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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. There are still 2 books to be written & released, so we have no idea who will survive the entire saga. But, if you really want to know... You don't think Cersei emotes? I think you're the first person I've ever heard to say that. Jon doesn't, but he's not supposed to. Jon the book character keeps most of his thoughts and feelings inside. He's a lot like Ned in that respect and Kit portrays him that way.
  2. I think that's a teaser poster. Not sure though. Trailer #1 (60 seconds) for Season 3 premieres TONIGHT (Fri 2/22) on Jimmy Kimmel. Then directly after the east coast airing on the GoT YouTube channel and other sites.
  3. I don't know why it defaults to alphabetical now, but if you click on the "recently updated" button at the top, it gets it back to normal. Until you go out of this forum then it defaults back to alpha.
  4. I can't stop watching and cracking up at this.
  5. Some of those are kinda ... huh? lol But most of them are definitely good ones. I think that The Color Purple going 0-fer should be on there.
  6. Ppl always talk about the last 3rd of SLP like it's so horrible. I'm curious as to how all of you incredible screenwriters would have ended it. I feel that if it ended any differently, the general audience would have been pissed.It seems that only film snobs are pissed that it was so "cliche."
  7. I just bought Argo at Walgreens today. I saw it and was like !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY IS THIS TWO WEEKS EARLY?!?! GO, SLP, GO!!
  8. They already shot it. It only took a few days. Will most likely be shown at the new expanded Wizarding World in Orlando first.
  9. Dude, they had SLP off by a LOT in estimates. Bummer.
  10. He thought he was smarter than everyone else and that no one would figure out where they were. IF they realized he'd made them at all. Dumbledore even says that Voldy never dreamed anyone would find out about the cave even if they went to the old orphanage, or would think to go to his grandfather's dilapidated old house for the ring. He also knew that Gringotts was one of the safest place in the world so even IF someone found out about that cup he took from Hepzibah they would never be able to get it out of that vault. Then the diadem, he thought he was the only one who knew about the room of hidden things and probably also figured no one would realize he'd gotten the Grey Lady to tell him where the diadem was. They were in really safe places when you think about it. Except Dumbledore was smarter than Voldy gave him credit for. Harry also.
  11. Has anyone realized that so far this season Anthony has won EVERYTHING? It's not even close either.
  12. This. Exactly. The Thurmians never fail to crack me up. Tony Shalhoub and Sam Rockwell also.
  13. Was it just me, or did they spell a couple of those In Memoriam names wrong?
  14. I wondered how many people would be confused by the title, lol.That would be DAMIEN Lewis losing TV drama actor.
  15. Those are all at the link I provided in the first post with pics. But thanks anyway.
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