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Everything posted by cozmeesah

  1. Character X is my favorite character along with Jon. Non-book readers would probably think I'm crazy because of what we've seen from him so far in the show.
  2. D'oh!! I forgot the Blackfish! Thanks, numbers. Right now in LA they are filming the final scene (meaning the last one they have to shoot, not the final scene that will air) for Season 3. It stars this guy. Fans of the book rejoice because they know what scene it is.
  3. Season 3 production stills. 23 in total: http://winteriscoming.net/2013/01/first-season-three-photos-released/#more-22542 I'll post some of the new characters in here. The rest are at that link. Mance Rayder: Thoros of Myr: Jojen Reed:
  4. I don't know... it kind of is. But I just assumed that she was running out of the airport to go back to the village to warn them that they hadn't gotten the actual vaccine because she'd begun to care for the people there. That doesn't give us any less of a plot wrap-up than Jude Law's storyline.
  5. Already posted. merge the two threads?
  6. Terrible? I thought it was a rather great episode. Was nice to see Belle be strong and useful for once. Too bad she now lost her memory.
  7. 1/11-1/171. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire2. Star Trek Into Darkness3. Despicable Me 24. Anchorman: The Legend Continues5. The World's End6. Monsters University7. Elysium8. Thor: The Dark World9. The Lone Ranger10. Man of Steel
  8. Yeah, Game Change was really good. Julianne was uncanny as Palin.
  9. I've seen several people say that today. However, it's kind of silly. Not that I agree with some of the snubs. But, with up to 10 BP noms and only 5 BD noms you are always going to say that about 1-5 films per year. They can't all be nominated for both.
  10. One of my favorite movies of all time. Insane rewatchability.
  11. I'm starting to think you didn't even see SW. First you say it was for "SW getting dressed" and now just "a fucking forest." There were a hell of a lot more fx in SW than that.
  12. That's in JP2.I didn't mind JP3 at all, but yes, up until that ending. It was like the screenwriters just decided they didn't want to write anymore and said "Aww fuck it. I'll have a random guy in a tux magically show up on the beach with a megaphone then BAM, the entire US military shows up in Costa Rican territory. The end."
  13. I always watch this when it's on. Only thing that bothers me is when Dakota is in the car screaming "I WANT MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!" I want to smack her then.The ending doesn't bother me, because that's how War of the Worlds ends.
  14. Movie Man, I believe you're at a different part then us or something. This wasn't the start to a new season, just the first ep after the holiday break. We're in the middle of Season 2 now.
  15. 1/4-1/101. The Hunger Games: Catching Fire2. Star Trek Into Darkness3. Despicable Me 24. Anchorman: The Legend Continues5. The World's End6. Monsters University7. Elysium8. Thor: The Dark World9. The Lone Ranger10. Man of Steel
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