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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. I know, I go to both of those places all the time. But admittedly I don't go into that many threads at westeros because so many of the people are infuriating, lol. So I probably missed the threads that had those people in it.
  2. WHAT?!?? Now I've been to a lot of GoT places but thankfully I've managed to avoid those lunatics.
  3. Can I just say "SanSan" ??? Ugh. Just... eww.Actually one ship I'd love is Because yes.
  4. Conan O'Brien tweeted about his. I'm sure Seth MacFarlane will get one (huge GoT fanboy) and tweet about it.But MGS is right, not a lot of A-listers on Twitter that tweet much.
  5. HBO seems to be sending thatspecial box to every celebrity who's openly declared their love for GoT. It is a wooden box with "House *insert celebrity's last name here* " inscribed on the top and inside are the Season 1 and Season 2 blu-ray box sets, a couple of collectibles and a T-shirt with that "House *insert name* " on it. Interesting marketing concept. Everyone who's gotten one so far seems to have tweeted about it, lol. Anna Kendrick isn't the only one. Mindy Kaling, Scott Ian, Michael K Williams, Steve Harvey, and some more I can't remember. AND, if you look on the @GameofThrones twitter timeline, they're asking several other celebs (Jon Favreau, Seth Rogen, etc) to follow them so they can DM them, probably about sending them a box.
  6. This is completely awesome, lol. Not an official promo, if you couldn't tell by the obvious nature of it.
  7. First half was awesome, but the two skits after Weekend Update sucked.
  8. I know. I was like... Snow, a LOT of people will die if you give them the dagger. So your choice is 1 or 50+
  9. Hence why she said "was" dating for a long time.
  10. Season 3 character posters have been released. I'm not posting all of the actual images because there are too many. But here are a few examples: Tyrion: Jon: Arya: See all 12 of them, including Tyrion, Sansa, Arya, Catelyn, Robb, the Hound, Joffrey, Cersei, Daenerys, Jon, Jaime & Bran, here: http://winteriscoming.net/2013/03/game-of-thrones-season-3-character-posters/
  11. Yeah, that's why I was like ??? at why Ep 1 S3 is titled that. But you're probably right.
  12. Not exactly sure what 1 and 3 could be, but the others are obvious to book readers.
  13. Extended trailer, twice as long as the first version, to be on HBO this Sunday night. Expect on their YouTube page within next couple of days.
  14. Yes, but there are several other threads for that. This is supposed to be your "favorite" moments, not yet another discussion on whom or what we thought should win.
  15. It will only matter for Walking Dead. HBO & other premiums have their ratings reported as the full week over all formats & airings. They use total viewers, not just initial airing. AMC, on the other hand, doesn't.For instance, GoT S2's ratings are reported as 10.3 mill viewers per episode. But the most that ever watched the first airing was 4.2mil for the season finale. So normally only around 1/3-1/2 of the show's viewers watch the original 9pm Sunday show.
  16. Well, the problem is that the Walking Dead season finale is on at the exact same time as this season premiere. So the initial viewing ratings will be down. BUT the repeat, HBOGo & On Demand will be higher than usual.
  17. Please put that post in spoilers, bed. Especially the first paragraph.
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