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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. That is one thing I will never ever ever ever ever get... slash. Especially when they do it with real people. Fictional characters is one thing but actual people with real lives? Then even moreso when it becomes reality in their minds. No offense meant to anyone here that writes/reads/likes slash. Just... why? I don't understand.
  2. Her show accent isn't her real life one. Rose Leslie actually has a rather posh London accent, as opposed to her Northern wildling brogue on the show.
  3. Why are people putting things about last night, especially opinions, in spoilers still? It became free reign in here after 1am ET.They've said all season long that there are many "Episode 9's" this year. We've already had 3 "Ep9-like" deaths this season.If they did it AGAIN in the same episode, it would kind of kill the surprise then, wouldn't it? Viewers would always know a huge death was coming in 9, so why would they be shocked by it? This was it keeps people guessing. You don't know when to expect things.I'd say that's the fault of the viewer for expecting things in an unpredictable show.
  4. That's my major complaint with the show. They put too much emphasis on the KL stuff (even though I love it) and, as a result, a lot of the Unsullied don't give a crap about anything in the North. Which, in the grand scheme of things, is wayyyyyyy more crucial than whose ass sits on the metal chair in the South.My advice to people is to open your minds up to non-KL plot lines. There are some great stories there and, considering what's coming in future seasons, if all you care about is KL, you may be disappointed. There's a hell of a lot more to A Song of Ice and Fire than what the Lannisters are up to.
  5. Yay!!He's not a lot of readers' favorite character for no reason, people. Jon is a BAMF.
  6. I don't see how we don't at least get "Edd, fetch me a block." They didn't make sure to show Slynt shitting his pants tonight for nothing.
  7. Unless they throw out the whole politics part & just have the NW men name him as such right off the bat.
  8. to season opener of next year... They won't. You could see it in the preview. There'd be no point in it, no season conclusion for certain characters either.
  9. I don't think it was stupid. It would have taken time away from the battle, and might fit a lot better with Jon's finale stuff.
  10. They having Stannis tonight or no?Edit: Guess that's next week. Because the finale isn't packed enough already, lol.
  11. Yeah, I never heard that one. If you guys want show details as they come in, check out WinterIsComing.net. They keep up on everything and it's also made very clear when there may be spoilers. Awesome site.
  12. The fact that it should beat TWD soon is frickin amazing. The last two episodes should do nothing but boost viewership even further as well.
  13. http://winteriscoming.net/2014/06/05/game-thrones-s4-total-viewership-challenging-sopranos-walking-dead/Game of Thrones S4 total viewership challenging The Sopranos (and The Walking Dead)
  14. So it's two deaths that have not happened in the novels. Hmm. Don't they both help with Jon's election as LC? I can't remember.
  15. No. He's just about where he's supposed to be himself. If anything, he personally is a tiny bit behind where he is in the book.
  16. Well, except for Kit, all of those others are only ever listed as guest actors at the end. Not in the opening credits. Actually, now that I think about it, maybe John Bradley West (Sam.) Unless Rose Leslie is too. Can't remember.Then Mance again finally. And that's not a spoiler, we all know he's with his army.EDIT: Oh, and pet peeve... It's Harington with one R.
  17. I'm ready for the show to start giving Jon Snow his due. He should be in the forefront a lot more. But they focus on KL so much that several people don't even care about the North storyline. Considering that's most likely the biggest part of the overall story... that's not good.
  18. I just had someone on my Twitter get annoyed because next week is an hour of "Castle Black bullshit" and I want to punch her.
  19. It wasn't that the horse couldn't carry them. They knew there was no way the horse could outrun the pyroclastic cloud.There are many photos of him training for the film. You can tell they're real. He worked his ass off. Check the fuckyeahkitharington Tumblr.
  20. As soon as Lamar pays the guy (or promised to) to pretend that he killed Anderton's son, the plan is set into motion. The precogs immediately see the end result, John confronting Crow, which Lamar would have arranged somehow anyway. He would have gotten John to run into Crow somehow, thus leading to the murder. He just didn't have to bother doing that much because the precog vision did it for him. Then everything gets going the way Lamar planned it. The chink, of course, is that Anderton saw his future, so he could change it.
  21. But that's the point. Lamar set it up so the precogs would show it because he knew Anderton would kill the guy he thought killed his son. Lamar used the system to set up what he wanted to happen.
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