one that shit the bed for me and the 4th one is just “lol, of course they intentionally made a shitty film, of course!”
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