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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. A couple if pages late but LAWL that anyone thought Blank's post was serious or that he actually typed all that.
  2. Then those are the few who act that way. There are a lot more JLaw fans on here than that.
  3. Well that's the kicker... YOU don't. Very possible that the industry may disagree with you. They might not, but we don't know that.
  4. That's not really fair. There's like 2 JLaw fans that do that and one of them (Futurist) hasn't even been here in 6 weeks. Don't paint us all with the same brush, man.
  5. Rth had said 2.1 and 2.9, so he was right yet again. Possible it makes it to 400 today, but def Friday. Woo!
  6. First movie I saw was a drive-in double feature of The Dark Crystal and E.T. Don't remember it in the slightest though.
  7. This. I have a sick curiosity when it comes to those things. Like now, I am about to go on YT to find what incarnadine is talking about with those other two, lol.
  8. Still, 1 would be more than I expected, lol.
  9. What is with the CF sell outs that keep being posted? I am surprised there are any, even with the decrease in show times.
  10. Yeah, I'm not meaning to sound angry at candycane or anything like that. I just don't like when people (I don't mean here, more the rest of the media/net) get on any celebrity any time they voice displeasure about something, even if it's just a normal human thing.
  11. What is she supposed to do? Say "oh my life is all sunshine & roses and there's nothing that upsets me about it?" Why is it that, once a person becomes rich and famous, they lose the right to voice their annoyance with something in their lives? That does not automatically equal "complaining." They're all human too, famous or not.I watch all of her interviews too and not once has it ever been along the lines of "oh, being a celebrity is so horrible, I want you all to feel bad for me, etc etc." Not only that but, 9 times out of 10, it's usually the interviewer asking her how her life has changed or something similar.
  12. She wasn't complaining about anything. I believe Barbara asked her a question that spawned the answer about how people don't look at her as a normal person when they talk to her and that just bothers her a bit because to her that's what she is. It was hardly her complaining. She also doesn't ask for sympathy from anyone.
  13. No, it's not. There are articles explaining why, but I can't be bothered to find them right now.
  14. Umm... they were all made in the mid 60's. How would you expect them to look?
  15. Those are from the HBO 2013 Year-Ender video. LQ of the 6 GoT seconds can be seen here:http://youtu.be/s0_fFzG1H8wETA: Here's HQ of the entire year-ender:http://youtu.be/RHWBZbi9vl8
  16. Wish NCW had gotten the nom instead of Dink, but Cranston will win anyway. Rightfully so.
  17. Diary of a Mad Black Woman will always be my fave. Love that movie.
  18. I get that. But then, at the same time, that might seem as an unnecessary jump away from the focus to many people. You have some that would like to see that and some who wouldn't. Hard to tell what to do.
  19. They didn't hide that stuff for the twist. They hid it because it's supposed to be only what Katniss knows/sees. Just like the books. It's her POV. The few asides they added (Snow/Plutarch, Gale) were only because they were still directly about Katniss.I'm sure the responses will be along the lines of "well they are allowed to stray from the books & should've." Which is all well and good, but I'm just explaining why they did it that way.
  20. Shouldn't be any meltdowns. What did people expect? Everyone's back to school/work. They were always going to be that low.
  21. QuasiSummer + 1 whole year if adjustment + 3D. Let's keep perspective.
  22. Oh, I always use the mobile version so I don't see that.
  23. Yeah, I was about to tell people that they can hide all signatures.Go to the Ignore Preferences page and check the " Ignore all signatures when reading topics and personal messages" box at the top.
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